View Full Version : Emag completely dead - No idea what is wrong

10-14-2002, 08:30 AM
I do not know where to start on this one…

Went to the field Saturday, charged my battery on the way, got a green light.
Before the game ran some oil through my gun and chronoed, everything was fine.

A few minutes before the first game I go to take a couple shots and nothing happens.
I am in E-mode with the pin out of the battery. So I switch to Manual mode for the game, pull the trigger, nothing.

I pull a few more times and every now and then get a shot. It would be a few dry pulls, then I would hear the gun gas up and then I could get a couple shots, then nothing.
As I am doing this I notice that my Rev is not running (friend of mine wired it to run off the Emag battery).
I empty out the hopper and realize that no power is getting from the battery to the gun.

I had between 750-850 psi going into the gun (I was adjusting hoping to fix the problem) and about 3500 psi in the tank.

Later I took the battery off to see if anything obvious was missing or broken and when I put it back on the Emag it sparked every time the battery terminals touched the contacts on the frame.

So in a nutshell, no power going from battery to the gun and the valve is not recharging.

I am thinking that this may be beyond my abilities and have to go back to AGD.

Any suggestions, comments?

Load SM5
10-14-2002, 09:19 AM
Sounds like a bad battery.

As far as the gun not firing at all in any mode. Pull your valve and make sure the powertube tip has'nt unscrewed itself a bit. This happened to me in mid-game, one day, and shut the gun down completely. Drove me crazy trying to figure it out.

10-14-2002, 09:49 AM
I have not gone through the valve yet, but it is a Lvl10.

I will go through it tonight to see if anything looks out of place, I just wanted a couple AO people to think about it.

10-14-2002, 08:02 PM
you ever come play at Petty's, maybe I could look at it? when would you need the marker by?

first off, dont worry about Emode, get Mmode working...

make sure your bolt bumper is not falling apart, if it is, replace it.

make sure your trigger rod length is 2.125" and plunger rod length is 3.010"(while your at it). on/off pin length .712(sometimes they break).

make sure your using the biggest carrier that doesnt leak.(cut spring, 2shims) <--cut side on bolt.

make sure your velocity is up and your input is no less than 850.

check your o'rings

run a bit of oil into the valve and cycle it a few times(if you can, lol)

as for Emode,

make sure the battery is grounded properly and all the terminal pieces are there, in place and tight.

make sure the wires are getting to the board and check the board for any obvious burns or spots that look like they melted.(let's hope not, lol)

make sure the plunger rod E clip is on and the nut is on good

check that te plunger moves up and down freely with no catches.

does the noid' click when you pull the trigger?

check that your magnets are in place and havent fallin out or changed position at all.

make sure the hall mount and noid' are connected.

this is all I can think of right now, check it and let us know if you figured it out or you checked everything so we can try some more things....:)

10-15-2002, 08:41 AM
Let me ask you this...was the markers board still slow blinking even though it was not shooting? If so the board was getting power. Need to determine that.

remember there may be more than one issue here going on. Just because the Mod to the revy is not working doesn't mean the board on the emag is not powered up. need to determine that too. I do not see anywhere that you told us the status of the board while it was not fireing.

Also how long has that lvl 10 been in there? Your symptom of no shooting in manual too certainly makes me suspect a break in or seal issue with the lvl 10 as one possibility.

10-15-2002, 08:55 AM
Havoc, don't hold back, give me some things to look for. ;)

I did not get a chance to go through it last night but it is high on my list of things to do after work.

Also, i do not think the Lvl 10 is an issue. I already had the initial leaking down the barrel and have changed the carrier. I have put about 500 cycles through it before the problems arose.

Cphilip, good point on the LED display, should have mentioned it. No lights on the dispay were lit up. That was one of the first things i did to check power. I reinserted the battery pin and took it out to see if i would get the normal start up messages but i did not.

Tonight for sure i will go through the gun and look for problems, if all else fails i work a couple miles from AGDBrad.

Thanks for helping...

10-15-2002, 09:26 AM
Could just be bent battery contacts... use a volt metter on the batteries and see if it is in fact having a good voltage.

But the manual thing is all together another issue I think. And you rule out lvl 10 so... Is the trigger rod stiff and pressured up all the time? So if the PT tip is in place and not shooting and the front half is pressured up then I suspect an On Off issue...In addition to the battery problem.

Hate it when two or more things happen at the same time.


10-15-2002, 09:38 AM
check the battery leads and make sure that they're not shorting to the case. (I know you're not supposed to be able to short through annoed AL, but i've done it myself)

10-15-2002, 12:35 PM
I had the terminal contact on the topside of the frame get loose on my microE, this produced similar symptoms. Best bet would be to take a multimeter and start tracing back power.

10-15-2002, 09:00 PM
Get it to work in Manual. Take a stick squeegy and pust it down the barrel to see if you have bolt stick, (pust the bolt and see if that fixes problem). If it is you could have a bumper bad or a carrier that is to tight. From what I have seen one has to oil LVL 10's till they are nice and broken in. I use to have the same problem from time to time.