View Full Version : Trap door feed and Over-the-top-sighting on a Warp-equipped old Mag

10-17-2002, 06:09 PM
Anyone know if AGD is going to productionalize the Trap Door Feed posted in the Prototype Lab?

Some background on this. I have had my Classic Mag since before they were "Classic", serial number CF01613. I bought it second hand, anyone know when it was made? Well, it's still my main gun and it shoots great, and I have upgraded it to an HPA system and added a Warp Feed kit. I have always been a fan of over-the-top sighting, and I never switched to a powerfeed, and was positively befuddled when the vertical feeds started coming out.

I got the Warp Feed to move my hopper out of the way after one too many hopper hits, and also realized that the Warp Feed could be my ticket to full blown over-the-top sighting. I have since been trying different setups to clear the area directly above the gun. The setup I have currently I got by picking up a standard feed hopper left from the AGD Online Store (great deal, no one wants those anymore!), and cutting it down to about half an inch using a Dremel. I then connected the Warp Feed hose using the provided 90 degree elbow. The result was a profile that was very much like the Warp specific mainbody, but at a much lower price! The setup works great, but the parabolic plug still sticks out a bit higher than I wanted. I think the Trap Door Feed would be my ultimate solution.

I will upload some pics in case people wonder what it looks like. Note the eVolution hopper, because of its funky egg shape you don't need to melt the hopper to make room for the feed hose.

10-17-2002, 06:12 PM
Here is a picture of the cut hopper left mainbody. Hey, it didn't _have_ to be pretty. You normally can't see it!

10-17-2002, 06:15 PM
Here is a rear view of the setup. Darn power feed plug! Anyone know where I can get a lower-profile elbow?

10-17-2002, 08:47 PM
Awsome gun, I think I'll try and get a std feed body and do that, because I've been forced to sight down the side of the gun due to the power feed, and its ok for the time being, but I still hate how the "blimp" is still way up there.

About the trap door feed, I haven't heard anything about it since, and its been quite a while, since May of last year. You might be able to rig something up with some aluminum like the bottom photo in the protoype lab, bending its so it acts as the plug, eliminating the stock plug all together, and cutting the elbow down a little.

Another thing you could do is get a Spyder Straight Elbow (Clicky here! (http://www.paintballgear.net/014-8010-2.html)) cut it down the middle at a 45 degree angle, turn one of the ends till you make a 90 degree elbow, and reglue. Granted, its not as strong depending on cut quality and glue, but it'll replace the original elbow, and be a little smaller. You'll have to work at it, because paint won't flow smoothly due to the interior 90 degree angle. You could fill the interior corner with some type of glue and try to make it a curved shape.

The third elbow, could be just a PVC elbow in the right size.

If the plug's end is in the way, just cut it off. Problem is, you won't be able to take the plug out anymore.

I hope I made at least some sense with all this mumbo jumbo.

BTW, what do you use to take your pics, because I'm using a Canon Digital Shot S100, and its not cutting the mustard. Its pics are way too big, but when I shrink them I lose the detail I want.

10-18-2002, 08:17 AM
Thanks for the input! I think I will try to scour the local Home Depot to see what kind of PVC stuff they have there before I start getting fancy and start cutting stuff up again.

I was thinking some more about the trap door feed, and wouldn't it need a different barrel? The hole from which the paintball feed looks like it is right on the side of the gun, so the hole in a standard Mag barrel would not line up anymore.

But anyway, I would definitely recommend this setup to anyone. It is very well balanced, and it is very comfortable to cradle the gun in close. Of all the setups I have tried, and I tried them all, this is the one I like best.

About the camera, I used my girlfriend's Nikon Coolpix 885 (I got it for her B-day), and that thing is awesome! We store most of the pictures on the computer, but when she wants a hardcopy, she uploades pictures to Shutterfly, and then orders the prints online, and you cannot tell that it was a digital picture. We got a good deal on it online, I don't remember where or how much, but I think we started out with cnet.com.

10-18-2002, 08:23 AM
Oh, and I reduced the pictures to 40% using Microsoft Photo Editor before sending them.

10-18-2002, 10:33 PM
Yea, now that you bring that up, it does look like there would have to be an entirely new barrel just for that type of feed. Hmmm, maybe theres some way to make a poor mans trap door feed... hehe, wheres my dremel?!