View Full Version : so we are the bad guys...

10-20-2002, 01:11 PM
I was reading in pb2x about the "in your face" paintball movie... it seems the epic battle between the rag tag team, and the rich boys who make fun of the rag tag team is portrayed with two markers, the EMAG EXTREEM, and the ORRACLE... and guess who has the emag extreem....... thats right, the richy rich boys who are the "bad guys" of the movie... Im mad!!!:mad:

But then again, at least agd will be in a movie!!!:D

10-20-2002, 01:15 PM
m&m turned down their offer to be in E.T. because they thought it would hurt their image, and as it turned out that movie is pretty much what kept recees peices(sp?) selling.

10-20-2002, 01:32 PM
I like recees pieces they are so peanut butterlicious. They also own M&Ms. And SKittles on the other hand is like a whole other candy.

10-20-2002, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by freek133
it seems the epic battle between the rag tag team, and the rich boys who make fun of the rag tag team is portrayed with two markers, the EMAG EXTREEM, and the ORRACLE

is it just me or does neither or those guns really match the saying "rag tag team" i mean...their both really expensive guns

10-20-2002, 03:13 PM
thats what i was thinking too

10-20-2002, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by Emagster

is it just me or does neither or those guns really match the saying "rag tag team" i mean...their both really expensive guns
I think you read it wrong…. I didn’t read it as the rag tag team used the expensive markers, but the rich kids did….. You may want to read it again…

10-20-2002, 03:29 PM
whoops, my fault....
It is the rag tag team that uses the orracle, it is an expensive marker but the "rag tag" teams main guy as stated in pb2x is using it, his team is playing against this richy rich team lead by the bad guy who doesnt like the main guy on the rag tag team... and the richy rich kid is using the emag extreem.

sorry for the mix up.

10-20-2002, 03:39 PM
again, the oricle is not cheeo either

paint magnet
10-20-2002, 03:58 PM
The rich kids should used Warped Sportz Dark Angel Ir3's. They're expensive and have lots of fancy stuff which makes them look even more expensive. And the Angel has the reputation for being the "best gun" by newbies. The rag tag team could use grey .68 Automags. (not a cheap gun by any means as far as quality, but less expensive and grey isn't flashy)

I hope they don't screw up with this movie, otherwise it's going to give the non-paintball crowd and newbies false perceptions and more to critisize. I want to see it though, when does it come out?

10-20-2002, 04:14 PM
that would be a good idea. but we all know this movie isnt going to be a national movie

10-20-2002, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by Xerces
m&m turned down their offer to be in E.T. because they thought it would hurt their image, and as it turned out that movie is pretty much what kept recees peices(sp?) selling.

Huh?? you wanna translate that for us? We are reading the same thread right?:D

10-20-2002, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Wheelman

Huh?? you wanna translate that for us? We are reading the same thread right?:D

freek was talking about the e-mag user being seen as one of the 'bad guys.' before the movie et was filmed they asked the m&m/mars candy corp if they wanted to use this for some product placement (if you havent seen this movie et gets fed some reeses pieces). mars turns down the offer thinking it might have negative repercussions on sales because of it being eaten by a monster/alien/whatever. reeses takes them up on the offer and the sales generated off of the indirect advertising in the movie keeps reeses pieces sales from going belly up. i was trying to draw a paralell between these 2 movies. while we might see it as giving e-mags a bad name, it could give sales a boost. and everyone likes more money.

10-20-2002, 09:13 PM
Oh.......okay I get it now, just didn't make a lot of sense to me at first. Does now though, wow I just thought of something....it's been like 18 or 19 years since I saw E.T. last, WOW!

10-20-2002, 09:14 PM
Having the rich kids using the emag is a good thing. It portrays that the emags are the best that money can buy. The rich kids could have any marker they want and they choose to buy the emags because they are the very best. This puts AGD at the top of the pile in my books. I like it.

10-20-2002, 09:36 PM
yeah, but even though it could portray that... We all know how this movie will end..

the team shooting the orracle (rag tag) will win in the final tournament against the team shooting the extreem (richy rich) portraying the cocker to over come the all mighty extreem.

10-21-2002, 10:39 AM
I always tend to look at things in an optimistic light and I see it this way. The poor boys can win using talent and inferior weapons over the not so talented rich kids using vastly superior weapons. In the end, people still want the vastly superior weapons.

Compare it to cars. In the movies, the bad guys (usually crooks and drug dealers) are driving Porsche and Ferrari. The good guys show up in an old jalopy that has smoke pooring out of the tailpipe. There is a high speed dual. The good guys usually win despite being outpowered by a superior car. Do people still want to go out and buy an old jalopy. No, they still aspire to buy a Porsche or a Ferrari.

In movies or television, any exposure is good, especially if it is associated with power.

10-21-2002, 10:43 AM
thanks for that,
You turned me around on my thoughts, you are absolutely correct with the "ole jalopy" :D

good views!!!!

10-21-2002, 10:44 AM
Well guess what, everyone gets what they want! The rich kids use the Xtreme but the poor kids use Minimags! So you will see us on both sides of the fence. The Oracle is used by the old pro player who coaches the poor kids.


10-21-2002, 10:58 AM
well hot diggity dang!!!
I didnt know that the rag tagers were using minimags also, thats a really good spotlighting on agd... Now I am more than happy!

10-21-2002, 12:03 PM
If that is true then that would put the poor kids right in there, gun wise, with most of the rich kids. I know first hand what a Minimag can do. Lovin' it yeah! My girlfriend is gonna kill me when I take her to go see this movie like 20 times.

10-21-2002, 04:19 PM
Mags all the way around. Now that's marketing.

10-21-2002, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by AGD
poor kids use Minimags!

Thanks tom, there goes my self esteem! Would an RT be like for the middle-income kids lol?

yeah I know the quote is way out of context too:D

10-21-2002, 06:42 PM
So the movie is going to be a mag aginst mag yay so mags always come out winning:)

10-21-2002, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by AGD
the poor kids use Minimags!

lol... that's me

10-21-2002, 08:23 PM
Crap, if Tom didn't screw things up by saying that, I had some good 'Scarface' lines I was about to bust out, oh well:(:D

10-21-2002, 09:45 PM
so is this movie going to be in the theators??

10-22-2002, 07:48 AM
i hope the movies good but the plot sounds kind of clishe {sp?)

10-22-2002, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by angelKiller16
i hope the movies good but the plot sounds kind of clishe {sp?)
LOL That is very true. From what I keep hearing, I don't expect anything more than a B rated movie about paintball.

But to be honest, that is a start. Look at The Karate Kid... not what I would call a "stellar" movie, and the complete series of movies were totally cliché, but how many people do you think ran right out and joined a Marshal Arts program after seeing them? ;)

As long as it does not do harm, it does good. :D

10-22-2002, 09:12 AM
Speaking of cliched plots and the Karate Kid films, (and Shartley may have meant for people to draw this conclusion anyway, by suggesting the analogy) do you notice that the plot of "in Your Face" is a direct rip off the Karate Kid films, right down to the wise old teacher coaching the poor kids, to play a tournament against the rich kids.

Frankly, though, I am not complaining. Just because a plot device has been used, does not mean it does not work. It's all about the execution.
