View Full Version : Boomsticks for mags...

10-18-2002, 06:16 PM
I just picked up a 16 inch boomer off of Ebay. I thinks it is a little long, and i really did'nt mean to win the auction, but oh well. Anyway, what are your thoughts on the boomsticks?



10-18-2002, 06:20 PM
Dye Boomsticks are one of the finest barrels ever manufactured. They are a little pricy, but if you knew what went into these barrels you would understand.

10-18-2002, 08:23 PM
yea, i have the full color dye catalog and it has shots of the crazy machines that make them. They have the glued 2piece designe to keepr strait. I got a 14 and its fine. the barrel is actualy like 3 inches shorteer cuz its like 3 inches in the gun w/ the twist lok

10-19-2002, 04:51 AM
Originally posted by Tunaman
Dye Boomsticks are one of the finest barrels ever manufactured. They are a little pricy, but if you knew what went into these barrels you would understand.

Finest? Blah... I never bought the whole 2pc barrel trend that's goin' on right now. Give me 12" 1 pc barrels with a bit of porting on the end (CP's and Lapco's!) in diff. bore sizes and I'm happy.

...not to say that boomsticks aren't good. I 'still have one, and have had several before.. It's just that they're not something stellar or super-dooper good.

See if you can sell it for more than you bought it for (Depending on how much you paid for it) and grab some 1pc barrels in diff. bores.

10-19-2002, 08:50 AM
So tell us, Tuna, what goes into them that makes them any better than a J&J 2 piece?

10-19-2002, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Shirow
So tell us, Tuna, what goes into them that makes them any better than a J&J 2 piece?

elf magic!!!
well, it obviously has to be that if they cost so god damn much

10-19-2002, 03:41 PM
a damn lotta elves, god how dare u question it!?

10-19-2002, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by Shirow
So tell us, Tuna, what goes into them that makes them any better than a J&J 2 piece?

...or the stock automag barrels for that matter ;)

10-19-2002, 11:52 PM
The boomstick is a very good barrel. Its both accurate and has some good range with it too. The only thing I don't like about it is that i tend to chop more balls with that barrel than the standard stock barrel that came with my RT Pro, but that will all change when i get my hands on a level 10.

Mav D MagMan
10-19-2002, 11:55 PM
*cough* barrels don't affect range *cough* (for the most part)

A 12" boomie will not shoot farther than a 12" custom products (disclaimer: at the same bore with the same paint at the same velocity)


P.S. changes in chops are likely to be due to a different paint-barrel match than what you used to have.

10-19-2002, 11:56 PM
boomsticks give you more range? that must be a ton of elves..

10-20-2002, 12:00 AM
must be them elves. but no matter what kind of paint i use with my boomstick, i still chop. quite frequently for that matter. are the j&j's any better?

10-20-2002, 12:05 AM
you mean you get barrel breaks?

I normally get about 1 break a day in my j&j ceramic shooting blaze or pmi premium.. don't chop at all, but I have lvl 10

10-20-2002, 12:10 AM
now the j&j sounds better than what i have. maybe i'll look into one. yeah i meant barrel breaks, sorry.

10-20-2002, 02:08 AM
If it's breaking in the barrel, and there's no foreign objects in there, it's not the barrel.

...it's gotta be the paint you're shooting.

Put one in there, and see if you can blow it out without TOO much effort. If you're having to press it out of the barrel, then you've got paint that's too big for your barrel.

...look for something larger-bore, or get differant paint.

10-20-2002, 09:34 AM
You're going to get a break now and then anyway though, even with a good match, just because of a weird ball or something.. the paint I shoot is even a little small for my J&J and I still break a ball in it every now and then.

10-20-2002, 06:13 PM
You have lvl 10 shirow? If that's the case, and your paint is the right size, you must be using some CRAP paint. If you're running lvl 10, feeding properly, not short-stroking, and paint is matched to the barrel correctly, IMO, you should not break ANY paint.

10-20-2002, 07:12 PM
Yep, I have level 10. Using Diablo Blaze. I think you're right, to be honest - I thought the paint was decent, but it always felt a little greasy when I used it. I just went to another field last week and used some PMI Premium that was bone dry.. didn't break a single ball. However, all my friends did :)

I think barrel breaks are inevitable though - you're always going to get one goofy ball or something... there is no way you can go forever without ever getting a barrel break again..

10-20-2002, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by Shirow
So tell us, Tuna, what goes into them that makes them any better than a J&J 2 piece? Well you guys have a lot to learn I see...when your new plastic nubbin doesnt fit in your J+J or Lapco, Dont blame AGD. And when the finish starts Flaking off of your CP, then maybe you will see the differences between the Dye and others. Most Dye products are guaranteed for as long as you own them, unlike other manufacturers. Dont want to pay the price? Then call me first fools!

10-20-2002, 08:08 PM
I'm seriously asking, I want to know. I have a J&J ceramic that seems to work fine with a plastic nubbin.

