View Full Version : RT too reactive? Whats the point? Legality.

10-14-2002, 02:17 PM
If the RT trigger, in full on rip mode, is not tourney legal, then whats the point?
Dont get me wrong, im expecting great things when I get LX and its certainly fun.
Is it possible to have the trigger set so it will fire one shot per pull, but still capable of a good ROF?
Does anyone know of a good technique for actually pulling the trigger?
Ive had some success, but tend to short stroke alot. :(

10-14-2002, 03:30 PM

I've got an RT Pro. With a 850 preset tank, I've never had my gun go into run away mode and I've never even tried to sweet spot it. Last time playing, against a bunch of higher end guns, everyone at the field agreed my marker was the quickest, although we didn't have anything to actually measure bps by. And that was with a single trigger pull firing a single ball.

For the tourney issue, just don't try to sweet spot it.

Depress the trigger, then release it. Repeat as necessary.:D

As for the short stroking, have you thought about getting a lvl10? I once short stroked a lot, but after learning the trigger, I haven't short stroked it the past three times I've been out. Of course, an old superbolt with foamie doesn't hurt, and my warpfeed can outfeed my firing rate 4 fold, so that's not an issue anymore. Hope this helps some...

10-15-2002, 03:19 PM
Im not used to the gun yet. I intend to get Lvl10 fitted as soon as.
Mine has an intelliframe. I can fire single shots, but if i apply the right preassure to the bottom of the trigger, it rips like a right MoFo!!!!!
I might try a fixed reg if My Govnair gives up on me.

10-17-2002, 04:33 PM
I thought they didn't ban it in tournies. I remember the rt was ban in portland awhile back at a tournie, but after it was shown that the trigger does move back they couldn't or didn't ban it. Am I mistaken here?

10-17-2002, 04:46 PM
RT wasn't designed to be full auto.. just reactive. I can shoot plenty fast with it just hard & bouncy.

10-19-2002, 03:19 AM
Exactly, the RT Mags are not RT Tippmans. they were designed to be fast semi-autos that push your finger back. Do not try to use it as a full auto

10-19-2002, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by razamatraz
Exactly, the RT Mags are not RT Tippmans. they were designed to be fast semi-autos that push your finger back. Do not try to use it as a full auto

Hey Raza are you saying that we can't sweetspot it? I'm not sure how you can get it to fire full auto not that I would want to anyway. I can rip mine pretty good and even sweetspot it now where it bounces back off my finger.

Oh yeah its cool to see more mag users out in Alberta i thought there wasn't many of us in Alberta at all thought it was all timmies.

10-20-2002, 08:05 PM
my rt pro shoots to fast i have a warp on it and it out shots the warp ...is ther a way to make it not shoot so fast:mad:

10-20-2002, 09:48 PM
You can sweetspot it, but it was not designed to fire the way people are describing here. The reactivity lets you really wail on the trigger. As for timmies, they seem to be a Calgary thing. this is Angel country up here with a few cockers, Matrices and A growing group of loyal Mag users.

10-21-2002, 03:27 AM
Originally posted by some1better
my rt pro shoots to fast i have a warp on it and it out shots the warp ...is ther a way to make it not shoot so fast:mad:

Wait just a second now.... You want your Pro to shoot slower? Stop pulling the trigger so fast:D

However, I don't really think it could outshoot your warp if you wanted it to. Warps can feed at about 20 bps, if I'm not mistaken (about what mine was feeding at with my 9V on it). You may however be outshooting the hopper you have on your warp, esp. if you're 'outshooting the warp' and have it tilted. The warp can only feed as fast as the hopper supplies it with PBs. I only have a 9V revvy on my warp, and I have yet to have any feeding problems whatsoever.

(Now, if you were joking around, disregard this post, but if you weren't, let's get your problem fixed for ya.)

10-21-2002, 08:12 PM
the sweet spot in my trigger is crazy fast it chopes like no other from the first day.me and my friend both orderd 2 RTs and both had warps and both had the same prob. but if you pull the trigger all the way back it wont chop but if u pull it slowly at all it will react and chop. we both had the warp intelli or hopper intelli and my friend got a lvl 10 and he choped ?:(