View Full Version : Dying a Warp Feed?

10-17-2002, 08:19 PM
It was bound to happen. Yes my mag is now warped. I LOVE it but the one I got was Orange. As some of you know I have a really neat looking black and chrome effect going on. I was wondering, is there any way to dye my Warp a smokish-black? I know I can use Rit Dye (or whatever it is called). But would anyone happen to know the right color combo?

Thanks in advance for all feedback!!

10-17-2002, 09:47 PM
why not just shell out the $ for new shells at AGD's online store... plus there's no way in hell you'd successfully change orange to a smoke color...I don't think it'd be feasible.

Load SM5
10-17-2002, 10:15 PM
Best you could so would probably be black. But give it a shot. Just throw it in some black and go slow. Maybe you'll find a nice reddish smoke color.

10-17-2002, 10:36 PM
Buy some Vinyl dye at an automotive store. It won't be smoke or transparent but you can choose from any color and it won't come off and won't drip.


10-18-2002, 02:24 PM
WHere did you get orange? I've never seen it for sale online.

10-18-2002, 05:07 PM
it's probably the wine color. atleast that's what i think mine is.

10-21-2002, 03:49 PM
Nope i'm pretty sure mine's orange. Sorry for the late reply. Yeah I will probably go with that, load. Hopefully it will come out nice.