View Full Version : I Will Never Buy Another AKA Product...

10-14-2002, 12:35 AM
Here is a couple of posts I've made over at PB Nation regarding AKA. In short, I purchased one of their markers right after the IAO. (A Viking) I did so because I was impressed with the markers design after taking the Tech class held at the IAO.

Well, I've since come to find out that the software required to up the BPS from 13 to 27, turn on the warp (my main concern), and enable a battery saving sleep mode - that was promised via a letter with the new gun which stated that it would be ready in 2 weeks - is actually over 10 months over due, with no end in sight. Additionally, they use a proprietary fastener to put the gun together, and the removal tool, along with the kit to lower the LPR to use the advertised "pinching" feature, has been unavailable for over 2 months.

I will post a detailed description of the whole matter in the next few days, but for the time being, my opinion is do not consider purchasing an AKA product under any circumstances!!!!! They apparently have ZERO regard for paying customers and while quite happy to fleece you for your cash will leave you HIGH AND DRY with regard to the required bits to make the marker function as they advertise it. Don't get me wrong, it is one of the best constructed markers I've ever encountered - but the company that produces it is permeated with an attitude that they are doing you a favor selling you a gun. Personally, I rue the day I ever got involved with them.

-Calvin Ledford


A little repost from off a rant I made in another thread. I'm so disgusted with AKA right now I could kick a hole in the wall :(From their failings with the software delivery, their ineptness at handling the software customer service issue (namely a delivery date), and their inability to keep PROPRITARY AND EXPENSIVE tools in stock - that are required to fully utilize the ADVERTISED and MARKETED functionality of their markers I am at wits end. Posting here is my only release - although tomorrow I really am going to call my state Attorney generals office and file a consumer fraud complaint. This will be based on the letter regarding the software that came with my Viking. That along with the features advertised on their web site ought to stir something up.

Aaron, if you ever read this - I bought one of your guns because I believed in you and your design principals after meeting you. I've since become more disapointed then with any other poor dealing I've ever had. I regret having investing hard earned cash in you and your company through the purchase of one of your markers. However pleased I was with the design and ruggedness of the gun it's self, that feeling has been destroyed through the crap associated with not being able to get the things I need to get it working to it's advertised potential. Purchasing/owning a paintgun is supposed to be an enjoyable, happy, fun, pleasurable experience. Purchasing an AKA product has been anything but those things. The only unusual thing is that usually it's the marker that sucks - not the company that produces it.

Anyhow, I think you need to address every AKA product owner about how your company has left them abandoned. Some specific areas to address would be:

Crappy Anno jobs still appearing.

Vaporware that is 10 months overdue and counting.

Tool kits that are over 2 months back ordered, and counting.


-Calvin Ledford

Originally posted by Paintballzer
Well when i called a couple days ago to order my warp feed adapter and the LPR kits and data link (only the warp feed adapter was in stock though :crash:


I called 7 weeks ago for the LPR kit. They said that they didn't have any as they had run out of the tool (The proprietary tool I might add) and were making some more.

How many friggin weeks does it take to put the damn kits together? The more I hear about this crap the more I regret ever buying a gun from AKA. I am now a proud owner of a gun that shoots slower then everything else electronic except the shocker (opps, I’m forgetting the criminally slow Excal in last place at 10bps), that is supposed to be gentle on balls - once you turn down then LPR - but that feature is unavailable since for 7 weeks now the kits have been out of stock! The advertised feature of working with a warp feed won't work because software they promised over 10 months ago is vaporware. Oh, but I can splice into my 'noid wires for the warp - if I want to void the HYPER ANAL warrantee. A gun that other functionalities typically found in electronic markers such as sleep is still not available – until again, the software comes out.

