View Full Version : Movie: The Ring

10-19-2002, 01:00 AM
WEll lets see, i just got back from seeing The Ring. I am still up because i am still so scared. I have never been scared by a movie before. Sure i have jumped, but truely scared until now...no.

If anybody is thinking of seeing this movie, make sure you don;t mind being terrorified. Although this movie is only PG-13, i would have freaked if i saw it when i was 13.

Any body else seen this movie? Any body else can;t sleep now?

And on another thought, if you have seen the movie you might get this. I am not terrorified of Alantis Morsette(sp?) I think its the long black hair over the face....

10-19-2002, 10:56 PM
of all the movies I've seen, that was definitely the most F'd up movie ever! I was surprised it was PG-13.... considering the content... I wouldn't recommend this flick for those who don't like scary movies... I'm 17, and I couldn't get some of the images from that movie out of my head afterwards. The TV spots and previews I've seen for it don't even COMPARE to the movie itself. If you appreciate a REALLY good, scary horror film, and I am NOT talkin about movies like Scream, which are real weak, but this is one hardcore scary movie.

10-19-2002, 11:29 PM
wow, I wouldnt expect that movie to be good. Ill have to check it out. How good/scarey was it?

Sir Chopsalot
10-20-2002, 09:09 AM
man im going to go see it today and im already scared....

10-20-2002, 09:53 AM
i saw one preview for that movie, and i wanted to see it, but now i ahve to see it. i loved the exorcist, i thought it was good. i have a poster from hot topic hanging in my closet of the girl so that when you part my shirts, her big ugly face is right there.

Sir Chopsalot
10-20-2002, 07:20 PM
crikey i just got back from seeing the ring and its caraaazy

10-20-2002, 11:57 PM
For those of you that want to know how good/scary the movie is, this is how it effected me:

What i am now scared of: Cobble Stone Wells, Oval Mirrors, White Noise on TV's, and anything that is round....

What i am not scared of after the movie: um....can;t think of any

ITs was the best scary movie i have ever seen. The trailers looked boring to me but after the TV spots it looked better, I finally convinced my self to see it and i didn't regret it. Have fun being scared.

10-21-2002, 07:59 PM
Hmm, so good or bad idea to take a girl there?:D

10-21-2002, 09:30 PM
Good idea she'll be holding you tight by the end of the flick.

Yeah I agree it was a scary movie but I think that it was alittle more on the freaky side, like what the heck is going on. Its a nice twisted, sick story line. I wanna see it again.;)

10-22-2002, 12:11 AM
Is it more jumpy then "What lies Beneath"? The first time I saw that movie, I had the heebee jeebee's!

10-22-2002, 02:55 AM
very good movie.

this movie was actually taken from the japanese version, which is actually scarier from what i heard.

check it out if you can.




something i didn't understand. why did the son say "dont you understand? she doesn't sleep."

he was trying to tell the mom that she shouldn't have helped the girl. BUT, regardless if the mom helped the girl or not, the little girl would still be able to kill. correct? so by rachel freeing the girl or whatever, it made no difference. right? or did i not catch something.

10-22-2002, 07:24 AM
Holy doo doo! That movie has scarred me for life, now paranoid everytime I go near a tv..

What kind of mind comes up with these things?!

10-22-2002, 02:14 PM
the movie wasnt really scarry for me, it was one of thoes "flash things at watchers to scare them" I thought the Shinning was scarrier. The movie had suspense but the "scarry parts" were just startling.

it was freaky...

the ending was TERRIBLE. the chick crawling thru the TV was really stupid, atleast have her in color or something.

Scribe: yea freeing her did nothing. The only way not to die was to make a copy of the tape and show it to some one.
thats why the kid said "She wants to be heard"

Wc Keep
10-23-2002, 07:35 AM
im definately going to see it again this weekend with a girl.

you right scribe that by freeing her they did nothing.

