View Full Version : level 10 problem (I think..)

10-17-2002, 01:11 PM
I played at an indoor field last night where I had to chrono down to 260. When I went to chrono my gun, my bolt kept making the 'pssst' noise that level 10 makes when it catches on a ball. I shot it a few times, and it stopped, but it seemed to kick in a lot more times out on the field than it normally does.

I probably should've looked to see if it was catching on a ball but I didn't....

Anyway, question is, do you think my bolt could be sticking or something due to lowered velocity? Or do you think it's just a coincidence that it happened at the time I cranked down to 260 and something else is going on?

10-17-2002, 01:19 PM
what spring were you using? Once you lower your velocity with the longer springs, the level 10 doesnt seem too reliable, when you do have you shoot that low, just use the standard main spring.

10-17-2002, 01:55 PM
I was using the short spring, actually, because my classic valve always vented with a longer one, and I just didn't get around to trying a longer spring with the retro.. any other ideas?

10-17-2002, 02:22 PM
what's you input? your using the biggest carrier that doesnt leak right? how many shims?

10-17-2002, 02:27 PM
size 1 carrier, 2 shims, I was inputting 800ish psi as my adjustable tank had a leak - think it might just be that I need to pump in some more psi?

Spyder BC
11-25-2002, 12:44 PM
Was this problem ever resolved - I had the exact same problem yesterday. I would shoot and it would sound like it caught up on ball then the next shot would be fine, then another skipped shot. I was shooting around 250. 1.5 carrier/2 shims/cut spring I've been using that set up since late summer, and last weekend it didn't seem to give me these problems (also shooting 250). I didn't have time to switch to a normal ReTro to see if it was the Lvl 10 or not. Will switching mainsprings do the trick you think?

One more thing.. Is there an 'Offical' FAQ out there for Level 10 issues? Wading through 230 something messages in the problem thread is getting time consuming. Seems like everyone who uses one around here has issues, and with 3 veriables PLUS normal marker operation varibles it's getting harder to troubleshoot what's going on. I could definatly use a written-in-stone guide about now.