My new mission in life is to let everyone know how bad this company sucks. I swear, I have no proof of this, but my instincts tell me that whether it be a 9/11 related defense contract or something else high dollar through the government, AKA is letting their marker business simmer on the back burner right now while they mine some other cash-cow. They are ROYALLY SCREWING all of us, and I just wonder why it is so hard for others to see. Mark my words, there is something else going on in that company right now, and while they aren't adverse at all to selling markers and fleecing customers of hard-earned cash, they have ABSOLUTLY ZERO INTEREST IN SERVICING YOU - THE PAYING CUSTOMER. I’m seeing more interest in the Viking then in any other gun right now, but I will make a prediction that AKA will never amount to squat as a real contender in the marker world – they may make a fine gun, but they’ll never be more then a curiosity. Once people see past the gun and find out how little regard the business has for the owner that will be then end. I just wish I’d seen it before wasting my money. You know AJ and TI (and everyone else who blindly supports AKA), you guys might call me disgruntled, a complainer, or a cry-baby, but were does any company get the right to sell an $800 product that is supposed be used for enjoyment but instead causes nothing but misery? I have never been this disappointed in a purchase of anything in my life. I won’t even look at my Viking anymore, which arguably *could be* the flagship of my collection, this crap bothers me so much. Where do they get the right to treat us like this? What the hell are they thinking? Why after all of the disappointments (lies in my book), failures, and displays of inability to run a business do you guys still support them? (These are not rhetorical questions.)

AKA didn’t do me a favor selling me a gun, I did them one by purchasing it – but they seem to forget that.

My 2 cents...


10-14-2002, 12:42 AM
man sorry to hear ur bad experiance, AKA should have some guns built in stock so people dont have to wait around like that, they should also have the right tools since tehy are a company selling products that they should be prepared to make.

10-14-2002, 01:00 AM
wow that sounds pretty bad, 10 months... that's almost a year. I think you have every right to complain. A part of the product you buy is customer service and its reliability. Well, I guess AKA has something to work on...

10-14-2002, 01:45 AM
had my excal since skyball 99
well over 120 cases of paint
approx 10 chops 30 barrel breaks
was down once aka overnighted me the peice
Overhalled at the 2001 world cup and AKA replaced approx $300 in parts that they had changed specs for, at there cost

Don't let one persons' bad experience change your mind
I bought this gun knowing there would be a 13bps barrier and have dealt with it. Yes it is BS that software has taken this long and yes aka has had some growing pains. I have confidence that in the end they will come through

10-14-2002, 05:22 AM
Cledford, Contact me after 4:30 PM Eastern today. I will make a call and see if I can get this rolling for you.

10-14-2002, 06:54 AM
hmmmm i like my excal even if all it does is 13bps thats all i hit consistinatley (wow i killed that word) and i think the ann0 looks awsome

10-14-2002, 08:19 AM
wow, your complaining about a measly 2-4 bps that you cant even hit?
and how can you be miserable? as far as i can tell from your posts, the gun is working exactly as its set up to, right? you also said its a very good design.

your whining man.

10-14-2002, 08:57 AM
I had a page of rebuttal...

But your argument is thin and pathetic and slanderous.

10-14-2002, 09:16 AM
Other post deleted and comments withdrawn due to change of title.

10-14-2002, 09:16 AM
i dont think my ir3 ever slept:rolleyes: , anyway your posting this on a board where everyone has been waiting for the extreeme for how long?

10-14-2002, 09:17 AM
NO its not. He's got a good point, and a point made by many other people. Listen - The emag was a wonderfully capable gun. THOUSANDS of people bought it, knowing its reputation for chopping, knowing it couldnt shoot "tourney" paint, knowing it had a few strikes against it. When level 10 finally came out people said GREAT, now my gun can compete with all the other tourney guns (if they thought it hadnt already)

Cledford bought a gun, and was told by the company it would be as good or better than the emag in 2 weeks. 10 months later, nothing. I dont get why he doesnt want to look at the fine marker, but I get why he's mad at AKA :)

This would be like an extreme owner waiting 10 months for his level 10 and ACE, when AGD told him they would both be ready within weeks of his buying it, they were just out now. It wouldnt happen at AGD, and it shouldnt happen at other companies, especially AKA who has a good repuation.

They definately need a bunch of phone calls...preferable all on 1 day....from every angry Excal owner there is :) Cledford, arrange that one ok?