10-23-2002, 08:44 PM
that movies was so great
i want a poster of the girl that died in the closet

i dont see how she possibly got up after the old guy wacked her in the head with that meatal thing, and was still able to chase him.

great movie to bring a girl, brought my girlfriend, scared the crap outof her. was funny.

well i guess thats about it.

does anyone get this--- why did she cough up that electrode pad thing with the wire? i dont get it?

10-24-2002, 11:03 AM
It was a dream, it didn't have to make sense. I thought it was an alright movie, didn't realy scare me much, but then again, its kinda hard for anything to scare you when you don't fear death...

10-24-2002, 10:18 PM
i havent seen it yet but the six sense and thirteen ghost scared the _____ out of me. in the six sense when the dead girl is under the bed, ya that is what really scared me. i still jump to get in my bed

Wc Keep
10-25-2002, 09:45 AM
i feel bad for all you guys outside of new jersey. the thirteenth child legend of the jersey devil comes out today only in new jersey and some parts of pennsylvania.

10-27-2002, 07:23 PM
I just got back from it and I thought it was more suspensful scaryness rather than actual scaryness. Taking a girl there would a very good idea.

10-27-2002, 09:55 PM
ok i love a good scary movie but that move was da shiznat! o and bad idea on taking a girl to see that movie... or at least my little buddy thinks so. to make a long story short my girlfriend grab for the first thing she could and it wasn't my hand. but other than that the movie didn't make me jump or scream or any thing like that but it made my hairs on my neck and arms stand up. i hate that when it happens. but the cool part was that it scared my girlfriend so bad that she couldn't sleep that whole night. idea take like you younger little brother or sister to see that movie just to be mean to then.

10-27-2002, 11:01 PM
was it jsut me, or was it not scary?? i mean, ive never been scared by zombies or whatever, the scariest part for me was just the beginning where the thing kinda ran past the tv. and also after the guy electroed himself and she runs into the hall and hes there. it was good, but not as scary as signs was. im not gonna lose any sleep over it, in fact i took a nap after i saw it. however, it is a good movie, and has a *****ing twisted ending

10-27-2002, 11:40 PM
Ya, It made my hair on my neck stand up. The scaryest part was the begining.

10-27-2002, 11:43 PM
I just saw it lastnight. It was a good movie, but not as scarey as everyone said it was. Everyone actually started laughing in the theater when they showed the face of the first girl who died. It had a decent story and had a few twist that most movies dont. I like how the horse fell of the boat, muahahhaa.

10-28-2002, 01:18 AM
You're wrong about the ending. See, they were all set...when she made it the next day without dying, it would've been done. But, she freed her, so now she will go on.
The thing I like about this movie was that it used the older "flash-scare" method, where you never really visually see what you thought you did; your mind registers something, then you make it up from there. Sort of like embellishing a story.
I enjoyed the movie; however, the comparison to the Exorcist is misleading at best. Two different plots, no religious overtones, no real comparison at all. It was an excellent movie though. I plan on seeing it again maybe this weekend. Horror movies are always better the second time!

PS-cant wait for House of 1000 Corpses!!!

10-28-2002, 01:56 AM
Originally posted by oldsoldier
You're wrong about the ending. See, they were all set...when she made it the next day without dying, it would've been done. But, she freed her, so now she will go on.

Your wrong dude, she was never going to stop killing. Thats why she was making a copy with her son, so he can live. The kid even said she wasnt going to stop. Either way, it was pretty cool.

10-28-2002, 02:19 AM
For me, the scaryiest aspect was not when it made me jusp but how the movie affected me after it was over. It was more of a disturbing aspect than jumpy scary. It is actually a disturbing movie in someways because what the parents did to the girl.

10-28-2002, 02:45 AM
Right...they were making the tape AFTER they had let her out. When she had found tghe little girl, if she wouldve left her where she was, it wouldve stopped. BUT, because they removed her, she will go on. That's what I was talking about.

