View Full Version : Playing tips

10-14-2002, 09:52 PM
Moss, Angry man and I played a good amount of paintball today and I found one of my major weaknesses is solitude.

Whenever I’m the last on the field i panic and can never get someone out, even when its just 2 on 2. Could I get some tips as to how to play defensively (or offensively) to keep them in check. It’s really hard to play when you have multiple people on your bunker.

10-14-2002, 10:11 PM
Hehe...thats exactly the oppossite of my problem... I play great when its about 1v3 or something, but not as good with vise versa. Panic is a good thing, I think. It makes you nervous and you play more agressively. Dont make any moves. Just look, and shoot at where they are at NONSTOP. If they pin you in, you are bunkered. You have to keep THEM down. Just hold them for as long as you can, even if you dont get any elliminations. If they pin you down, get on your knees and barely peek out every so often to make sure they arent gonna bunker your a$$. If you wear them down to a 1v1 situation, get the flag! Well, thats my two cents, hope it almost kinda helps (probly wont, I write like crap when I got something on my mind) and if you dont think it works, ask me to tell you a story....gotta million...:rolleyes:

10-14-2002, 10:13 PM
hehe...I am either (usually) one of the first, or the very last. Keep in mind, if you are last man out, they are gonna bunker ya. With that in mind, play aggressively; 2 on 1, put fire onto both bunkers, rushing one. Bunker him, then, keep playing from there. If youre gonna go out, do it on your terms. And, sometimes you get lucky, and get em both!
This isnt guaranteed to work; if it does, probably wont work twice. If it DOES work twice, you are sandbagging and should be ashamed of yourself!!! :D

John Molloy
10-14-2002, 10:32 PM
Its happened to me a few times and I find the best tactic is to pour paint on 'em and get their heads in then move bunker wait for 'em to rain on your old bunker and pick one off. The remaining player will be put off by this thinking their is more than one of you (now he's paniking) when he stopps shooting to pot up move again get as far down the field as poss in 3 seconds (reaction time pot fill time and run time factored in) then wait for him to shoot your old bunker (again:D ) and bunker him. Easy to say but execution is hard so PRACTICE the move's another good drill is back player rains paint on bunker and bunker monkey runs in stop only long enough for him to run under your paint and pop-pop bunkered player.

10-14-2002, 11:28 PM
When I'm last left... usually means I'm dead... :) However, this is a great excuse to try to do the unexpected.

Sometimes they become over confident and become careless... or susceptible to sneaky moves.

10-14-2002, 11:35 PM
Reo5th, no complaining, in that last game I had a paint filled breach, low paint, a jammed eggolution, you pinning me from the left and matt shooting about 340fps at me from 20 feet away from the right. I've got a nice bruise to show for it. but ya...when it gets down to that situation I'm basically dead :)

Nice playin with ya today

10-14-2002, 11:40 PM
Thanks for your your tips guys...and thanks moss for playing today, a real pleasure. I can't wait til next weekend so i can drop some ownage on matt. and i swear i'll fix the chrono tomorrow.

10-15-2002, 07:48 AM
well all you need to do is relax, their gonna either
A.Pinch you out and have someone work you from across the field or
B. bunker you

you need to take a breath chill and let them know you own the field and if they dont get off it your gonna start charging rent, make sure you DONT get tunnel vision keep looking out both sides of the bunker and try to keep track of all the players all of the time if you see that they are bothe playing defesivley fire a couple of streams at bothe of their bunkers and for gods sake run man run like youve never run before. If they didnt see you you should have an advatage but it will be gone before you know it so capitilize on em run up and bunker one or sweep up the side. watch for shadows, its very reveiling, or fake em out scream out for your other teammates like they are still there, say you outa paint so they rush you, then pop em, but for all things that are just and right in this world do not let off the trigger!:D

10-15-2002, 09:31 AM
I agree with dansim,

If you just stay in your bunker... you're as good as bunkered. You have to move. You have to make them lose sight of you. After all.. one person is harder to find than two. Don't think of it as being outnumbered. Think of it as wide-target selection ;). I know about 3 weeks ago.. it was 1v3 me being the last guy on the field. I eliminated all but one as I ran out of paint.. but I'd rather go out empty then go out getting bunkered!

