View Full Version : 1st shot velocity spike on RT

Mike Meeks
10-19-2002, 09:30 PM
I'm shooting a classic RT and have been for quite some time now. I noticed at the beginning of this season that I was having a ton of velocity issues. Being that I had been out of the game for about 2 years I figured I would just send all my gear in and have everything factory rebuilt.

I sent in my RT to AGD and they happily went to work on it.

I also sent in my Apocalypse system to Air America, and they happily worked on it.

When I got everything back there was a world of diffrence, about the only issue was the 1st shot was always hot. I messed with the input pressure on the tank to see if that would make a diffrence and nothing really helped. Finally, haven thought I had heard that it was standard on an RT I just forgot about it an adjusted my velocity to the first shot and lived with the mid 200s on rapid fire.

This is pretty much how I played all season until I went to a big game about 2 weeks ago. There were a bunch of guys from the AGD Lions and I had one of them install a Level 10 for me. This guy was great buy the way.

When chronoing after the install he noticed the spike and indicated that by no means was this standard fair on an RT and told me he or one of the other guys could take a look at it and see what could be done. Being that we were about ready to leave I declined and indicated I would work on it myself. (Shouldn't of done that)

My question is what may be causing this problem and how would you recommend I go about resolving the issue?

Any assistance would be helpful.


10-19-2002, 10:26 PM
Replace the regulator seat o-ring. It's the o-ring under the brass piece when you unscrew the two valve halves. Also, clean off the flat part of the reg. valve pin that contacts the o-ring. Most likely there's a piece of dirt on that contact surface or on the o-ring. Also clean off the bottom side of the brass piece.

Mike Meeks
10-20-2002, 12:28 AM
Thank you for the speedy response. I'll give it a shot first thing tomorrow morning.