View Full Version : K-mart now sales the ir3

10-18-2002, 09:14 PM
k-mart (http://www.kmart.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=710319&page=1&pageBucket=0) it's news to me.

10-18-2002, 09:18 PM

10-18-2002, 09:18 PM
Oh sweet lord no...

10-18-2002, 09:22 PM
those are some high prices!

10-18-2002, 09:28 PM
dont worry, thats internet olny sales, dont expect to see one at your local kmart....

10-18-2002, 09:28 PM
odd, K-mart in my area closed up shop they aaaal gone
maybe it's a last attempts to stay in buisness

Gitaroo Man
10-18-2002, 09:32 PM
lol, hahahaahaha




10-18-2002, 09:38 PM
i thought K-Mart was supposed to knock down prices?

10-18-2002, 09:40 PM
Thats to funny.

10-18-2002, 09:52 PM
oh my god, i knew bout the b2k, but the ir3?? i mean, thats more money than their average customer makes a year.

10-18-2002, 09:57 PM
Omg! LoL wonder if wall-mart will start selling ir3:eek:

10-18-2002, 10:22 PM
omg that is so great. Why would a store like KMART sell something like that?! Don't they know that any serious paintballer would never shop there!?

10-18-2002, 10:28 PM
Dunno why they sell that,get peoples attention....

10-18-2002, 10:41 PM
id buy that

10-18-2002, 10:52 PM
thats just not right. walmart doesn't even have electros and k-mart is sittin there wastin ir3's. what a travisty(sp?). all the rich noobs are gonna go to k-mart and get an ir3 now. thats just sad.

10-18-2002, 10:55 PM
I think it's a step forward for paintball in general.

zach rumchak
10-18-2002, 11:35 PM
yeah they sell b2k2's in mcsports too

10-18-2002, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by kevmaster
dont worry, thats internet olny sales, dont expect to see one at your local kmart....

Why should it worry me, or anyone else that an IR3 would be available in a local K-Mart?

Is it really so scary, the idea that you could walk into a store and buy a product you might want to purchase?

What is the world coming to if consumers can get what they want?

Of course my local K-Mart is no more. The company that ownet the K-Marts in this part of Florida went belly up.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

10-18-2002, 11:43 PM
well I read this on www.247paintball.com

someone else just posted "They've been selling Angels on-line for about 2.5-3 years now. When you buy them from the K-Mart web sight, you're really buying them from an on-line affiliate using K-Mart as a third party who gets a percentage of the sale. " which makes sense.

10-19-2002, 05:12 AM
Originally posted by billmi

Is it really so scary, the idea that you could walk into a store and buy a product you might want to purchase?

What is the world coming to if consumers can get what they want?

LoL, Yeah really... Do you think that perhaps by being sold by K-Mart, the quality of the product will somehow go down?

Personally, I can't wait 'till I can go to the mall and pick up a case of paint, not having to wonder if it's been sitting there for 3 years or not.

10-19-2002, 07:14 AM
I agree. Having products, and good ones, available in more locations is not a bad thing.

I think some folks just like to have something to complain about. If a newb shoots a low end marker because they got it at Wal-Mart and it was affordable, they complain and then make fun of them. If a newb with money picks up a high end marker at a Pro Shop they complain and make fun of them. You just can’t win. LOL

And honestly, I never have a problem with newbs shooting markers that “cost” more than mine, no matter where they purchased them. I have more faith in my RT Pro and my skills to let that bother me. ;)

10-19-2002, 05:37 PM
It would be nice if I could go to the mall and pick up some paint...except paintball-online is closer :D

10-20-2002, 12:39 AM
Really it's an issue of "do we want to be so mainstream that any idiot can go into a corner store and purchase a paintball gun with no information or guidance?".

Activities are more fun when they are on the fringe. People that are "in the loop" are generally more knowledgable about what's going on than the average participant of a "mainstream" activity. Heck, look at the internet. I first started using local BBSes in 1985, when I was 14. Back then home computers were a "new" enough thing that only people with a good general base of computer knowledge used a modem, and as a result, the average BBS member was fairly intelligent and worth talking to. Commercialism followed, and with increased accessibility, the dweebs flooded in. Spammers, jerks, and all-around general idiots infest the web, and far outnumber the knowledgable users. Once the commercial interest took things over, the government was not far behind, because suddenly there was a financial interest to protect.
Paintball can very easily go downhill if it follows the same path. When the game was on the fringe, it had the advantage of being under the public radar. Very few people knew about us, simply because they weren't exposed to us. Now that we're being more high-profile and some companies have decided to mass-market gear, we have a larger number of paintball-uneducated using equipment in unsafe or unlawful ways. As injuries, property damage, and assaults climb, more restrictions will be placed on us because it will be widespread enough that cops, property owners, and local agencies will be tired of dealing with it.
Look at fireworks. When I was 5, I remember my family being able to set off fireworks in our suburban backyard. But now in most municipalities there are total personal firework bans because enough people have mishandled them, that insurance companies got tired of paying for injuries and property damage, police and fire departments got tired of answering nuisance and fire calls, and local governments got tired about hearing from angry constituants. Mass-marketing and "taking the sport mainstream" is asking for trouble, because of the lowering standards of the average participants.
But hey, at least someone made a buck off of it, right?

10-20-2002, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by TequilaMockingbird
Really it's an issue of "do we want to be so mainstream that any idiot can go into a corner store and purchase a paintball gun with no information or guidance?".

