View Full Version : New Automag Conversion

10-18-2002, 12:21 PM
I just finished a new design for AR15/Automag conversion for woodsball and scenerio players and just wanted to know what people think?

10-18-2002, 12:26 PM
well, prepare to get a few ngative comments... not too many of us here are heen on "realistic looking markers" that resemble a real fire arm... That is quite realistic..

Personaly i am one of these people, and i would rather not see them. But that is a personal thing, and my feelings for populizing paintball.

What i really came here to say was to congradulate you on a good looking job. It looks nice and well real... Good job!

10-18-2002, 12:39 PM
I think you did a wonderful job making that. It looks very skillfully made.

With that said, I have VERY mixed feelings on “realism” with Paintball Markers. It just seems to cause more problems for the sport than it is worth, and only aids those with problems WITH the sport (mostly uninformed, granted, but those uninformed sure do make things hard on the rest of us).

Now add to that recent (and still going on) events… you just have one can of worms that I prefer be left unopened and sitting on a basement shelf.

10-18-2002, 12:41 PM
gotta add my ditto to magman007.

looks kinda kewl and everything, but for me, only for specific kinds of special games and scenarios, not for regular rec games or tournies - just my 2 cents.

10-18-2002, 12:52 PM
explain it more, i dont see a trigger rod or really anything other then a powerfeed. where is the gas input and can we see a pick of the other side. im not against those kinda markers but i dunno if that one is real or just a pic to stir people up. what barrel and what was the base gun a classic? thats pretty amazing if its real. ha i dotn even know what a m16 really looks like as far as specifics and detail but i know that looks nothign like a it came from a mag.

10-18-2002, 12:53 PM
I think if you want to use something that looks like an M-4, join the army and play simmunition or miles 2000. It's bad ju-ju to make paintball MARKERS that look like GUNS. Bad for the sport as a whole.

10-18-2002, 01:17 PM
Personally I don't think you made it because I see no signs of "Automag" in there. I see an M-16 style pistol grip which are generally found on Spyders. However, if you really DID make it, I congradulate(sp?) you on a job well done. Also, if you want your marker to look like a real firearm I suggest you take up airsoft.

10-18-2002, 02:18 PM
2 hours, 5 nastygrams Wow! For those interested it is real, Automag 68 Classic hopper left powerfeed inside specially machined upper and lower receiver castings similar to ones used in manufacture of AR-15. T6 aluminum, all other exterior parts are AR-15. Had to cut off powerfeed, put body/valve assembly into upper receiver then re-weld powerfeed back on,that was the hard part. The trigger frame is hidden inside the lower receiver and the trigger is attached directly to the sear, no rod, no safety, all held in place with custom machined trigger pin. Barrel is a nite stick 14" but I like the armson 16" better. Air connect is on the other side, had to drill through mag valve and tap for 1/8npt just like minimag, bead blast and finish with black epoxy paint.
I'm not interested in the debate over paint ball guns looking like real guns...but will read all postings. I can have more pics in a week or so..scanner on the fritz, thanks for the opinions. Rick

for panzerr: have sims at work,did miles in Marine Corps I like paintball better :D

10-18-2002, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Rick927
2 hours, 5 nastygrams Wow….. (truncated)…
I'm not interested in the debate over paint ball guns looking like real guns...but will read all postings. I can have more pics in a week or so..scanner on the fritz, thanks for the opinions. Rick
I actually thought all who posted were rather nice about it all. In fact most actually complimented you on the craftsmanship in spite of their personal opinions on the matter. Unless you got PMs that were nasty, I would say you will have a hard time on AO thinking what was posted was “nasty”. ;)

This is obviously an important issue for many players, so interested or not, you will probably continue to get both for and against feedback. And beware, it is early…. As the song goes.. “The freaks come out at night..” ;) (just kidding guys :D)

(Added: Just so you know… this post was light hearted.)

10-18-2002, 02:35 PM
Thanks for the concern, I think I'll be fine. Thats what these postings are for to hear people's opinion, so I'll take the good with the bad, and I like FREAKS!!:cool:

10-18-2002, 02:40 PM
Back in July when we had the NJ AO meet Jon from AGD had a gun that looks the same as that. It was a Automag that was done to look like a m-16. And it worked. I dont know it is the 1 but it does look like it.

10-18-2002, 02:52 PM
are you sure he didnt have the less lethat launcher with him? mounted on a real m 16? or a m16 look alike? thats what im thinkin you mean. that is a piece of work the lll

10-18-2002, 02:57 PM
No, what Jon had was very similar to Ricks. A working 'Mag made to resemble an M-4. It was a beautiful piece of craftsmanship.

As for people's opinion, check out this thread Rick:


I know that some of you that have posted on this thread, have also posted there, but for those who haven't, check it out.

I think you will find that no everyone has a problem with realistic looking markers.

As for the person (I'm sorry I don't remember who it was) who suggested Airsoft, it is shooting sport, same as ours and I garantee you that the same people who want to go after Airsoft, also want to go after paintball. I will quate cledford, who was quoting Ben Franklin "We must all hang together, or we will hang seperately".


10-18-2002, 03:02 PM
Are you talking about a 37mm launcher? or the 68 cal. pepper ball? I have seen them both, I like the 37mm better...it has some real punch to it. If anyone has a picture of what he is talking about I would like to see it.

10-18-2002, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by ogre55
No, what Jon had was very similar to Ricks. A working 'Mag made to resemble an M-4. It was a beautiful piece of craftsmanship.