Jack Napier
10-28-2002, 03:00 AM
She would've kept killing even if they didn't free her. Its all about the tape. The little girl is trying to express herself through it. That kid is special. She burned those crazy images onto that xray sheet with her mind. Well I liked it and thought it was scary and somewhat distrubing. I'd like to see the original to see if its any better.

10-28-2002, 04:32 AM
Originally posted by Xen
the movie wasnt really scarry for me, it was one of thoes "flash things at watchers to scare them" I thought the Shinning was scarrier. The movie had suspense but the "scarry parts" were just startling.

I can't believe you just gave the ending away with out warning anyone...

Possible Spoilers

I like what oldsoldier said otherwise why would the kid be all freaked out at the fact they let her out if she was going to be doing it anyway? I would like some more back story on where they went to help get Anna pregnant and why Samara was evil. Ohh and to the guy who asked why she coughed up the pad. It was just part of Samara's pain she was inflicting on others it was part of her story when she was in the mental hospital.


10-28-2002, 05:19 AM
Its' been 10 hours since the movie and I haven't moved from my room. All the lights are on, and my doors are securely locked. I asked if I could sleep in my roommates room, but he said "no". I'm scared.
I've never seen a movie so horrifying in my entire life. I'll never sleep again. I wish I was back home where my mom could cuddle me until I would fall asleep.
If you have children, do not let them see this movie. Ever.

10-28-2002, 08:55 AM
I saw The Ring this weekend, and all you people saying this was scary need to reevaluate your manhood :)

I honestly can't really think of a scary part in the whole movie. They had a few opportunities, but it just didn't happen.

Not that it wasn't a decent movie. I liked when they showed the whole tape in the beginning, I thought it was cool. Reminded me of some old German and French movies from the 1920's.

The other cool scene was when she came out of the TV. I'm sorry, but it should NOT have been in color, it was done perfectly.

The movie itself was pretty well-written, the plot had a lot of things going on that all came together in the end and it made sense for the most part. There were some holes, but I don't bother going into them since they weren't major :)

10-28-2002, 07:38 PM
Hmm, well I saw it two days ago and I must say I wasn't horrified by it. The scariest part in my opinion was when the kid's cousin's mom said, "I saw her face!" and they flashed the dead girl's face. I was expecting something odd, but not completely f'd up like that. On the plus side however, not only did I take a girl there, I took 3! YEAH!!

There are some things I don't get though. Why did Samara appear to "be at rest" when the lady went down into the well, and then killed the dude? Like what was the point of going down the well anyway, it didn't actually do anything.

And how did that stupid annoying kid know that Samara would kill everybody now that she was "freed"? Was I the only one here who cheered when he watched the video hehe? What an annoying kid!! Did she like talk to him or something? How did he draw those pictures like of the house? I don't get it.

Also, why did the horse go crazy? It was funny when it died though, lol.

Overall I agree with Thordic, if you found it that scary you should re-examine your masculinity, hehe.

10-28-2002, 08:11 PM
i forgot about that part when the horse jumps off the boat. i laugh so hard at that part that my girlfrined hit me in the gut. and i also though it was funny when the kid watched the movie, i was hoping that they all would die. but any ways . that movie still give me the creeps. when it comes out on video i am going to show it to my little sister

10-28-2002, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
I saw The Ring this weekend, and all you people saying this was scary need to reevaluate your manhood :)

I honestly can't really think of a scary part in the whole movie. They had a few opportunities, but it just didn't happen.

Not that it wasn't a decent movie. I liked when they showed the whole tape in the beginning, I thought it was cool. Reminded me of some old German and French movies from the 1920's.

The other cool scene was when she came out of the TV. I'm sorry, but it should NOT have been in color, it was done perfectly.

The movie itself was pretty well-written, the plot had a lot of things going on that all came together in the end and it made sense for the most part. There were some holes, but I don't bother going into them since they weren't major :)

Please Tell us about the holes :) it will give us stuff to think about...