When was the last time you went to a store, and without knowing anything about what you were buying, dropped $1500+ for it?

...yes, I do understand that we're talking about "Any Idiot" here, but most idiots are not $1500-on-a-whim stupid.

...or I would hope so :rolleyes:

10-20-2002, 03:51 AM
no, I think TequilaMockingbird is right, it was a very good thought out post, thanks. There are some ppl from kids to adults who are quick to think that since it's that expensive it's the best and will make them better. These ppl need to be prepared to be able to handle that type of responsibility and the average Kmart cashier with the key to the counter isnt going to be able to prepare them for it.

there would have to be some type of responsibility/training/sensitive course before being able to purchase one.(IMO)

10-20-2002, 03:54 AM
my question is, if somone buys one and returns it, can I discount it and buy it? hehehe

10-20-2002, 08:35 AM
Yes, the more who are exposed to Paintball, the more idiots you will get. BUT, that will happen not matter HOW those folks are exposed to the sport, be it from seeing High End markers in their local stores, or any other method. And I find it odd that most of us agree that we WANT Paintball to become a mainstream sport, yet some of those who state that would NOT want the markers so easily available.

I can tell you with no doubt in my mind, that an idiot doing something stupid with a $60 Marker and an idiot doing something stupid with a $1500 marker is NO different. Do you think Law Enforcement, the Court System, and general public will make any distinctions? And should they? The answer is no… and neither should we as paintball players. But some on AO think that by simply adding a $1500 Marker alongside a $60 Marker already readily available will increase problems? I walked into Wal-Mart the other day and saw at least 5 or 6 different types of Markers already…. And paintball related problems have not risen in my community. Why on earth would they do so simply by making a $1500 Marker available as well at the same location? Heck, they sell the same marker down the street at the local Paintball Shop…

And if people think that just owning a Paintball Shop automatically makes them know what they are doing, or talking about, have another thing coming. LOL And I will leave that at that….

Also, it is not okay for the Government to get involved, but it IS okay to demand a special course be taken before purchasing a Marker? This is kind of a contradiction, and who will have to enforce that? It surely will not be the stores. I don’t have to take a course to go down to Wal-Mart and buy a rifle, I will be damned if I do so for a piece of sporting equipment. And does anyone honestly think the average Pro Shop spends any time “preparing” the customer for a High End Marker before a sale? LOL No more time than they do for a low end one…. They are out to SELL the equipment and they could care less if you know anything about it. Simply put it isn’t their responsibility.

Some will argue that point, but will be dead wrong. Unless you also think an Auto Dealer should teach people how to drive, how to be safe, etc.

Now, about the growth of the Internet in comparison to Paintball…. Nice try. Would those who would like Paintball to remain a “closed” Sport also have liked the Internet have been a “closed” medium as well? It comes down to accountability and enforcement of current standards and laws. This is often difficult to do with the Internet, but with Paintball… EASY. :D Can you Imagine how the world would be if the same mentality was used when Automobiles were first being marketed? And cars are used in more crimes than Paintball Markers (or even Hand Guns), and I would be willing to bet that they have caused more injuries and deaths (Aside from possibly war time use) than any other modern invention.

Yes, with growth you get problems. But you have to deal with those problems and plan for them. And I have to disagree that simply selling high end markers along side low end markers in commonly frequented stores will spell the doom of paintball. It does however sound more like “elitism” rearing its ugly head.

I think it is time for people to take personal responsibility for their actions, and demand the same of others.. period. And that should be done NOW, as well as when/if the sport becomes more mainstream. And that has nothing to do with how easy it is to “get” the markers…. After all, look how easy it is to get them now using the same method you are using at this very moment… ;)

10-20-2002, 01:12 PM
I had no idea kmart sold anything paintball at all

and it seems like all kmarts went out of buisness, over here they did too

10-20-2002, 04:00 PM
Shartley, you are on the $$.

What on earth is the problem of being mainstream? Mainstream means accepted by the general public as a legitimate activity, rather than the unfortunate stereotypes that we face today.

K-Mart, for whatever you may think of it, is an american institution. Being associated with them is a GOOD THING. Sure there's a thrill to being "in the know" about "edgy" activities. But it is much better to be able to have our fun without the possibility of censure, bans, or arrest.

And as for the idiots, well there is no difference between an idiot marking up signs with paintballs and another idiot bashing cars with a baseball bat. At least not to me, nor, I would think, to most on this board. However, the general public does not think so. We have to suffer under the stigma of using "guns". Well folks, what if paintball became mainstream and a marker was viewed as just another sporting good, like a bat or a golf club.

This way, the next time some fool decides to mark up a street sign in rainbow colors and gelatin, only the fool will be punished, not all of us. After all, you don't see public outcry against baseball when some retard decides to use a bat as something other than sporting good.

Ok, maybe that last part was just wishful thinking.


10-20-2002, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by shartley

I think it is time for people to take personal responsibility for their actions, and demand the same of others.. period.

Wow SHartly, You just asked for a Hard-Copy of the internet, If you know what I'm saying...

10-20-2002, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by joeyjoe367

Wow SHartly, You just asked for a Hard-Copy of the internet, If you know what I'm saying...

10-20-2002, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by yeahthatsme
thats just not right. walmart doesn't even have electros and k-mart is sittin there wastin ir3's. what a travisty(sp?). all the rich noobs are gonna go to k-mart and get an ir3 now. thats just sad.

rich people at k-mart... i dont think we need to worry about that happening