View Full Version : katana barrel

10-13-2002, 08:37 PM
anyone use one of these, there supposed to be like the psycho ballistics aradus and they only cost 89$.

12-20-2002, 06:05 PM
Can these really be a good idea? The effeciency of these adjustable barrels can't be all that great.

According to WARPIG the gap in the adjustable section is: "1/16inch and at the smallest, it is approximately 1/64inch". The gap just means there's going to be a lot of blowby.

I honestly don't know why you'd want to get 4" of good fit instead of having a decent barrel honed for say 8".

I'd like someone to do a proper study of what the variation of paint sizes is in a box and over the length of a day as temperature or humidity changes.

12-20-2002, 06:59 PM
i read the thing on warpig about it looks fairly good. but the fact if you get it for anything other than a spyder it it just a spyder threaded barrel with an adapter for the type you ordered

12-21-2002, 12:28 PM
It's a good barrel i have one(actually i have the aradus which is the same thing) I think the sleve thing is a great idea and does exactly what it is said to do.I didn't even notice that it was a spyder barrel until i read the warpig review:eek: . Now i have a cocker adapter for spyder barrels :) .

Also the katana and the aradus is made by physco ballistic so they are the same barrel under different names.