You have to be alert. When you go between bunkers, keep supressing each at their bunker. Alternate 5 shot bursts between bunkers till you get to yours. Then disappear, but keep a watchful eye. If you're good enough they'll still think you're at your old bunker.. then it's like shooting fish in a bucket..

10-15-2002, 09:42 AM
If they do get you pinned into your bunker, make sure you play every possible angle out of that bunker. If you shoot out of the left side constantly, you'll get bunkered on the right pretty quick. Play the right, and get bunkered on the left.

You need to play both sides, and quickly. Snapshoot 3 balls out the left, move to the right, snap off some more shots. Drop to a knee, snap off some more, go to the left, snap off some more. Keep working both sides of the bunker, low and high. If its a timed game, you may be able to stall till time runs out and earn the draw.

But as they said, if its 3vs1, and you KNOW it, you have an advantage for a few seconds usually. Pretty often, even if the other team is PRETTY sure you're the last guy left, they are hesitant to move up in case there is someone else. So you can use that time to keep moving, change bunkers, and yell to imaginary teammates. "Hold on Tony, he's coming around to your left. In your mirror, Tony, hes in your mirror!"

I've seen games where it is 3 vs 1, and the guy by himself managed to keep one of the opposing teams players laying paint on an empty bunker. He eventually lost, but he effectively lost a 2v1 instead of a 3v1 because he took that one player shooting at the empty bunker out of the game.

10-15-2002, 11:22 AM
Last saturday at the 3 man tourny on long island me and my brother got out somehow. Don't remember how. Our last teammate was left in back corner can. He knew where everyone is. It was a 1v3. YOu have to look around and see where everyone is. IF you have to move then move. Keep alert and keep pinning them down til your down to 1v1. Pretty much what everyone else said before me. Don't panic, show them what you and your team is made of.

10-15-2002, 01:02 PM
too bad im not on the tourney scene...YET
i play woodsball, and i remember when it was 2v3, i goggle-shot the best kid in the first five minutes, and made it even. then my partner got out, and it was 1v2. my partner said to not let them gain ground, but i let them gain ground and used it to my advantage, travelled in a river around them navy SEAL-style, took one of them out, and the other ran out of paintballs.

too bad there are no rivers in real fields...

10-15-2002, 03:26 PM
thanks for the tips guys...you've got me really psyched for next game!

10-15-2002, 06:46 PM
just scream "b!@#& this is my Field get the PIE off!" simple as that;)

10-15-2002, 08:46 PM
Shoot at one guy and run in a diagonal line towards the other looking for the bunker move. Quickness pays off in this situation. Also try to switch bunkers quickly when they are not looking. Best way to tell if oyu tricked them is if a string of paint flys by and hits your old bunker.

10-15-2002, 08:55 PM
dont let them do you like a dog is all. dont cower in the corner, fight back! make agressive moves... iv held off 3 kids w/ semi's with nothing but my pump no paint and a little co2.

10-15-2002, 10:31 PM
I agree with the others, you should shoot and move. Don't get stuck on one side of the bunker or the other and try to move laterally so as to "narrow the field". In other words if you can make it to a tape line you don't have to watch as much area on one side, thus allowing you to better protect yourself and have a more focused field of view when advancing. Don't forget that most players are right handed and tend to shoot more from the right side of their bunkers as well as advance in that direction. If you can move to their left, you will often be able to use their own bunkers to create blind spots. Move to flank if at all possible and advance. Don't be afraid to shoot out one side while peaking around the other side. Do not allow your barrel to stay sticking out one side of the bunker and don't be afraid to make a quick peak over the top, just not often or more than once per bunker if you can help it.

Good hunting,