View Full Version : V-Force Shield..

10-15-2002, 09:17 PM
Good, bad?
Does the thermal coating work well?
How's the foam/comfort?
Size wise, how do they run? (Small=Bad)

10-15-2002, 09:28 PM
V-Force masks are the best (only ones I'll use now).

Thermal lense: Never fogged on me once.
Foam/comfort: It is a very comfortable mask, I'd even go to say the most comfortable one I've ever worn. Foam peeled a little bit on the top of the mask, but nothing too bad.
Size: These are pretty big masks over all. I doubt they had small profile in mind when they were making them.

I just wan't to elaborate on the lense a little: I couldn't believe how much better the lense was on these masks than a JT when I first got it. It's crystal clear, can be removed very fast (very user friendly), is thick (good to prevent cracks), and the up/down side to side curvature gives you a better feild of view without distortion. Simply amazing.

They have decent ventilation, come with a neck guard and chin strap (never used either though), and also come with a visor (handy when playng outdoors). My only real problem was the size. They weren't huge, but big enough to bug me a little (just a little though:)).

The only reason I sold my Sheild, is because I'm getting a Morph (I like the flexible bottom part, and I don't use the throat guard that came with the Sheild anyway).

10-15-2002, 09:31 PM
1 and a half thumbs up

thermal coating works wonders, the only marred vision i've had is from me sweating and condensing on the lense. This lense has been beaten up, too, about a year's worth of use, and still no fogging.

I got the neoprene-type foam in mine, and it's my only gripe. I find it's not quite as snug on my face as the soft stuff, although it doesnt get all nasty and sweaty like that either. It's not like its slipping/falling off or anything, just a little less comfy IMO.

sizewise- they aren't huge-profile, but you can fit anything under em, especially with the neck-guard (which I love, i cant even tell i'm wearing it).

By far the best part is the quick-change lense thing. I take my lense completely off between games whenever i get paint on it, without even having to think twice.

10-15-2002, 09:32 PM
I have a shield and it's great. It fits my glasses extremely well, it has a good seal between the mouth and eyes, and the coating is very anti-fog (my friend got mad at my mask because he couldn't get it to fog)

They're medium sized and they fit pretty well. I wish they fit a little better though since I tried and invision without my glasses and invisions don't have any wiggle. The shield has a slight amount of play. Also, there is absolutely no distortion unlike the invision.

10-16-2002, 08:48 AM
I've had a Mirror Morph (essentially the same mask, minus the neck guard)for about a year now and it's great! I've played indoors/outdoors, hot/cold, humid/dry.... all conditions - not a bit of fog. I find it very comfortable. Sometimes I can almost forget that I'm wearing a mask. The mask fits over my glasses with room to spare, and the vision is very clear. I highly recommend this mask.


10-16-2002, 09:02 AM
That's the bast mask I found so far.
I'll add to the comments the fact you can change the lens in 10 seconds, which is very cool to clean it.

The only drawback of the mask is the big vents on the top, in wich water enters pretty quickly when it rains.
That's the only minor problem I got so far.


10-16-2002, 09:10 AM
i love the mask, but lately i've had rather off and on luck with lenses. i have two sets of goggles and both of them got new lenses (from different shops) in the past 2 months and both already need to be replaced.

the lenses prior to these lasted great and were crystal clear for quite a long while, but the batch i have now are shedding their coating and exposing a foggy underlayer (and no, no windex was used, just warm water and a clean cotton towel to clean). i'm hoping that there was just a bad batch that came out of the factory, and my next set will act more like the first.

other than this current little issue, they are bar none my favorite goggles to date, very comfy and give a great field of view.

10-16-2002, 10:24 AM
I've got the BE version of this mask (the only real difference is that the plastic is stiffer) It works great! I added fans to mine, cause my glasses fog up. Here's a pict of the fan mod:http://www.hunting-pictures.com/members/vf-xx/Mask02.jpg

10-16-2002, 11:51 AM
I switched from JT to V-Force. It's all I use now.

10-16-2002, 12:08 PM
Unbelieveably comfortable

I love this mask. once you get one you will never want another one