10-14-2002, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Gecko
had my excal since skyball 99
well over 120 cases of paint
approx 10 chops 30 barrel breaks
was down once aka overnighted me the peice
Overhalled at the 2001 world cup and AKA replaced approx $300 in parts that they had changed specs for, at there cost

Don't let one persons' bad experience change your mind
I bought this gun knowing there would be a 13bps barrier and have dealt with it. Yes it is BS that software has taken this long and yes aka has had some growing pains. I have confidence that in the end they will come through

Other groups have accused us AO guys of defending AGD to the death - but Tom has never put us in the postion to defend such reprehensible conduct. That having been said, AKA zealots take it to a whole new level of "standing by their company." To anyone interested in buying an AKA product - I again say beware. Their conduct speaks for it's self but to review and to address some of the arguments made by Gecko (a zealot in my opinion) here goes.

First, regarding ball breakage and lack thereof. I had basically 2 issues in my first post. Lack of availability of tools required to service the marker and adjust the LPR (to unlock the truly LP operations that the LP "experts" produced for us) and lack of a software/data-cable kit required to adjust the marker to turn on ADVERTISED features is WAY overdue. To address Gecko - what the heck does lack of ball breakage have to do with either issue? They build a marker that cannot be service AT ALL (by their design) without BUYING tools from them - then don't have the tools. Second, they sell a marker that among other things has a Warp Feed uplink (don't believe me check the web site) but it won't work without the software.

To address your comments directly, I've got a Shocker that has dozens of cases through it without a single break - but you can take it apart with normal tools. I've got a Timmy that has never broken a ball either - and you can change setting one through a user interface built into the gun. IN FACT, AKA is the ONLY company that produces a "high end" marker that CANNOT be adjusted without BUYING more equipment from them. Many people defend AKA because their gun doesn't break balls. What does that have to do with crappy business practices that screw the customer?

Next, regarding the overhaul - what was it? The upgrade to the LED board and tray? Did you know that the LED Excal boards are currently ( and have been) locked at 10.5 bps? Do you know others that they upgraded for hundreds of dollars were promised the software to turn up to 13bps two weeks after the cup - and now it's 11 months later and they A) still don't have the software, and B) won't give a remote clue as to when it will be ready? Do you know that most of those non-LED boards (that were upgraded) were defective and should have been recalled?

Here are the facts:

AKA produces guns that cannot be serviced AT ALL without BUYING MORE equipment from them. they did this on purpose - because they claim "to many 10 year olds get themselves into trouble."

AKA produces a gun that they toute to be gentle on paint (both Ecal and Viking) but require you TO BUY a kit to adjust the LPR to correctly achieve this - and then do not have the kits available.

AKA produces a gun that is susposed to be able to shoot 13bps - but is currently locked at 10.5 until software is available.

AKA produces 2 guns that the electronics cannot be accessed AT ALL (unlike every other high-end electro - i.e. over $400) without BUYING MORE equipment from them.

AKA produces 2 guns that are marketed to have a Warp Feed link - That does not work without the software purchase.

AKA has lied about the delivery date of the software. A review of threads at PB Nations shows users who were sold $200 dollars worth of upgrades over 10 months ago were promised the software "2 weeks from now." Similar "2 weeks" statements have been repeatedly made at the IAO (By Aaron at the Tech class) and over the phone every week since.

AKA will not quell a large public out cry at PB Nation by making any sort of statement about the state of the software and when it will be available.

AKA has BEEN having major issues with custom anno jobs and after customers have paid lots of money and waited months for guns that arrived pitted and with mis-matched parts would only say send us the gun back. It could be worse, but they could also try to make the situation right - not just refund someone who's waited for months.

Gecko, people like you who make idiotic statements really piss me off. AKA has a VERIFIABLE history of screwing their customers on the BIG issues - the fact that your gun works OK, that on a small issue they took care of you, or that they sold you upgrades (you still can't fully use) does not make them a company worth investing in at all.

For those who think this is about turning up BPS - I bought my Viking thinking it would always be locked (although it would be nice to turn it up) but I was told it WOULD interface a Warp. Since I only play with a warp this is a major issue and is false advertising in my opinion.


