View Full Version : sage advice needed

10-15-2002, 12:23 PM
Being a daily reader of the forums, I know that I have access to vast knowledge. With people like Manike and Cphillip(our cutest moderater)not to mention Tunaman and all others. This will get a little long winded but your input will be most helpfull as my mind is left reeling.

I currently run a micromag with a smartmag valve, level 10 and warp. I run it both co2 (anti-siphon) and nitro (pure energy 68/3k steel) depending on where I am playing. On a good day I can chrono 11bps and only 6bps on a bad day. I am looking to find more consistancy prefered towards 11bps.

For Christmas my wife gave me an 800.00 budget for next seasons marker. Do I:

Mod out the micromag with retro, intelli blade, freak and better nitro tank


buy a good deal on an emag and move warp over and get better nitro tank.


buy a vision impulse and worm and better nitro (but can run on co2)


Sell micromag and use the money to step up to a new emag and better nitro.

empart to me your wisdom.

10-15-2002, 12:26 PM
Sell micromag and use the money to step up to a new emag and better nitro...Should be able to set up for a grand or so... Make the move!!!! :D

10-15-2002, 12:35 PM
I agree. Emag will get your rate of fire up with a properly tuned trigger. (Hybrid is a good thing)--Join the brotherhood/sisterhood of EMag owners. :D

Although I'm a little confused on the whole consistency term. Are we talking actual gas/gun consistency or you yourself being able to pull the trigger?

10-15-2002, 12:51 PM
On the consistancy I believe it is mostly my timing on the trigger or input pressure, I'm not sure. Higher input pressure seems to produce a snappier trigger. I'm thinking that a walkable trigger would be " a good thing" :p

10-15-2002, 12:59 PM
Try Hybrid. You'll like it. I found my ROF has increased. And that was ust my first use of the Emag. :)

10-15-2002, 01:25 PM
Depends on your priorities, if your after a ROF increase, which is what it sounds like, go with the Emag. If you want low weight, stick with the micro. Going to a retro, intelliframe and lx will icrease your ROF too, but not as much as an Emag, it's close tho.

10-15-2002, 01:44 PM
either the second or the last, either way, go e =)

10-15-2002, 01:50 PM
Well then why not Micro E!

10-15-2002, 02:14 PM
ok, you made th epoint about playing with co2 and air. i would get a marker that can handle both, as you play with both. an emag needs to have HPA, as the valve is based on the retro valve. say bye bye to co2.

i would recommend an impulse, with some aftermarket mods. an impulse can take co2 and nitro, and with a new trigger, shoot pretty freakin fast.

10-15-2002, 02:18 PM
I don't get that... Why would people come to an Automag board and not hear recommendations for AGD guns? That just really gets under my skin. I find it personally rude to AGD to come here, post on a board funded by AGD and then send potential customers somewhere else. What's the deal with that?

Load SM5
10-15-2002, 02:31 PM
Well I'm all for AGD guns and an E-mag (Micro or Regular) would be my vote, but I see nothing wrong with making other gun recommendations either. If something else works for him better than that's fine. Not everyone is going to be a mag person. We have all kinds of owners here, not just mags. AGD even sponsors an Angel forum, if you have'nt noticed.

What sounds worse, losing one sale or him buying an e-mag, hating it for whatever oddball reason and telling his friends how much it sucked, and losing all of those potential customrs as well? Not trying to bash you bro, just giving my opinion. Heck, I think he'd love a mag! Best guns I've ever owned. I can't stand impulses myself. He just may think differently, especially if CO2 is an issue.

That all being said...why does'nt my wife give me $800 for PB?:D

10-15-2002, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring
I don't get that... Why would people come to an Automag board and not hear recommendations for AGD guns? That just really gets under my skin. I find it personally rude to AGD to come here, post on a board funded by AGD and then send potential customers somewhere else. What's the deal with that?

ok dayspring, i have been here a very long time. i was under the name Cha0tic forever. i have seen many people come and go, and asking for reccomendations on certain guns. there are a ton of die hard mag fans who would only reccomend AGD markers and equipment.

if you would read the first post made by scootyd, you would notice why i would reccomend an impulse, instead of an emag. he does not always have access to HPA, and the emag (or any other mag with retro valve) needs HPA to shoot. i recommended the impulse because it can take co2 very well. i never dissed an AGD product, or said one was better than the other.

what i did was help a guy out, somthing that is common and appriciated on these forums. i'm sure that if you ask tom, he won't mind scootyd gettin an impulse. this forum isn't just for mag owners, its for owners of all guns. thats what makes it the most popular paintball forum on the net. please take time to read all the posts, and think before posting.

10-15-2002, 02:55 PM
I HAVE read all the posts. I made a comment on the fact that people recommend a marker other than an AGD on an AGD operated board. I find that rude. Just an OPINION. Not an attack, not a flame. You don't have to agree. But back off a guy stating an opinion. :mad:

*EDIT*- And if you HAVE been here as long as you stated, then you'd know the difference between an attack and an opinion. (not that length of stay means anything to me)

Originally posted by potti

ok dayspring, i have been here a very long time. i was under the name Cha0tic forever. i have seen many people come and go, and asking for reccomendations on certain guns. there are a ton of die hard mag fans who would only reccomend AGD markers and equipment.

if you would read the first post made by scootyd, you would notice why i would reccomend an impulse, instead of an emag. he does not always have access to HPA, and the emag (or any other mag with retro valve) needs HPA to shoot. i recommended the impulse because it can take co2 very well. i never dissed an AGD product, or said one was better than the other.

what i did was help a guy out, somthing that is common and appriciated on these forums. i'm sure that if you ask tom, he won't mind scootyd gettin an impulse. this forum isn't just for mag owners, its for owners of all guns. thats what makes it the most popular paintball forum on the net. please take time to read all the posts, and think before posting.

10-15-2002, 03:07 PM
Easy fella's, you've both got valid points. I am a mag fan, my current mag is faithfull and reliable and I have no cause to ever steer someone away from mags. The point about co2 being my reason for looking outside mags is exactly correct. Along with the fact that I have found remanufactured impy visions for 495.00 online. The impy at that price would allow me to keep my micromag around and I have some sentiment for the micro. I had actually been lusting for an emag extreme but my accountant (wife) only gave the go for 800.00. I posted this question welcoming all opinions on all markers that I could work with and have a solid marker once the budget runs out. Cphillip hit my second soft spot when he wrote of the micro e mag. That is out of price range to. However, if proteam would ever respond, I have heard that they had an e-micro upgrade that might be in budget. With that I could use my current valve for co2 days and the retro when n2 is available.

I appreciate all of your opinions and input, keep em coming.

P.S. Tom is my hero:D

10-15-2002, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Scootyd
With that I could use my current valve for co2 days and the retro when n2 is available.

Or, you could get a used scuba tank and fill station and dump CO2. :D