View Full Version : Need advice on a hackey sack to get

10-13-2002, 06:05 PM
Ok guys, you have all realy inspired me. I want to get a hackey sack to hack with my friends. Now, im in chile, and as you can guess, every one and their mother plays soccer, and some play hackey sack. Now, i am lookin to buy a good, top quality, foot bag. I want a good one so that i may use mine, and not the other kids when we get into a group. WHat is the advantage of having more panels? What about sand over pellets? Why are the ones that are all nice so ugly in their color combinations?

THe bags i have been loking at are the bat sand filled found here http://www.x-village.com/footbags.html (its the blue and yellow one)

the juice found here http://flyingclipper.com/home/fc1_1034550222903/page/4/18

or the juice dirtbag found here http://flyingclipper.com/home/fc1/page/2/18

so which one and can you answer my questions??

10-13-2002, 06:50 PM
you dont need to buy one online. go to any mall and grab one a pac-sun (pacific sun), and if it isnt good, make a hole and take out beads. i dont know what the big deal is about

10-13-2002, 07:09 PM
well hes in chile i say go for the batone it looks the coolest;)

10-13-2002, 07:17 PM
i like dirtbags the best, a lot easier to do stalls with and such... they make a cool sound too

10-13-2002, 09:01 PM
dude, get a dream, i have one, and i have no problem at all stalling it.. its not a dirtbag, but its sooooo nice..at flying clipper of course.. get the import version though, much cheaper.

10-13-2002, 09:05 PM
o.. forgot link...
regular http://flyingclipper.com/home/fc1/page/6/18\
import http://flyingclipper.com/home/fc1/page/16/19
i was also looking into this one, lots of panels= reallllly easy to stall, plus its a dirtbag. http://flyingclipper.com/home/fc1/page/15/19

also, i just got 128 with my dreamm, could have kept going but i was so tired i fell over

10-13-2002, 09:42 PM
well, i went with a juice dirtbag, i thought it was a happy medium! and a nice color combo! lol i am shallow arent i? i hope to have fun. Espo, wat do you have? your my inspiration! lol i have no coridination tho, but thats why i wanna play, i want to be come coridinated

10-13-2002, 10:11 PM
magman, i have a dream import http://flyingclipper.com/home/fc1/page/16/19 ive played with a juice dirtbag...its sooooooooo nice.. good choice. haha im your inspiration, getting that many isnt that hard.. ive been playing for like 3 years on and off. ive developed amazing hand foot coordination, i find hacky sack a vvery chalenging sport, harder than anything ive ever played before. also, at first, its reeeeealy frustrating, but dont give up.. check out my <a href="http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=52831">hacky thread</a>

10-13-2002, 10:16 PM
got any tips for beginners, what is my objective? just juggle it with my feet and keep it up? stalls im assuming are catching it on the foot then going from there?

10-13-2002, 10:26 PM
if you're just starting-
i wouldnt worry too much about stalls... just try to kick the thing and keep it up in the air, develop some hand-foot co-ordination. It helps a lot if you have someone to do it with, it gets boring a lot less fast.