10-14-2002, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by cledford

Gecko, people like you who make idiotic statements really piss me off. AKA has a VERIFIABLE history of screwing their customers on the BIG issues - the fact that your gun works OK, that on a small issue they took care of you, or that they sold you upgrades (you still can't fully use) does not make them a company worth investing in at all.

Where do you get off saying his comment is idiotic? all he did was state his history with his excalibur, your the idiot if you cant see that
his gun works better than ok, nuff said:rolleyes:

10-14-2002, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by Thordic
This post should be locked, at least.

One person's bad experience with AKA shouldn't have a title like this.

Where do you get off? These issues affect EVERY AKA owner. They are on going.

The software has been promised MANY times and is 10 MONTHS OVERDUE.

The tool for disassembly and to adjust the LPR is ONLY AVAILABLE FROM THEM - AND THEY DON'T HAVE THEM IN STOCK.



Thordic, how in god's name is this only "my" bad experience?


10-14-2002, 11:12 AM
Gecko (a zealot in my opinion) here goes

So by simply saying I have nothing but good experience with AKA products I’m a zealot? Ok so that makes me a tippman, agd, worrgames, dye, intel, VW, ati, and smart parts zealot. Whew better make room in my wallet for all my zealot membership cards. Hmm perhaps I can get some stickers for my car "I break for zealots"

The gauge frankly is not needed to adjust the lpr. Set your sidewinder at 200 and turn lpr up until gun is consistent at the desired velocity. IF you read my post I did say it was BS that the tools and software have been so hard to acquire. I waited 7 months for my tool kit and data link.

Next, regarding the overhaul
My excal was made in the second run of excaliburs. This run of excals had 2 watt solenoids. AKA found these to not work satisfactorily and replaced them with 3 watt solenoids. Some of the first run of lighting bolts had a mis drilled pin hole they replaced that. They replaced the valve spring holder simply because they changed the specs
ONCE again it is BS that the software has taken this long

Gecko, people like you who make idiotic statements really piss me off
You know I really used to like you. You made clean logical arguments that made sense. You didn't seem the type to resort to name calling over the internet. So much for that impression.
Whats your address? I'll mail you my lpr and hammer spanners. I have not needed to disassemble the gun in 6 months
The fat red headed zealot
(Pardon the spelling but you shouldn't mind because I am such an idiot)

10-14-2002, 11:22 AM
It is good to see this thread reopened. There was a couple other posts in threads now CLOSED dealing with this thread’s original closing and the topic being discussed. I feel it would be in everyone’s best interest to first READ the other posts before replying further, since the tone has changed a bit….




The reason these were closed is to prevent further problems, I am sure we can all understand that.

- Thank you.

10-14-2002, 11:40 AM
First - my apologies to Gecko. You can still dislike me if you like (I deserve it for may comments to you), but I do owe you an apology for getting so passionate about my argument that I stooped to name calling - especially the idiotic comment. The zealot thing - well I felt you were trying to argue against real issues using the old "but the gun works great" method. I could have chosen a better word. To be honest I've allowed my anger to carry this a little to far.

Second, my criticisms of AKA stand. They are public knowledge and affect all owners - if certain owners chose not to get upset that's their choice I'll respect it. I will say I did a search here at AO prior to purchasing the Viking and saw nary a bad comment about anything AKA related. I felt it important to get information that is necessary to paint a complete picture of the company (before investing 800-1500 dollars) out there. Also, I expect my opinion to be mad, let people know, and warn fellow members that AKA has shown a pattern of not being able to meet commitments to be respected as well.

Third, I feel that some sort of cover up was going here and I disagree with it. I support the fact that this thread was reopened - but don't expect me to just drop the fact that:

It was closed under unusual circumstances

It was edited to say something that does not reflect my feelings on the matter.

No explanations have been given.

The irregular manner in which this matter was handled concerns me more then any of the issues with AKA. I'd like to see some sort of explanation as to what was going on.


10-14-2002, 11:47 AM
Cledford, Sounds like you have had a bad experience and I will take your advice and bypass AKA. The funny thing is, I've NEVER heard of AKA. Not once until I read this thread have I even noticed a whisper about this company.

First impressions.....

