View Full Version : Rebel02 Electrogrip Frame Question

10-15-2002, 06:29 AM
I am fairly new to the whole paintball ordeal, I have only played about 10-15 hours and I was looking at a few ways to increase my performance. Besides learning to slide into cover I found and electronic trigger for my gun and I was wondering if it would be a worthwhile investment. It offers Semi-Auto, 3 Burst, 6 Burst, Full Auto, and Turbo. Rebel02 Electrogrip Frame (http://www.32ice.com/html/electrogrip.asp).

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Load SM5
10-15-2002, 07:22 AM
Welcome to paintball, first of all.:)

My advice to you would be to hold off and save up for something that would work better for you in the long run that an electronic frame for an entry level gun. It will work well for a while but unltimately will begin to wear down parts. Also the other modes of fire (Full auto, Burst, Turbo) are'nt generally allowed in rec ball and never in tourneys, so they really are'nt useful to you.

I would play with what you have and sock away your money for a better mechanical or true electro. They can be had pretty cheap $350-$400.

10-15-2002, 03:47 PM
I appreciate that. I already have most of what could possibly be upgraded (useful) for my gun already. A compression chamber and a motorized hopper are really about all I can get for it and already have gotten.

10-15-2002, 04:02 PM
I sure as heck hope you mean expantion chamber.. :)
Yes, what Load SM5 said is compleately true.
I'm pretty sure the lowest cost most worthwhile electric gun is the BKO made by Indian Creek Designs. It is pretty much a simpeler version of the bushmaster.
I think it runs in the high 200's (USD)

10-16-2002, 07:21 PM
Buy the trigger frame and have fun! Yeah i know it wears down parts at a faster rate but like me, I buy a new gun every year. So, by the time your parts start wearing out, you'll be wanting something new and better anyways! Oh, even if you dont use the burst mode or full auto, using the grip will give you a shorter trigger pull so you will be able to lay more paint and keep up w/ those electro guys. If i were you, id buy it and have fun w/ it! I dont understand why people are sooo concerned with wearing out their guns. Guns will wear out, if you dont buy that electro grip, you will simply save for another gun and then your Rebel will just sit there for months and months, then you'll try to sell it on ebay for less than 1/2 of what you paid for it...

Load SM5
10-16-2002, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by Rabidus
So, by the time your parts start wearing out, you'll be wanting something new and better anyways!

So why sink more money into it?

10-16-2002, 07:48 PM
Your going to sink more money in something else anyways...buy the grip shoot the hell out of it have fun and then buy a new gun. If you save for a new gun, yeah you are 75 dollars closer but then u have to adjust for the loss when you bought your rebel. What I mean by loss is the value of it since you paid like 150 for it. Well, you spend 150 on a marker and use it a few months then you want a new gun? If you use the gun until its no more than you got your 150 worth, but if you use it for a month sell it, you will lose....too hard to explain, if you dont want the trigger frame, then save it for a mag or something.

Do you play in tournaments or want to? Do you play a weekend here, a weekend there? if so, then dont buy something fancy if you never really use it!

10-20-2002, 12:28 AM
Load, have no fear my friend: for Kitsune is under my wing.

Ok, that was just about as cheesy as it gets. The point of that is that I *sniff* witnessed his first game of paintball, not long ago at all- - - and now he's got his first gun, and is already working on tricking it out.


First off, welcome to AO. Secondly, Asking questions and getting other's opinions is a VERY good idea when it comes to paintball gear. Finding out what people liked and disliked about certain products helps you avoide the bad stuff, and find the good stuff.

Secondly, If you decide that you want the e-frame for your gun, We should have one in about a week. I believe Barry's ordering it in the next couple days.

Hope you guys had fun today out at the field. Pretty soon I'll have to get you to come out and play with me some time!

Catch ya later,


10-20-2002, 12:08 PM
Hey now, that would own. Course I need to learn to slide before I can have a chance against ya.

Load SM5
10-20-2002, 03:05 PM
Ah well your in good hands then. And as far as Carl goes you don't have to slide. Just tell him he has a speck of dirt on his shiney mag and while he's looking for it, go bunker him.

10-20-2002, 08:36 PM
ah ha ha my friend. . . you forget my defense! All I must do is wiggle the shiney goodness in someone's general direction, and they are blinded by the light.

At any rate, I thought you knew that the original shineymag has now been reincarnated as the bluesplashecliipseretromag!
(dang, that one dosent roll off the tongue as easy as "shineymag" does. Oh well)

Load SM5
10-20-2002, 09:32 PM
Should change it back then.....

10-20-2002, 11:00 PM
Actually, I did not too long ago, and it didnt stay that way. The extra shiney peices just look too good on the z-grip setup with your flames. Which reminds me. The flames on the body are starting to come off. Where can I get some of that Sticker stuff so I can cut some new ones for it?

Load SM5
10-20-2002, 11:26 PM
I can make you some more if you can fire me some dimensions. Distance to the powerfeed, and circumferance of the mainbody.