As for people's opinion, check out this thread Rick:


I think you will find that no everyone has a problem with realistic looking markers.
And I would not say I have a “problem” with them…. Just a concern. ;)

10-18-2002, 03:20 PM
With all the sniping and stuff going on right now, one would have to be a real FOOL to take that into a public place. Be prepared...you may get shot if you pull that out in the wrong place. We dont need this stuff in paintball. Just my 2 cents, I love real guns as much as the next guy. But I believe there are limitations that must be followed if you really want to support this sport. Get rid of it before someone gets hurt.

10-18-2002, 03:35 PM
Nice work!

10-18-2002, 03:37 PM
Where can i get my mag upgraded like yours?

10-18-2002, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by shartley
I think you did a wonderful job making that. It looks very skillfully made.

With that said, I have VERY mixed feelings on “realism” with Paintball Markers. It just seems to cause more problems for the sport than it is worth, and only aids those with problems WITH the sport (mostly uninformed, granted, but those uninformed sure do make things hard on the rest of us).

Now add to that recent (and still going on) events… you just have one can of worms that I prefer be left unopened and sitting on a basement shelf.

Exactly what I am thinking...

Though not really a question at my place. Owning one of these would be a major crime over here and send you to prison for 1 year minimum...

10-18-2002, 06:27 PM
Nice work, but I think if you want to make realistic markers, airsoft's your sport- most of us don't want to be assossiated with it

10-18-2002, 07:33 PM
i was talking about the 68 cal pepper ball, i dont have pics, but if you search you should be able to find em. there really cool, i got to hold it at my agd tour. PLus agd makes the balls. olny manufacturer of em...

10-18-2002, 08:17 PM
Great job.

Sorry folks you draw with markers, you shoot paint with paintball guns.

10-18-2002, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by Vendetta
Great job.

Sorry folks you draw with markers, you shoot paint with paintball guns.
Nice try. But paintball MARKER is the preferred name, and this is even according to the industry itself. This is because the "guns" first used were in fact used to MARK cattle and trees.... thus "markers".

You may want to rethink acting indignant about the name used and your "correction" of folks using the correct terminology. ;)

And in fact you will NEVER see nor hear me call them anything other than "marker". :D

10-18-2002, 08:54 PM
Paintball is advanced tag. You don't "gun" people down, you "remove" them from the game by marking them with a gelatin-enclosed capsule.

10-18-2002, 09:10 PM
First of, i'm with Shartly on this one... ignorance is bliss isn't it? ( in referance to the UN-educated ppl shart was talking about.

Second, I'm VERY impressed Rick, that's is REALLY cool. I'm a machinist (without machines right now) and understand the amount of ingenuity and work and design that went into that thing, if I had the money I'll be lookiing ya up for one, cause you'll never find anyone more into CUSTOM, not pretty colors.. CUSTOM stuff.

And lastly, no offence intended but I in all due respect I think that tunaman is getting more and more agresive in his "opinions". Opinions are ok... Shartly is also alowed to have his opinions, but presentation is everything. YOu can say " that freaking sucks " or " it's not really my thing" and mean the same.

Just my umm 3 cent

10-18-2002, 09:38 PM
I'm wondering what this thing looks like after a hopper and an air system is attatched :P . I'm just assuming that you'd just use a remote hose setup and the hopper would go right over the sight rail.

I Think it's cool and everything, but for stated reasons it might not be the best idea :(

10-19-2002, 04:21 AM
Originally posted by shartley

Nice try. But paintball MARKER is the preferred name, and this is even according to the industry itself. This is because the "guns" first used were in fact used to MARK cattle and trees.... thus "markers".

You may want to rethink acting indignant about the name used and your "correction" of folks using the correct terminology. ;)

And in fact you will NEVER see nor hear me call them anything other than "marker". :D

FYI, every conversation I've ever had with Tom he used the word "gun" instead of marker... :)


10-19-2002, 05:40 AM
Well I think its sweet. Just curious how many man hours you have into it and how much the total project cost. Also pics of the complete setup with air and paint would be appreciated. Keep up the good work.

10-19-2002, 06:45 AM
Originally posted by cledford

FYI, every conversation I've ever had with Tom he used the word "gun" instead of marker... :)

FYI that does not mean that "gun" is the correct term does it? And I never said that folks could NOT call them “guns” or that some folks in the Industry don’t call them “guns” in casual conversation. But the last I knew Tom Kaye was not THE Industry. ;)

Like I said, conversational use of the term "gun" is fine and well. And the point I was making was that to come to AO and try to act like "marker" was WRONG is ignorant since it is actually the CORRECT term for the product. Why are you trying to even argue that point? I would not have expect that from you.

Discussion ender... go to the Online Store. See if you can buy a "Gun" there. Now go to Tippmann.com and see if you can buy a “gun” there as well. Now take a trip over to the Kingmann site and see if they sell any “guns”. Get my point? Yes, you will see some people in the industry (and even some online stores) use the term “gun” but it is common knowledge that the correct terminology and name for that equipment is Marker.

I did not take offense to his use of the term gun, but instead his acting like Marker and those who used its correct name were incorrect..... And even more so from someone who states they have been playing paintball as long as he says he has.

10-19-2002, 07:36 AM
eh but remeber you cant sell on the tippmann.com forum;)

10-19-2002, 10:12 AM
Excellent job on the mag. I am sure the scenario players that prefer realistic looking gear will appreciate the time and effort that you put into the work.

Most of the players we work with prefer the flashy, bright custom guns but there are always a few in the group that really get into the character and game.

congrats on your abilities