Wc Keep
10-14-2002, 11:55 AM
i havent felt like reading every post here but i did read the first post, and im not flaming, but it did sound like you were whining. aka makes good products from me seeing what has been done with spyders and what nots. but if you are not happy with the way your viking is running then sell it to someone who will like it and go for your next marker. i can shoot pretty quick with my mag,but i know that i would be able to shoot faster if my mag had a z-grip. now tom has promised us that once that list is done he will make a new batch of intelli-z's. that was almost a year ago now and im not getting all upset because i like the way my mag performs right now. shoot ive become so accustomed to how my mag shoots that who knows if ill buy a z-grip now. but you dont see me going around bashing agd for taking their time to perfect things. and maybe that is what aka is doing.

but my bottom line is that if you are unhappy with your marker just sell it. the only way i see this being a real problem is if every viking owner did not like the way their marker shot and everyone has been waiting 10 months for that software. chances are that they enjoy the way their vikings shoot and could care less for this software. there is no need to bash a company that probably has their hands extremely tied up right now. you flaming aka will not sway many peoples opinions because there are people like gecko, and probably lots more, who have good experience with aka markers to counteract your statement.

p.s. i can rip out 10.4 bps on my mag. if i got a retro valve i can push out a few more bps. i dont find 3 bps very much enticing. why? because i have enough skill to take those 10.4 bps and lay some serious hurtage down with the best tourney players in my area.

10-14-2002, 12:01 PM
i'm not so sure that his issue is just with the fact that he can't shoot the gun those extra few bps, but rather that AKA made promises that weren't kept and the fact that they don't keep specialized tools in stock. i can see his irritation, and i doubt i would deal with this company unless they get their stuff together. it would perhaps be different if they released an update from time to time as to why these things are being delayed, but from what i've seen so far, they've failed to do so.

10-14-2002, 12:01 PM
Sorry all the thread mess up was my fault. I was closing to have time to do some edit and redirect. And just after I closed it, and was starting my edit, I had and emergency here on Campus and by the time I got back to finish up it was already taken care of by Black. he did pretty much what I was planning on doing when I got called away. Sorry but the pay here don't let me give up my day job! ;)

10-14-2002, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by Wc Keep
i havent felt like reading every post here but i did read the first post, and im not flaming, but it did sound like you were whining. aka makes good products from me seeing what has been done with spyders and what nots. but if you are not happy with the way your viking is running then sell it to someone who will like it and go for your next marker. i can shoot pretty quick with my mag,but i know that i would be able to shoot faster if my mag had a z-grip. now tom has promised us that once that list is done he will make a new batch of intelli-z's. that was almost a year ago now and im not getting all upset because i like the way my mag performs right now. shoot ive become so accustomed to how my mag shoots that who knows if ill buy a z-grip now. but you dont see me going around bashing agd for taking their time to perfect things. and maybe that is what aka is doing.

but my bottom line is that if you are unhappy with your marker just sell it. the only way i see this being a real problem is if every viking owner did not like the way their marker shot and everyone has been waiting 10 months for that software. chances are that they enjoy the way their vikings shoot and could care less for this software. there is no need to bash a company that probably has their hands extremely tied up right now. you flaming aka will not sway many peoples opinions because there are people like gecko, and probably lots more, who have good experience with aka markers to counteract your statement.

p.s. i can rip out 10.4 bps on my mag. if i got a retro valve i can push out a few more bps. i dont find 3 bps very much enticing. why? because i have enough skill to take those 10.4 bps and lay some serious hurtage down with the best tourney players in my area.
Please understand that I am NOT trying to cause a problem… but it is just this type of thing that causes MOST of the problems here on AO. Someone openly admits to NOT reading the entire thread (or post), but then goes to give their opinions anyway. Many times what a thread STARTS as, and ENDS as, are far from being the same. And many times points are made, apologies made, restating of opinions, additional information is given, etc. that would make the first post NOT what any additional posts should be even addressing.

This just sticks in my craw.. sorry. If people are going to give their opinions, and make an argument one way or the other, please give EVERYONE the respect of actually reading ALL the posts in a thread FIRST. Many times you will find that your original thoughts on the matter have already been addressed, or are no longer relevant since things have progressed to a point well past the original post.