10-29-2002, 08:40 PM
I really didn't think that movie was that scary, it just used the flashing image and loud noise to scare you, and maybe if it gets inside your head you'll be freaked out. But honestly, my biggest jump was when the guy whacked the lock on the barn door with a shovel. I laughed a lot throughout the movie.

10-30-2002, 08:02 PM
Well, all I have to say is that the movie wasn't what I was expecting. Granted, it wasn't too shabby of a movie, but the other people in the theatre ruined it for me. It seemed like 2 seconds before any "scary" thing happened, this stupid girl would scream and ruin the suspense for everyone. My favorite part though was when the girl came out of the TV. That was the highlight of the movie for me. And, what was up with the ending. I seemed to almost completely miss that one.

11-04-2002, 09:08 AM
Some one asked about the boy ... I hate to break it to you all, but the boy was added(bigger role) to the film as a way for the director to explain Samara(and why freeing her wouldnt solve anything) to an American audience. Dont flame me ... it was written in several reviews that compared the original to the American version. Another unfortunate case of directors feeling the need to dumb down movies for an American audience. This happens way to often with translations from Asian cinema to US cinema.

I believe in the original there was a son but he didnt have weird almost psychic abilities, instead Samara's mother had the ESP abilities. This was used to explain some of why Samara and her had problems. Also there was no horses in the Japanese version ... but this is understandale as there are like no horse farms in Japan.

Did you all catch the homage payed to the original version? The one medical chart written in Japanese, the Japanese painting hanging in the fathers house (visable when the girl returns at night), and there was one other.

The only thing that ruined the movie for me was the after conversation I had with friends. There we came to the conclusion that we just spend almost two hours watching a movie about the horror of not passing on that chain letter you received in the mail a few days ago.


Also forgot to mention, for those who dont know the sequal has been out since 1998 ... not sure if US directors will attempt to convert this also ...

11-04-2002, 06:25 PM
*may contain spoilers- comedic or otherwise*

you people were actually scared? I saw it and I laughed so hard in so many spots becasue it was SO STUPID. I mean.. did you guys see.. like in the first five minutes.. when the chicks were on the bed and talking.. the MICROPHONE ABOVE THEIR HEADS!? it was SO OBVIOUS! why didn't that get edited out!?!?! the producers must haev pissed somebody off on the editing staff becasue it was so there.

also, when they showed the chick in the closet with the messed up face.. it wasn't all that scary.. and what made it hilaroius was that this guy in the front goes right after they show it "Thats f***in' gross man!"
the whole theatre was in tears of laughter becasue hte timing was PERFECT.

I also laughed at the PREDICATABILITY of this thing.. sure hte ending was a bit strange.. but everything else was so classic horror movie. The thing was.. the director made more of a deal of scaring the people IN the movie than scaring the people in the THEATRE. I found myself going (as person on screen is about to turn around)..."oh oh don't go... ahhhhhhhhhhw that sucks". and LAUGHING ABOUT IT!

THen every time they displayed one of those "DAY 2" or "DAY 4" screens.. I was like... "Dun dun DUNN!"

Yes it had some good parts. The 'videotape' itself was strange. I wouldn't mind having another look at that. Very freaky.

There were too many loose ends in the movie. Where did the videotape come from? Who made it? if that little girl was dead... how the hell did she make a damn tape?

One very cool part was when the chick starts to come out of the TV set... and she's all interlaced like it's still part of the tv image... and then she just pops straight up all of a sudden.. that was a kicker. But WHY THE HELL did the guy just stand there and LOOK AT IT! MY WORD!

Overall it was okay I guess.. but I am not a fan of horror movies. I find them more downright funny then scary.

