View Full Version : hmmmm CO2 + mag = ?

10-16-2002, 04:33 PM
My smart friend again who jipped me out of the tourney said that the automag classic shouldnt be run on CO2. His exlpanation is as follows,
"the CO2 gas is what you call a 'dirty gas' meaning it has small particles of bad stuff in it (forget what he said)that can contaminate the gun causing it to malfunction in a short time of constant CO2 usage."
So anyway can anyone here prove that he is wrong or know that hes smoking something? :p

10-16-2002, 04:38 PM
The original valves for Mags were designed FOR CO2 use… heck that is the only choice you had back then. So no, he is not correct.. to a point. But HPA is not always the “cleanest” gas either. ;)

He is just very confused.

Tell him to go call up Spyder, Tippmann, and all the rest since they are using a gas that is so bad for their markers. ;) Yes, HPA is better, but for different reasons than CO2 being “dirty”.

10-16-2002, 04:42 PM
yep. Co2 will wokr fine in a mag. ive done it, my friends do it, my field used to do it(back when we rented NICE guns). it will "freeze up" a little more and drop in velo a little when you rapid fire, but other than that, itll work just fine...heck...i dont see why you couldnt use any kind of gas....

10-16-2002, 06:30 PM
"the CO2 gas is what you call a 'dirty gas' meaning it has small particles of bad stuff in it (forget what he said)that can contaminate the gun causing it to malfunction in a short time of constant CO2 usage."

It's nice to know that my mag was malfuntioning for 7 years. btw, Tom, if you read this, can you give a definite answer on the Co2 vs air design issue? My reg has a marking indicating that it is capable to run at 3000 psi.

10-16-2002, 08:07 PM
compressed air is no more cleaner than co2. there are two different types of air compressors, ones for breathable air, and ones for industrial uses. the ones for scuba diving usually require expensive filters, and are rarely used by the paintball industry. often, compressed air will have oil particles, bits of dirt, etc, anything in the air thats compressed into the tank. air aint clean either, although since its not drawn from the bottom of the tank its still probably a slightly bit cleaner.

10-16-2002, 08:54 PM
Been using Co2 in my classic for over 2 years now.I go through 3 20 oz. tanks a week.Works just fine w/ my remote and no expansion chamber.(Florida).As for Compressed air,I get mine filled at a dive shop so I'm sure it's cleaner I just don't feel CO2 is excessivly "dirty".At least not to effect a well maintained Mag.


10-16-2002, 10:44 PM
Just change the filter in the asa if you are having problems anyway.