If DYE is better for some reason, hook me up though :) I want a boomstick if it's going to any better ;)

10-20-2002, 08:08 PM
oh comeon, its well known the nickel finish comes off cp one pieces, and people who buy that deserve what they get. howeverthe other colors of cp are just as well honed as just bout all other barrels. a barrels a barrel, there are only so many ways you can hone the damn thing. sure, you may get a bad barrel every once in a while, thats what happens with mass production, and youll see the same thing on boomys.

10-21-2002, 04:19 AM
...but performance-wise, there's nothing better about the boomstick, am I correct?

It doesn't shoot straighter or further does it? That's what I care about.

A finish that won't come off? Not worth $100 in my book. Standard black or other color annodize won't come off either.

10-21-2002, 03:33 PM
and i quote from the Dye 2002 full color catalog "Two peice alignment is an incredibly important aspect of a barrel's true accuracy. Straightness is 1 of 2 critical factors in barrel manufacturing. We take extra time to ensure that evey barrel we make meets a level of quality above others.
The second critical factor in barrel manufacturing is honing. DYE has perfected a micro honing process which has set the standard that other manufacturers attempt to follow. Our honing process is composed of several operations and the highest standards in quality controll. All of our barrels go thru this process.
All 3 of our 2 piece barrels are available for ALL paintball gguns in production."

Boomys are made of 303 surgical stainless backs. All barrels honed to a 6 micron surface. The boomstick has won more championchips in the last 4 years than all other barrels combined. I wonder why?

thats why you pay 100+ dollars. You get the best quality materials, barrel, and honing in all of creation.

10-21-2002, 03:39 PM
tunaman is right, dye is top of the line. I never liked the boomsticks but they are made to very very high specs. And its Not just a 40$ barrel with 70$ lazor ingravimg. Any of u that understand metal work can tank. Those of u that dont really shouldnt say Anything. J&j barrels are good but no where near what dye puts out. lapco is _____ should i say. (well only reason i do like them a lil is bc they made/make the autosp. which is smallbore)

10-21-2002, 03:51 PM
and i quote from the Dye 2002 full color catalog "Two peice alignment is an incredibly important aspect of a barrel's true accuracy. Straightness is 1 of 2 critical factors in barrel manufacturing. We take extra time to ensure that evey barrel we make meets a level of quality above others.
The second critical factor in barrel manufacturing is honing. DYE has perfected a micro honing process which has set the standard that other manufacturers attempt to follow. Our honing process is composed of several operations and the highest standards in quality controll. All of our barrels go thru this process.
All 3 of our 2 piece barrels are available for ALL paintball gguns in production."

Sorry, but I don't buy marketing spiel. Anyone can spout off garbage about their products - the proof is in the pudding :)

Again, like I said, if someone has some evidence to show boomsticks are better than other barrels, I would probably get one right away.

Boomys are made of 303 surgical stainless backs. All barrels honed to a 6 micron surface. The boomstick has won more championchips in the last 4 years than all other barrels combined. I wonder why?

A bit like all the angels?

10-21-2002, 07:34 PM
the proof is there, so many pros and noon pros choose boomys cuzthey are good barrels. Som dont like em. Fine. I also like them cuz the back is chrome and matched my body.

10-21-2002, 07:52 PM
At least saying you like them because they're pretty is a little more honest :)

10-22-2002, 12:15 AM
Holdon, since when did it matter if a barrel was honed to 6 microns?

I don't know about you, but simply making the inner-surface of the barrel more smooth isn't really the limiting factor in a paintball's accuracy.

...it's more about the fact that a sphere has horrible aerodynamics, not that it's puetzing around inside the barrel.

Like I said, I own one of these things, but not really by choice. It happened to come on a gun i bought, and I use it, however If I had been given the choice to buy a boomstick, or a cheaper barrel, I would save my money and go buy a cheaper barrel, simply because the performance is the same.

As Tom K. Has stated, the paintball industry is really odd. it's driven by perception and sometimes all-out Lies. Just 'cuz DYE says that the boomstick is better doesn't mean that it is, and just because you pay $XXXX.XX for a product doesn't mean that you're paying for quality.

...in AGD's case, however, you are.

10-22-2002, 06:51 AM
Well, so I can see for myself once and for all, I'm going to buy a DYE barrel from Tunaman in a couple of weeks. So I'll let you know how it is :)

10-22-2002, 02:04 PM
Shirow, other than being a good looking barre, I don't think you'll be especially impressed.

10-22-2002, 04:00 PM
Well he's selling it to me at a good price, so even if it looks good that'll be something I guess ;)

10-22-2002, 06:31 PM
ive used a friends boomstick many times. i think i would like it alot more if, it wasn't a 16" barrel. that thing is a freaking shovel. and i don't like the weight of the boomstick.

i did have a dye 14" alum. it was ok, but i should have gone 10-12". long barrels piss me off. but the dye barrels are kool. i think im gonna go freak though.

10-22-2002, 08:36 PM
i havew a 14 or 12 iuno i gotta messaure it j and j ceramic barrel, and it is the most accurate barrel i've shot so far. i've used boomsticks before and my jj seems to shoot better.
same bore size. same paint.