View Full Version : What Is Going On Around Here?!

10-14-2002, 11:23 AM
First my thread containing valid concerns about AKA was closed without explanation or statement by whom.

I then posted a request for an explanation in a new thread.

Sam Hartley posted a second request regarding the closure.

Then, mysteriously, the first thread was unlock and edited (without my knowledge or consent) and now sports a new subject line that I do not feel reflects my opinion and feelings on the matter.

After that, the 2 threads regarding whether it was inappropriate in the first place to have locked the AKA thread are now locked themselves! Again without any notice or explanation.

This whole matter stinks and smells of a sympathetic cover-up and I'd like to know why and by whom. I haven't seen any of the usual mods logged on today - and none of the users logged on are listed as mods. All of this behavior is unusual and in my opinion casts discredit on the usual great job done by the mods around here.

I have reported this and requested an investigation. I have a couple of guesses about what may be the issue but will keep them to myself. I will say this, I have been unfairly treated and AO's "truth first" reputation has been tarnished by these activities. We can get to the bottom of this sooner or later - but I'm not going to let the matter go until I see some sort of explanation.

I do not appreciate a thread being locked then edited to reflect something I don't agree with or think represents the message I took the time to post with nary a comment.


10-14-2002, 11:30 AM
We were just talking about this in chat.

The original thread was unlocked so that the discussion could continue. The other new threads about the old one being locked were locked so that discussion could go back to the original thread...

I guess any posts from those threads that pertain to the original one would be best posted again but in the original thread.

This was done by a mod trying to help out, but who ran out of time and had to leave before he could finish 'cleaning up'.

I suggest continueing discussion in the original thread and deleting this one?


10-14-2002, 11:33 AM
The first thread was reopened by a Moderator NOT responsible for its original closing.

The additional threads were locked as to not cause further problems since the original thread was reopened. I suggested that all subsequent posts/threads be merged with the now reopened thread and the Moderator stated that would be a good idea, but that he simply did not have the time to do so. He was late for other things as it was…. I can understand this.

The title change was done by the Moderator who reopened it. He was trying to keep the thread open yet not step on toes. I am sure his intent was only for the good of all. I am also sure that if you request a title more fitting of your intent and actual meaning, it could be changed to it.

I hope this helps clear up any misunderstandings. Yes, there is a problem with it being closed in the first place…. And I am sure that will be addressed.

(Thanks Manike... you typed faster than I did... I am doing a million things over here... LOL)

10-14-2002, 11:46 AM
I will refrain from posting further here.

Sorry to make such a stink - I've just never seen anything like this here at AO.

I hope that someone gets to the bottom of this.

Thanks for reopening the original thread.


10-14-2002, 11:48 AM
/me must have missed something and has no idea of what is going on and who did what. :)

10-14-2002, 12:03 PM
ts amazingly obvious who the mod was that did this. if you look closely you'll see it.

10-14-2002, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by yeahthatsme
ts amazingly obvious who the mod was that did this. if you look closely you'll see it.
Well, unless you read Cphilip's post in the now reopened thread, you would have been obviously wrong in what mod obviously did what. ;)

10-14-2002, 12:13 PM
Maybe! Or why!!!! :)

Sorry, but I do not realy know anything about any subsequent threads though. I was gone for a Chemical spill through all that but...

Anyhow lets try and be a little less paranoid here. But until such time as I get paid 45K+ a year to do this Moderation such things may happen as I do got a real job and a rare emergency at the wrong time can keep me away from this...

Sorry if it LOOKED bad... but realy now...Maybe there indeed was an explanation other than immediately assuming what you did. I happen to, for some reason, be a little offended by that. But I do understand why and will get over it.

10-14-2002, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Sorry, but I do not realy know anything about any subsequent threads though. I was gone for a Chemical spill through all that but...
Be honest Phil! You KNOW what happened was you spilled your coffee..... ;)

10-14-2002, 12:19 PM

No, I doubt I woulda needed Tyvex for that... Well come to think of it... :D

10-14-2002, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by cphilip

No, I doubt I woulda needed Tyvex for that... Well come to think of it... :D

What kind of java are you drinking? :p