View Full Version : A first in my book...

10-18-2002, 02:33 PM
I was wondering if anyone else here had gotten word of the new NitroDuck reg, the X-Stream. It's an adjustable screw-in ... :eek:

Looks like pretty good stuff to me, I'm going to ask my local shop about it. I couldn't find anything about pricing, but you guys can check it out at NitroDuck's site.

NitroDuck (http://www.nitroduck.com)

10-18-2002, 02:56 PM
Yes, I have one. It's ok, I got a 68/4500 for $230 which is pretty cheap for an adjustable.

Only problems were:

1) It leaks out of the input pressure gauge (which was annoying but hopefully just a manufacturing defect, I'm fixing it tomorrow)

2) It only adjusts to 900psi according to their site (I haven't tried taking it higher, but this may be a problem if you want major pressure)

3) You adjust it by cranking the nut with the dip in it under the regulator (look at the site.) Now, maybe this is just me, but it was really annoying because to crank your pressure up, you have to turn it in the same direction you turn it to unscrew your tank.. so when I was trying to crank my pressure to get more reactivity from my retro, the tank kept unscrewing!

Apart from that, it's pretty nice - they're 5 year tanks, and for the price, it's awesome. And they're Nitroducks, so they can't be bad. Unless you need more than 900psi input, I think they're great.

10-18-2002, 03:01 PM
All it's cracked up to be?

How much did it cost?

10-18-2002, 03:17 PM
Around $230 for a 68/4500 - the 88/4500 was about $270 I think. Pretty good deal in all.

10-18-2002, 10:56 PM
I'm suprised no one is more interested in these :p