View Full Version : Is there, or will there be a NON-foamie Lvl10 bolt?

10-20-2002, 09:01 AM
Yesterday was my first full day of play with my level 10 bolt. I ended up using the 1 carrier, 2 shims and the shortest spring for those of you who want to know.

However, somewhere in the process of showing off or just playing I blew off my foamie. I had some super-glue with me, but I didn't really want to wait for it to cure correctly so I just ran without. I was getting some really wild fliers, but I attributed that mostly to the el-cheapo paint I was shoot. Decided to go low grade so I could afford to shoot more :D

So anyway, to the meat of my question/statement. I really don't see why the Level 10 bolt needs a foamie, and given the option, I'd run with out it. Will there be, or is there a non-foamie Level 10 bolt? If not, is there a reason I'm missing? I think the bolt is more than soft enough to use a bolt that is not foamie, and thus another part/piece for me to lose.

Anyone else agree/disagree with me on this?

10-20-2002, 11:48 AM
ts called marketing. AGD will sell more if it has a fomie. will it work better with one? No. Will it be fine without one in its present condition? Yes. Do you have to run it with a foamie? No.

agd will sell more and make more moeny and then be able to make better guns because it has a foamie(so thast a stretch--but hey!)

10-20-2002, 12:36 PM
well, the foamie is another safe guard, in the wierd case that the bolt does hit to hard, or something like that, then the foamie will protect that. IT also saves weight, as they didnt need to put a stainless head on there. No, it is not needed, and many people here have run with out it. It is just nice to have. I just wish they continued with hte replaceable sleeve idea. Remember how they were going to do venturi bolts and such? that woulda been so cool, even in i could still get one for the steel superbolt 2. I know there is no real performance difference, but venturi bolts are cool!!!!

Also, down the line, i would like to see a new delrin superbolt 3. THat would be nice. dont you all agree?

THe true superbolts, never had a problem. I dont quite understand why the superbolts that were sold did. Im assuming it was a problem with the idea of pressable sleves? Oh well!

10-21-2002, 06:52 AM
OK, I'll buy the weight savings idea. But I only see them moving the face out to the end of the bolt adding a few grams at best.

In lieu of that, why not use the hole in the top of the bolt spine (no idea if this has a real name I should be using) along with either an aluminum or hard plastic screw to secure a new bolt face. Technically you could then add the venturi face or what ever your fancy is in there. And hopefully the screw would keep it in place.

I just hate the idea that part of my favorite toy involves using superglue! But at the same time I'm not completely convinced that having the bolt face as open as it is doesn't negitively effect my performance in some way.

So anyone want to try to create a derlin (or any other light plastic composite) bolt face and see how it works?

10-21-2002, 08:51 AM
I don't think that there will be an LX without a foamie. The foamie makes the bolt that much easier on paint. I had occassion to see just how hard an LX bolt hits without a foamie at AO day LI, two weeks ago.

Jon C. was there toting none other than TK's own X-Mag as a demo. The foamie was not on the LX bolt in the marker, however, so when I did the finger test, the bolt hit significantly harder then on my own marker, which was with foamie.


10-21-2002, 10:46 AM
Your gun might have had a longer spring in it... That would account for your bolt being easier on your finger.

10-21-2002, 11:03 AM
Nope, shortest spring. And this was after Tunaman, who was teching, (thanks Tuna) tuned my LX.


10-21-2002, 11:08 AM
No offense ogre, but that makes no sense to me. The foamie is resessed in to the bolt face, so I fail to see how it would be any difference on your finger, other than the fact that your finger was further back in the breech on one marker than the other. However, I will agree that it should be softer on paint. That's not to say that a non-foamie bolt would work any less.

My standard bolt worked great except when it pinched balls. That's where I was getting most of my breaks. With the current set-up of Level 10, the chance of that happening is significantly less if not almost nill.

10-21-2002, 11:26 AM
I may be wrong, I am not a tech. I never profess to be any more than a user. I am just reporting how it felt on my finger from personal experience.


10-21-2002, 01:31 PM

Yes there would be more to that "pressure" than just the foamie. The foamies there to keep the bolt face from cracking the shell upon impact, The contributing factor to the pressure felt would be the spring length, carrier size and operating pressure (velocity). I belive it may have felt "harder" since the foamie wasn't there to impact your finger, rather the hard steel face was.


I don't see a non/foamie level ten, as the foamie is an integral part of what LVL10 accomplishes (Little to know breaks) Even though the bolt will stop on a ball.. you'd much rather have a soft rubbery face to shove the ball past the leak point than a hard possibly knurled or sharp face. Even if they did re-design the face to be more paint-friendly, that would be back-peddling from where they are now. About the comment with waiting for superglue to "cure" Most super glues dry once the two materials contact each other. I know when my first foamie shot off I was playing within seconds of my putting it on. I've shot over 10 cases of paint since then..and it's still there...holding tight.

10-21-2002, 01:48 PM
I'm wondering how you guys knew your foamie came out? Did you find it or just use a new one?

10-21-2002, 02:23 PM
Usually you will see it blow out. I blew mine out a few months ago...just got around to replacing it this weekend. Didnt notice a difference...

10-21-2002, 05:48 PM
i talked to tom at the IAO. he even toled me its all marketing. no sound basis that it relaly helps.....

10-22-2002, 06:34 AM

Are you saying Tom told you that the foamie offers no real benefit? That would be interesting.

I still think a composite/derlin/plastic screw in boltface would be pretty cool. If for no other reason than to put something in there to offer the ball better support when moving forward than just the edges of the bolt. From what I've read here on the forums, venturi bolts offer no advantage so that would just be preference.

Come to think of it, I've seen many a Spyder bolt where the venturi portion of the bolt was recessed deep in the bolt.

10-22-2002, 08:52 AM
im saying i dont know his exact quote, but, he did tell me that the foamie is there for the purpose of sales.