View Full Version : The truth about the BKO

10-13-2002, 05:23 PM
I've seen many people talking about the ICD BKO but not actually have one. Living a couple of miles from the factory I've seen around 10 BKO's at my local field. want to know how many work? the answer is none. Most of the people take there gun to the factory to the factory EVERY week and get the current problem fixed, only to experience another problem sprout up the next week.
Me and a guy who works at our field went up to the factory to get some BKO's some customers ordered, and they literally took a gun out of the box, and shoved some barrel on it. One of the four we picked up had the old style bushey stock on it, the rest having the one in the pictures.
And they ARE limited to ten BPS, not 14.6 BPS like other people say. The owner himself told us that. They can be made faster with a better solonoid and/or board, but stock, they shoot 10 BPS. period.

Mabey they were just defective, BUT TEN OF THEM? I dont think so. I just think there reject bushmasters with a better reg that is a pain in the butt to adjust. but thats just me

10-13-2002, 06:38 PM
they arent caped at 10bps. Sam at Vaporworks put the BKO chip in his B2K2 and it read 14.6bps. And the guys from ICD said it wasnt caped at 10bps. Please dont flame about something you dont know about.

10-13-2002, 06:45 PM
the only indiancreek thing id ever consider shooting is a shocktech bushmaster

10-13-2002, 07:32 PM
Why a Shocktech? I did some research for you, after you read it tell me what one you would shoot?

ICD '03 Bushmaster($619.00):
The '03 Bushmasters you can get cocker threaded and it comes with a HPR. Other than that, it is the same as the Shocktech, and you get more for cheaper.

Shocktech Bushmaster($949.99):
Shocktech comes with a boomstick, extra milling, cocker threads, a different pull pin, no HPR and about $300 more than the ICD '03 Bushmaster.

Sonic Bushmaster($990.00):
Now a Sonic Bushmaster is worth the $990. It has:
Sonic Milling, Sonic LPR Kit, Sonic High rise, Sonic ASA, Sonic Grip frame and trigger, Sonic RED Valve, Gladiator inline reg, macdev mini gauge, Custom Products 2 piece barrel, Fully rebuilt ram and solenoid, Multi function board and LCD screen, Exclusive Sonic jewels, Colour match, Full ICD Factory Warranty

10-13-2002, 08:44 PM
I know the board isn't capped, its something with the solonoid. Thats what I heard from one of ICD's techs. And yes, I do know about what I'm talking about, I'm at ICD at least once a month.

But that 03 bushy is very sexy.

10-14-2002, 07:31 AM
Yes the solenoid is differnt. In the BKO it uses a 2-way solenoid, and in the B2K it uses a 4-way. So you are going to get better performance out of the B2K.

BTW, there are people at my local field and some people on teams that use BKOs and they have worked great for them w/o problems. So tell them kids to quit messing around with their guns :D!

10-14-2002, 08:59 AM
If you knew how shocktech dealt their markers, you wouldn't want one.

10-14-2002, 10:55 AM
They must of got the 1st batch which a few had some problems with the reg. The 2nd batch has had no problems at all and works great. Guess its coincedence that they all got problems but all the people at my field who has them are all working great.

10-14-2002, 04:12 PM
i dont know who sk8dude is but i am sk8dood. anywayz, i was compareing the shocktech to the '03s and i was stating the difference between the two. and i was in no way bashing shocktech or their products, i was clearly stateing that i thought that the ICD Bushmaster was a better buy than the Shocktech.

BUT that is my opinion, so dont flame me for expressing my opinion. AND dont flame me for taking time out of my life to do some research for someone that obviously doesnt know what he/she is talking about. We all are humans, we make mistakes, OK? Thank You, and have a nice day.