11-04-2002, 06:32 PM
OMG u peopel make me sic that movie was hilarious i laughed the whole time but then i was high so maybe my opinion doesnt count but still u people should be ashamed...:mad:
Gotta love those dead people they smoke good :D

11-04-2002, 06:37 PM
shoulda known :D

11-04-2002, 07:44 PM
Tru dat guys. Like I said, just the idiots in the theatre killed it for me screaming seconds before the obvious "scary" moment. I was dissapointed with the movie cause I was expecting a "Horror" movie, but it was far from it.

11-04-2002, 08:09 PM
The part where you got to see the whole videotape was prolly one of the best parts of the movie. They prolly spent more time making hte footage for that tape than they did on the rest of the movie. The spinnging chair.. that freaky ladder against the seemingly endless wall.. the nail going thru the finger... and what it really bad was the underlying shallow noise. It was a combination between a phonograph's fuzz and some sort of whale.. i dunno it is too hard to describe.. i need an mp3 of it.... ehhwh

11-05-2002, 01:22 AM
Veg, I totally agree with you. That video was very interesting to watch.

11-05-2002, 08:49 AM
You should have paid more attention to the movie itself in stead of trying to make fun of it as this was a no-brainer. If you had, you would have seen where they pointed out that the girl had the ability to put images not only into peoples minds, put also into a corporeal form. As evident in the "films" that the doctor was asking how the girl made.

Unfortunately to many directors know to expect this kind of audience, and movies that were stunningly good in their original form are usually left only partially intact in their American release. They realize that to many theaters are plagued by people who enjoyed ruining the movie experience. This being so, many times they feel the need to remove what would be a better although more complicated revealing of the plot for a more simple device which stands less chance of being ruined by people who should probably be in line for "JackAss the Movie" (and its inevitable sequals)...


Originally posted by Vegeta

There were too many loose ends in the movie. Where did the videotape come from? Who made it? if that little girl was dead... how the hell did she make a damn tape?

11-05-2002, 08:53 AM
The video tape was pretty easy. The explained it fine. Don't blame the movie because you weren't paying attention :)

11-05-2002, 09:47 AM
As I had stated in a previous post, there is a sequal to the movie ... I stand corrected, as of current there are five "Ring" movies ...

If you are a fan of the movie and would like to see the others along with the original, I would ask you to check out the Ringu Fan Site (http://home.swipnet.se/~w-10972/ringufan/) and Ringworld (http://ringworld.somrux.com/index.htm) for more information.

The five movies total are;
Based on the novels Ring, Rasen and Loop by Suzuki Koji
Ringu (1998),
Rasen (1998),
Ringu 2 (1999),
Ringu 0: Baasudei (2000)
and The Ring Virus (1999 - Korea).

For those that want some back story, Ringu 0, is the prequel to the series and goes into the whole story of (in American)Samara.

They also have links to ordering the various movies.


Also those with a SegaDC still may wish to check out The Ring SegaDC Game (http://www.us.infogrames.com/games/thering_dc/)

11-05-2002, 05:30 PM
Wow lots of sequels.

I heard that when the first one came out in Japan (the one the american version was based off of) that people were so scared some of them would not watch their televisions... some went as far as actually turning to tv around so they wouldn't look at it when they got home.


11-05-2002, 09:04 PM
I gotta go to the movie theater, tomorrow after school

First "The Ring" - Supposedly the scariest movie out
Second "Jackass" - Supposedly the funniest movie out

Should be interesting, get the jeabebus scared out of me, than laughing my *** off an hour later :D

11-05-2002, 10:31 PM
i havent seen the ring yet but this girl i knew went to a special viewing before it came out and she said she almost cryed it was so scary. so this must mean its a good movie if youre in for a scare.

11-13-2002, 07:33 PM
I just saw the ring again last night (I don't know why) with a few friends, and I would have to agree it is the scariest movie on earth. The guys I saw it with agreed, and one compared it to the exorsist sp and said this was way worse! I was soooo scared after I first saw it, and still am-that part witht he girl in the closet-OH MY GOSH! That is soooo gross! It is an awesome movie, but really scary-I can't believe some of you guys thought diffrently!

