View Full Version : accuracy

10-18-2002, 09:12 AM
before i buy this gun i was wondering how accurate the automag 68 classic is?

10-18-2002, 09:18 AM
easy on him folks he is new...

Welcome to the fires of hell stussyo5. Sit back and relax while these guys school ya! ;)

10-18-2002, 09:19 AM
depends on how well you can shoot it. :)

10-18-2002, 09:23 AM
Accuracy depends on how consistent the gun is, and paint to barrel match. Since the Automag has a built in regulator, we know that it is consistent... So beyond that, you need to know if the paint you use matches the barrel you have. I suggest finding out what size the paint you use is (i.e. Blaze is approx .684) and getting a barrel that is close to the same size.

CP makes good barrels at a decent price in three sizes, I'd get one of those unless you happen to be able to afford and adjustable barrel kit (Freak, Equation, etc.) at this time.

So, to answer your question... Yes the Automag with a good paint to barrel match is a very accurate gun.


10-18-2002, 09:27 AM
Also, the inherent design allows for little kickback (as opposed to Spyders & whatnot) and even less with the Level 10 kit. (The BIG upgrade for any 'Mag. Look at the first page for info) Less recoil means you don't have to adjust your aim as much, therefore somewhat more accurate.

Welcome aboard!

PS- there's a little search function for the board. Use it every so often. You might answer any questions you have.

Wc Keep
10-18-2002, 09:30 AM
dayspring you sound like shartley now. no diss to shartley but that usually his line.

Creative Mayhem
10-18-2002, 09:55 AM
Welcome to AO!

I've had my mag for what seems an eternity an I've had no problems hitting anything I aim at... except my sister, she just seems to keep hiding my paint Damn her for he insolence! The key to accuracy on ANY markeris paint barrel match, if you don't have the right barrel you will not have the accuracy. I have a Minimag with a CP 14' on it right now and it is exceptionally accurate with almost every paint I have put through it. My Dye stainless barrel doen't like too much paint but when I get the right size, LOOK OUT! You just can't beat it.

MAGZ RULE 'nuff said.

Here's mine with the CP.

Jason Reed
10-18-2002, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by stussyo5
before i buy this gun i was wondering how accurate the automag 68 classic is?

dude why even ask, if buy an automag and get LVL-10, retro, hpa tank, and a good barrel to paint match you'll be the envy of you town. you wont break pait, you'll be able to shoot fast, and your gun will look good.

10-18-2002, 10:50 AM
Welcome to AO.


Yeah… what THEY said! ;):D:D:D

10-18-2002, 11:38 AM
but guys we all know cockers shoot further! :p

hehe ;)

10-18-2002, 11:56 AM
Welcome to AO. Stick around and you'll learn a ton...not just about Automags, but about this whole sport.

10-18-2002, 12:05 PM
Go to this URL


Check out how the Mag compares to other markers in it's class.
You will notice that with a good paint to barrel match it is as accurate as anything out there.
You may also notice that the shot consitancy on air and CO2 is near incredible and surpassed by no other marker tested.
You can't go wrong buying a Mag.

10-18-2002, 01:22 PM
Those accuracy tests are not dependable and should not be taken into consideration... although the 'results' may be favorable to the mag.

10-18-2002, 01:57 PM

I constantly hear people dissing these tests yet, to my knowledge, no one has tried to better them.
Do you know of any more scientifically/statistically sound comparisons that have been done?
This would be a resource that I would like to have access to.
I have been using these as a reference because some effort was actually put into them.


Wc Keep
10-18-2002, 05:23 PM
i heard something about the bench test not being a reliable source because after each sot the marker moved and caused the error in the shot

10-19-2002, 01:00 AM
yes cause if the tests are not in the favor of the mag they must be bs ....


10-19-2002, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by *ArKfEaR*
yes cause if the tests are not in the favor of the mag they must be bs ....

... bwahahahaha...
sadly, too many people actully believe this (or cockers, or Palmer's, or Angels, or [insert their "favorite" marker here]) kind of statement. Bah.

10-19-2002, 11:40 AM
Rambo, we just try to ignore Ark, he still thinks 'cockers are superior for some unstated and/or unproven reason. So, when he posts, we just don't really care, and don't respond. It just starts some huge argument where he shows himself again and again to be the most ignorant person on the boards.

