View Full Version : stupid question :)

10-19-2002, 10:55 AM
ok so the world cup is this weekend till next right????

and does anyone have directions to it from I-4?

i just checkin. i dont wont to waste 30min-1hour30min driving down there to see nothing but big open land.........

10-19-2002, 12:19 PM
ok it isnt that stupid. i know someone here can answer it.

PLEASE ANSWER i need to know what i am doing tommorow

10-19-2002, 01:52 PM
World cup is on the 21st i think, goes for 7 days. I THINK. But ill be their like the last 2 days to play with manikes extreme. :)

10-19-2002, 02:57 PM
YAY it starts this sunday :)

i might come back next saturday ;)

here (http://www.warpig.com/paintball/articles/news/101408_cuprules.shtml) is some info on some of the rule confusion