View Full Version : Hmm..... RadarChron

10-17-2002, 10:56 PM
I know that all the refs at CPX use them, but what do you guys think about using them for personal use? I need a chrono for me, and I don't want to use one of those VLocity crappy ones. And, of course, what is the best price you've found on them (just off the top of your head). Thanks.

10-17-2002, 11:03 PM
I have a Radachron, love using it. It helps me when I tinker with my markers:D . The cheapest online that I know about is at www.firstcallpaintball.com, or you can use this link directly http://www.firstcallpaintball.com/search_results.asp?txtsearchParamTxt=&txtsearchParamCat=27&txtsearchParamType=ALL&txtsearchParamMan=ALL&txtsearchParamVen=ALL&txtFromSearch=fromSearch. I am kinda biased towards this site as my friend is the owner, hehe!:D

Hope this helps:)

10-18-2002, 12:14 AM
Those chronos are wwwwwaaaaayyyy off.

I was shooting a nice consistent 295-296-297 at the red chrono, I walk onto the field and they are doing a chorno with the handheld yellow ones, when they have 3 other red chronos in storage. I shoot once, its 335, I go WTF? I go turn my maxflow down a bit, shoot again 330 and do a couple of clearing shots and shoot again, 340, I turn it down eventually to where the handheld says 290. I swear I was shooting at most 150. My balls were BOUNCING off of my teammates bunkers. WTF? I leave the field, my gun is shooting 190. D:? I turn it up to 295 on the red chrono and leave it there.

Ruined that game :(

10-18-2002, 01:22 AM
I had a simillar experience as blazestorm, but not as bad. I was shooting consistantly 280+/-5 across the red chronos for the first part of the day. Later even though the red chronos said I was still shooting th same, the yellow hand helds said I was shooting high. Had to turn it down to get on the field and after the game I tried the red and I was down in the 260's.

Maybe the yellows ones aren't accurate as the batteries die.

10-18-2002, 02:10 AM
I remember that game Blaze. Oddly enough, I was doing fine.

I'm not sure, but maybe light conditions, etc.. can effect the accuracy of those Chrono's.

...I'd take one and shoot it near/on a red radarchron and test the calibration.

10-18-2002, 02:31 AM
It depends obn how it is held too...you cant put the barrel on it. You have to hold it like 1-2" below....

10-18-2002, 08:15 AM
Also, handheld radarchrons have a tendency to break when used heavily, IE, when refs are banging them around all day.

If you get one, just take good care of it and it should be fine.

10-18-2002, 10:39 AM
Ive had problems with their accuracy also. The refs at my field admit that the chrono can be off +/- 20 fps. So, I chrono at the red chronos and not the handhelds. However, I do own one of the radarchronos and its great to have around if you are messing with your gun and need to check the velocity, bearing in mind the inaccuracies. I dont care for the viewloader one either

10-18-2002, 08:22 PM
Well, last Friday, the ref compleatly screwed up, and everyone on my team, (who chronoed about 260 on the red chronos) got 134 FPS all three times. That includes me. That is the only time I saw a RadarChron screw up.

10-19-2002, 10:17 AM
The one we used at the shop was within 5fps of the Big Red we use. I might have to pick up a couple more of the yellow ones to see if there is an issue.

We are going to start using them at the field for spot checks so we need them to be a bit closer than 20fps +/-

10-19-2002, 10:43 AM
i think it really depends on how they are holding it. i need to get a string for mine so it sits 1-2" off the barrel. luckily i got mine for free :D so as long as it measures good i will be happy :)

10-19-2002, 04:03 PM
If it's not held correctly it will have problems with accuracy. If you follow the directions (1-2 inches below the barrel, 2 inches back from the tip, the manual says you should get +-2% on the real velocity.

10-19-2002, 10:48 PM
Interesting that others are having these experiences.

We were playing a tournament this summer. On the field we had to chrono again before every game using the handheld radarchron. A hot gun meant that gun wasn't allowed in that game but the player could still participate without the gun. We chronoed our guns at 280 using the big radar chrono. Two of our first three games we played minus one gun at the start. They shot about 305 at the handhelds. We set our guns down to about 270 on the big chrono and were safe at about 295fps on the handhelds. It could have been the way the refs were holding them. I'll have to take note for next time.

10-20-2002, 12:06 AM
its not like the big reds are too accurate, one time i had a shot come out 600 fps, and the next one was normal, freaked the ehll out of me. it is about how its held, but once you got that down it is pretty accurate, it uses radar just like the big reds, so light conditions have nothing to do with it

10-20-2002, 12:15 AM
I've had one come out at 936.

That was ofcourse when I was ripping on my emag :)

Red Chronys will get confused when you shoot in bursts... because it think the ball broke the light twice in a split second, it thinks that the ball broke the light one millisecond, than it went by and came out of the light and however long it was there it calculates it all and shows how fast its moving. If it thinks the ball broke the light twice it doubles the counter because it starts the timer over again.

you shoot ball
ball breaks the light
second ball breaks light while the first ball is still inside the light
the first ball leaves the light at 300 fps
the second ball leaves the light at 300 fps

I think I explained it well enough.

I shot 4 balls and it said 936 :)

10-20-2002, 12:20 AM
1. First Ball breaks light and Starts the Timer
2. Second Ball breaks light and Starts another Timer
3. First Ball exits light and Ends the Timer
4. Second Ball exits light and Ends other Timer
5. Chronograph Adds both Calculations together and displays the number.
6. You freak out and think your gun is shooting 1000 FPS
7. You fire again to be relieve your gun is really shooting 295
8. You put your barrel plug in and prepare for the next game

10-20-2002, 12:58 AM
problem was, it was a single shot. :confused: now im getting freaked out about my gun

10-20-2002, 01:29 AM
the ones at my field the other day were WAY off. one was at 300 and the big red said 275, and the other said i was shooting 145

10-20-2002, 05:52 AM
my Radarchron reads fine .... right Alex.
i mean its alwasy with 4 fps from the big reds.

its also nice to have around

10-20-2002, 02:01 PM
yah, nasty's worked, but the ones that the refs had didnt work too well

10-20-2002, 02:04 PM
Yeah i have seen these chronographs be way off before. We even had to talk to the owner of the field about it. We were getting like 280 on the red chrono and like 320 on the handheld.

10-20-2002, 03:37 PM
I have on the Radarchrons and I have had little to no problems with mine. As long as it is being held correctly anyway.

As for price, I snagged one off E-Bay for about 55 shipped.


10-24-2002, 04:18 PM
Thanks for the info guys.