11-13-2002, 08:26 PM
I saw it a few days ago with Gibby and I thought it was scary! The scene where the guy gets killed near the end. That was FREAKY!!! I had a hard time sleeping the night I saw it. I kept seeing that kid with the hair and the freaky walk, even the surf board next to the wall looked like her in the dark. I'm glad I closed my eyes before they showed her face, otherwise I'd probably be sleeping with the light on.

Gibby saw the movie before so this was his second time seeing it and he was laughing during alot of it....although I'm not sure if he was laughing at the movie or my reaction to it. LOL

11-13-2002, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by netjunk1e
WEll lets see, i just got back from seeing The Ring. I am still up because i am still so scared. I have never been scared by a movie before. Sure i have jumped, but truely scared until now...no.

If anybody is thinking of seeing this movie, make sure you don;t mind being terrorified. Although this movie is only PG-13, i would have freaked if i saw it when i was 13.

Any body else seen this movie? Any body else can;t sleep now?

And on another thought, if you have seen the movie you might get this. I am not terrorified of Alantis Morsette(sp?) I think its the long black hair over the face....
lol, I didn't think it was scary at all, I thought it was weird, and cool, but not scary... I don't really see what was scary. It is a cool movie though :)


11-19-2002, 07:39 PM
lol-I hope this works-i downloaded the movie from winmx a while ago and got the best parts out! Enjoy!!!

11-19-2002, 07:46 PM
Here is another freaky one........

11-19-2002, 07:51 PM
This one is so scary!!!!!:eek:

11-19-2002, 07:56 PM
Here it is...

11-19-2002, 08:14 PM
i have never seen a scarier movie! my friend was "out of it" so he had the worst time of the both of us. man o man. i only have 4 days left to live (see the movie and you'll understand)

11-25-2002, 01:22 PM
i posted a thread about this before i saw it but theres a poll on it so lets see how many people got scared by it and who didnt.

i thought it was a little tame.


11-25-2002, 02:01 PM
I've only seen two movies that had me leaving the theatre scared.

One was the re-release of the Exorcist. The digital sound made a HUGE difference in this movie. The part where you are looking towards the mother at the door and you hear Regan's breathing BEHIND you was cool as hell. Made you want to look over your shoulder and make sure she wasn't there :)

The other movie was The House on Haunted Hill. If you saw it on TV, don't bother comparing, because I saw it on TV afterwards, and it wasnt scary. But I saw it twice in the theatres, and both times everyone I went with walked out shaking. Granted, the ending was terrible, but it was an extremely scary movie with an EXCELLENT soundtrack. The music by itself is scary :)

11-26-2002, 09:53 AM
Man, this movie was really scary...for the next week after seeing this film i would NOT pick up my phone.

11-26-2002, 11:23 AM
did anybody catch the subliminal image 3/4 of the way through the movie? they flashed an image if the 'ring' for a very short period of time...(24 frames.second for regular movies, so im guessing about 2 frame shots of the 'ring') i barely caught it, and thought it was a nice touch on the director's part.

11-26-2002, 07:33 PM
If anyone is interested, I have the original Japanese Ring in Divx format. Its about 360Meg in size ... I am working on getting my ftp server back up so that people can d/l it if they wish.


11-26-2002, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by ~Backdraft~
Man, this movie was really scary...for the next week after seeing this film i would NOT pick up my phone.


yeah i know what you mean! it was that, and i couldnt sleep for about 5 nights after the movie. i just kept imagining rolling over in my bed and having that girl that was shriviled up in her closet laying next to me! god that was a scarry movie

Wc Keep
11-26-2002, 10:32 PM
i have to admit guys ever since ive seen that movie ive been scared to go into the basement at my job. it reminds me of the well in the movie and its really dark in some areas and i think that samara is hiding in some of the dark spots.