10-19-2002, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by TRIAD
Rambo, we just try to ignore Ark, he still thinks 'cockers are superior for some unstated and/or unproven reason. So, when he posts, we just don't really care, and don't respond. It just starts some huge argument where he shows himself again and again to be the most ignorant person on the boards. :)
since I am extremely new here, thanks for the advice, I'll try to keep it in mind. :)

10-19-2002, 01:35 PM
i think that with just about any gun with a good paint-barrel match, you will get an unnoticable difference in accuracy. the reason i say this is because there are too many variables to say that, while playing, any one gun is more accurate than another. the reason i say this is because there are so many factors influencing the paintball like wind, the fact that you are holding the gun and it is not mounted in place, the fact that no two paintballs are the same weight and size, etc. however, if you did a scientific study in a laboratory and removed as many variables as possible, then you may be able to determine accuracy. While you are running around on a field, i dont think that a gun that is x amount more accurate than another will really perform better.

10-19-2002, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by Bushman

I constantly hear people dissing these tests yet, to my knowledge, no one has tried to better them.
Do you know of any more scientifically/statistically sound comparisons that have been done?
This would be a resource that I would like to have access to.
I have been using these as a reference because some effort was actually put into them.


Originally posted by *ArKfEaR*, AKA: "I think using ASCII characters makes me look cool."
yes cause if the tests are not in the favor of the mag they must be bs ....

A better test has been done by AGD, they spent 100k+ on it. PBStars results are unreliable - too many unaccounted for variables - and this unreliability can be attributed to systematic and random error - if you've ever heard of these terms in use with scientific experimentation.

Imagine you had a SUPER-Dooper cannon that was honed to micron-level tolerances, and computerized simulations show it to be the 'perfect' cannon that can hit tiny targets 5 miles away. Put in a good cannon ball, and it will be dead on. How about you stuff in a random farm animal... a moo cow for instance (in response to ArkFear's 'bs' comment). Do you expect the same results? "News report: Moo cows crash through roofs of hundreds of local residents. Many deaths. Clean up crew underway."

PB Accuracy - The problem is the projectile, not the gun. Can you say, SYSTEMATIC ERROR? PBStar's testing is the same as launching cows from different cannons and putting up these statistical charts as if they were supposed to mean something. "Hey, look at my pretty moo cow splatter charts! See all the data? Look at those graphs! Don't it look all purty and scientific?" Nope... it's like sculpting a moo cow's poo poo into an angel and expecting it to pass as an ice sculpture you'd have at a wedding. Well, some of you wouldn't notice... ice sculpture - poo poo sculpture, useful statistical analysis - poo poo statistical analysis... all the same to some of you... so I'm not sure how useful it is for me to mention that...

PB's zigzag randomly and uncontrollably, doesn't matter what PB you are using... what gun you are using... doesn't matter if you use rifling or a spinning barrel. High speed vid has shown that even Perfect Circle balls zig zag just like cheap paint does. They did find that a string of PBs tend to group closer than single shots, speculation is that balls get sucked into the front ball's wake (vacuum).

Personally, I think the 'accuracy' issue with PB guns themselves is moot. If you could get PBs and PB guns to work together accurately, then why the heck do they sell harnesses? The mere existance of high bps guns, guppies, and harnesses is an indication of inaccuracy. Just like the mere existance of a flame thrower is indication that some guy wanted to set another guy on fire, but just wasn't close enough to do it.

If you want accuracy, either you gotta shoot a few thousand cows... and take out a few school children along the way, or you gotta get rid of the cow and use something else.

71 LS6
10-19-2002, 07:33 PM
I almost got the connection there with the cows, but the poo-poo bit confused me a little :D

Anyway, i think there's enough info here and on the threads linked to to answer the question and then some, but while we're on this topic, I would like to know if anyone has an idea for what paint will best match a 12" Dye stainless. Thanks

10-19-2002, 07:59 PM


Can I have your autograph?

10-19-2002, 11:42 PM
you confused me when the word cow started coming up... oh well :D

10-20-2002, 12:09 AM
three letter one syllable words often confuse you? :)

10-20-2002, 01:44 AM
smart a..... almost but not quite.


10-20-2002, 04:29 AM
Accuracy is how you hold it... when i had my phantom, I knew how to hold it and my shots were dead on... I let my friend try it and he said "Dude this thing is so inaccurate wtf I thought pumps were accurate" I ask him "Tell me to shoot something" aight shoot this pop can off the top of this dumpster standing here (about 100 feet away) one shot... pop ping *ding* *ding* *ding* (Pop can falls into dumpster)

they all shoot paintballs right :) So any gun works...

10-20-2002, 02:17 PM
i'm a better shot with my stingray and its stock barrel than i am with the mag.

But i can shoot a billion times faster with the mag than the ray.

When you go looking for a gun, i think the best thing to do is find which ones are in your price range, and are high quality and reliable, then hold each one of em. Whichever gives you the best feel, whips around fast, and stays true to your vision line... thats the one to get. :)