View Full Version : Air travel with gear ...

10-16-2002, 09:14 AM
Hey all ... quick question ...

I used to travel all the time by plane with my PBall gear without worrying too much about it ... lately since the Airports have become overly paranoid I have started to wonder how things have changed in this aspect.

I am traveling to Montreal at the end of the month and I am planning on playing while up there ... do you think it would be better to ship the marker to my hotel, and pack the rest of my gear into check in ... or should I be okay packing my marker and gear into check in baggage??

Any insight from recent travellers would help.



10-16-2002, 09:49 AM
Take the reg off your tank and pack everything in you check-in lugage.

For more info and the expereances people havd had try a search for this topic. There is a lot of info on this.

10-16-2002, 10:12 AM
Yeah I tried ... typically one of two things happens ...

1 - I refine the serch to much and get my own post *L* ..

2 - I "dumb" it down and get 50-100 posts that contain the words "Airplane, Airport, Gear, Paintball, Marker, Travel" etc ...

Right now it seems that it will only cost about $50-60 to ship to my hotel via 24-48 hours UPS ... seems to be the easiest option ...


Temo Vryce
10-16-2002, 10:20 AM
Trying talking to the Airline that you are going to be using. You'll also want to talk to the airport Security. Let them both know what you want to do and find out what they want you to do with your gear. Most times if you let them know in advance they won't have a problem with it if you take the right precations. Best of luck you and enjoy your trip.

10-16-2002, 10:37 AM
Try to PM Manike. I think he works for AGD Europe and travels to the states to play fairly often. He should have some insight on shipping pb gear.


10-16-2002, 10:47 AM
Kewl ... thanks allot for the insight everyone.


10-16-2002, 11:07 AM
One thing I do know is to leave an ASA on the screw in tank or leave the adjustables w/ on/offs open. That way the tank can equalize pressure.

10-16-2002, 11:12 AM
Day ... yeah that I know ... Im more concerned with the marker itself ... Knowing how jumpy and un-informed the average airport worker is and all ...

*L* I remember back in 94 breaking my old automag all the way down into individual parts and storing them in a case so that no one would think it was a gun and flip ...

The one nice thing about carbon fiber frames ... they dont show on x-ray scans *L*


10-16-2002, 12:40 PM
markers are not considered firearms. you do not have to declare them when you are at an airport. just have the marker in your luggage and not your carry on. in terms of the gas tank, the specific ban is against carrying pressurized gases onto airplanes, not on the air tanks themselves. make sure the air tank is empty; as far as i know, you do not have to dissaseble the tank. i've flown back and forth from hawaii to ohio and have not had a single problem transporting my paintball gear. i just leave my marker and empty air tank in my luggage.


jae park

10-16-2002, 12:47 PM
Okay sweet ... I knew that was how it used to be, just lately I drive anywhere my works needs me to goto. Only this time they wont let me drive to Montreal *L* ... oh well.