10-14-2002, 12:40 PM
IMO, AKA has gotten terrible customer service because of the sudden explosion of demand for their product. Some of you may remember what AKA's customer service was described as before they released the Viking (I remember people raving about it, and placing it above almost all other companies customer service). Now, because of the incredible demand for the Viking, they're being overwhelmed by customers. The problem is, the company is too small for the amount of product they're trying to produce and ship. If AKA is able to grow very rapidly within' a year, they may be able to catch up, hopefully.

10-14-2002, 12:55 PM
heh what fun would the intenet be if people didn't fight over it. I do think aka owes all the excal and vikings owners something for this. Be it a free data cable or something. I think the owners as of yet have been remarkably tolerant.
Cledford you are cool in my book, i probably should have been more clear in my post. Gave me something to think about during my physics class

10-14-2002, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Gecko
heh what fun would the intenet be if people didn't fight over it. I do think aka owes all the excal and vikings owners something for this. Be it a free data cable or something. I think the owners as of yet have been remarkably tolerant.
Cledford you are cool in my book, i probably should have been more clear in my post. Gave me something to think about during my physics class


About the cable - I agree. I suggested it over at PB Nation a couple weeks back.


10-14-2002, 09:24 PM
i had 3 friends buy excals thru me and they are stuck with aka telling them the same thing, as a result i sold mine #188 because of the very thing your saying (its the principle) you cant imagine the things i hear because of it being in the indiana captains council and 30 minutes from aka
e-mail me [email protected] and i will send u my kit to adjust your settings
i agree with you but i dont tell anyone not to buy anything around here they are going to do what they want anyway

10-15-2002, 12:18 AM
Hey hey hey... I think everyone should calm down... opinions are opinions... just like politics

10-15-2002, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by Dern
Hey hey hey... I think everyone should calm down... opinions are opinions... just like politics

kinda late aren't we? ;)


AKA isn't THAT BIG guys. I doubt that they have the capacity to handle so many demands. I know that the 10 month wait is a bit too much but I understand the problems with the LPR kits.

10 month wait for new software... ::sigh:: I think they're just being lazy on that. Do they even have the software finished? (I'll make further comment when I get the answer)

Well, there is a big demand for the viking right? Well, since it was probably a big jump in sales it might take them a while to catch up. They're probably building and distributing kits and guns but can't keep up. Just like how AGD was behind on lvl 10 kits and is already backordered until the end of the year on extremes. Not all companies can maintain high production and distribution levels.

10-15-2002, 06:41 AM
fist off the lpr can be turned down without the official tools ask lifer about it on pbnation.
Second I'm sure AKA want the software out as much as you/we want it after all, the 'low' rof is still a limiting factor when deciding whether to get a viking or not.

I'm bored out of my brian over at pbnation hearing over and over about 2 markers (wow) that have had problems and the software, it'll be out when its finished and has been tested. You bought it knowing about the ROF cap yes they promiced 2 weeks that is bad but give it a rest already :rolleyes:


10-15-2002, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by P4ULuk
fist off the lpr can be turned down without the official tools ask lifer about it on pbnation.
Second I'm sure AKA want the software out as much as you/we want it after all, the 'low' rof is still a limiting factor when deciding whether to get a viking or not.

The LPR *can* be turned down or up as much as you want without they kit. BUT the kit is REQUIRED to do it correctly. On other guns (like the Timmy) there are gauge ports built into the gun for LPR adjustment. Other marker ( like the Angel) also require a gauge kit to do it correctly. (To be fair you have to buy WDP's also - but at least it is available at my local store) In short, you can crank on the adjustment bolt as much as you want - you just won't know where it is or if it right or not.

I've stated time and again that this isn't about raising the ROF on my Viking - but ROF is a BIG issue with Excal owners who are stuck at 10.5bps. We all accepted that the AKA was capped at 13bps - but they advertised the ability for Excal owners to adjust theirs. That is impossible with the current LED board.


10-15-2002, 10:39 AM
hey squeaky wheel, if you're so fed up with AKA that you want nothing to do with their products, let me know if you're aiming to sell that hunk of aluminum you don't want to look at anymore.