View Full Version : Strange E-mag problem

10-17-2002, 09:59 PM
Hello again all, I'm back with an interesting problem. Whenever I first air up my E-mag, it refuses to shoot in manual. If I put it in either hybrid or e-mode, it will take a couple of trigger pulls before the marker will actually fire. After that, the marker will function as normal.

At first air on, you can tell that there is indeed pressure behind the trigger as the on/off pin is pushing against the trigger, but no matter how many times I squeeze the trigger at that point, the marker will not fire, only after the electronics are on will it function after several trigger pulls.

Any ideas?:D

10-17-2002, 10:04 PM
make sure when your in manuel mode that the trigger rod is 1/16" away from the trigger(when gas up).

what's your input pressure?

your using the biggest carrier that doesnt leak right?

what are you chrono'd at?

are you using the cut spring?(cut side on bolt)

make sure the saftey is completely off.

Is your bolt bumper in good shape?(if the inner ring is shredding, change it out.

If all this checks out, you may benefit from polishing your bolt stem.(last resort)

10-17-2002, 10:42 PM
Ahhhh! Havoc to the recue once again:D ! Well, the probelm is more of a nuisance than a problem really, as it is fixed by flipping the marker into E-mode, cycling the trigger a couple of times, then putting the marker back in manual. My problem is the fact that it only happens when I air the gun up after the gun has been de-gassed :confused: .

I am using the no 1 carrier, the 1.5 leaks a little. The carrier is a little tight. If the o-ring carrier is the culprit, why is it only happening on initial air-up? If this is the price for not being able to chop Imperial or Hellfire, then it is a price I am more than willing to pay:D .

I am also using the longest spring, two shims, and a relatively new bumper, hehe!

10-17-2002, 10:49 PM
:D I try to do, what I can do, when I can do it.:D

try the cut spring. it will still be soft on paint, better on gas and might help a bit.

what's your input and velocity?

did you check the trigger rod length behind the trigger?

10-17-2002, 10:57 PM
I'll need to check on the input pressure tomorrow as I now have no more pressure in my tank:D . I think it is around 850psi. The chronoed velocity, which I took earlier in the afternoon, is 294fps +/- 2fps.

Perhaps I will switch out the springs, which should reduce the pressure on the front of the bolt. I will try putting some Hellfire through her tomorrow and see how she does:D .

Thanks again, will repost the results tomorrow.:cool:

10-17-2002, 11:35 PM
i have the same problem as well. When I gas the gun up it will not fire in manual. The trigger feels real
"squishy." It's like the on/off pin hasnt come all the way out. If I switch to emode it fires fine. then back to manual it fires ok unless I let it sit for sometime then back to the same game.

Another odity is my velocity stability.
If I fire in Emode my velocity stays around 285-295 but if I switch to manual it shoots like 289-299-270-305-189. Its just all over the place. I really haent figured it out yet. I just keep it in emode.

anyone have any suggestions?

Ps I have the 1.5 carrier (2 carrier leaked) 2 shims and the middle spring.

10-17-2002, 11:55 PM
make sure when your in manuel mode that the trigger rod is 1/16" away from the trigger(when gas up).

10-18-2002, 09:24 PM
Well, Havoc:) . I received my ULE rail in the mail today and decided to install it, prior to my testing. Strangely enough, all the problems disappeared after that, it fired on first click and everything, I didn't even change out the springs. Odd how everything works out, the marker is much lighter, the E-mag churns out hellfire and Zap Chronic paints with nary aa chop, and the mysterious trigger problems disappeared:D :D :D . I am positively ecstatic, hehe! Thanks for the help!

10-18-2002, 09:32 PM
Glad it worked out:)