View Full Version : Almost done, Caded Extreme

10-20-2002, 03:39 PM
Well here it is again. Some different colors. The dimensions are all way off. Went with the AA Freak. I have to do a ton of little detail yet, the trigger for example.:rolleyes: .

But what does everyone think?

10-20-2002, 03:40 PM
Other side.:eek:

10-20-2002, 03:41 PM
MMMMM red.:D

10-20-2002, 03:42 PM
Last one, I just really like red.

10-20-2002, 06:39 PM
a comp gen pic of an incomplete gun whose demensions are "way off" and has no detail.I'm not quite sure what response you expect to get.I guess I'd say it looks....... incomplete?


10-20-2002, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade
a comp gen pic of an incomplete gun whose demensions are "way off" and has no detail.I'm not quite sure what response you expect to get.I guess I'd say it looks....... incomplete?


It's the rendered picture. I could post the wire frame picture, but then you couldn't really see anything.

Well they are "way off" because I don't have an extreme in front of me to measure off of. If I did it would be more exact.

I expect suggestions, or anything like that. Not smart aleck comments. :)

Spray Painter
10-20-2002, 06:46 PM
the trigger frame needs to be angled and i think the body need to be longer. other than that it looks good.

10-20-2002, 06:50 PM
I'm sorry if that sounded "smart" it was more light hearted then it seemed I guess.I just meant that it looks pretty much like an Extreme or any other AL bodied mag with that small amount of detail.Honestly,if you take the picture as it is,the grip frame looks uncomfortable to say the least and the rear of the body looks very bulky.Anyway I honestly don't mean to offend,sorry if I did.


10-20-2002, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by pito189

It's the rendered picture. I could post the wire frame picture, but then you couldn't really see anything.

Well they are "way off" because I don't have an extreme in front of me to measure off of. If I did it would be more exact.

I expect suggestions, or anything like that. Not smart aleck comments. :)
Actually Pito, I thought he was rather nice about it. He was not rude, but was honest.

Do you want to truly know what EVERYONE thinks as you asked, or just be told how good it is?

Honestly, even eyeballing for dimensions, you could have done WAY better. Also as far as renderings go, that is rather simplistic and unimpressive to say the least. You may also want to check your angles. And the easiest way to get rough (or even exact if you are good) dimensions is to import an actual picture into your 3D software and build off of that. This is not that difficult and I am sure your “help” files will tell you how to do this.

Please next time you ask for opinions, either be specific in what you want to hear, or don't come back indignant when folds give you their honest opinions. And like I said, his comments were not rude. And mine are not intended to be either....

10-20-2002, 07:13 PM
I'd really, REALLY hate to add to the ... mmm badness? of the response you are getting

but whats the point of showing us that? Its a solid color with simple shapes that dont even match the real gun in many large ways (but you said it was way off) but then what was the point? To me right now its a very simple 3d render of a red extreme... Mabye I just misunderstood and you are making a custom extreme? I dont know

and even then... its imcomplete...

10-20-2002, 07:32 PM
Amazing!, not even two responses deep, and the kid has to take crap from someone. It's BS like this that offen turns me off to this forum. Please don't defend your response, because you wouldn't have apologized if you thought it was nice. Would have Tom K. himself respond like that? No.

I dont't know what pito expected as a response, but sarcasm didn't need to be included. Ya know what man, the gun does need some work, (I understand it a work in progress)It does have some scale issues, but It is a very good attempt. I'm sure with a little helpfull feed back and another go at it, it will look even better.... And shartley,.. why don't you post a picture of something that means something to you, and I'll be sure to be nice and "honest" with you... <B>*POOF*</B>


10-20-2002, 07:37 PM
I appreciate all comments. I didn't want just the good hence the smiley after the smart aleck comments remark.

I love all the suggestions good and bad.

I took all the dimensions off my E-Mag, and I don't know it still seems the body is just not long enough? I was just looking at the rendered images of manike's E-Mag, and it seems like his is longer and more streamline. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong in the program, but you guys see what it looks like, so I don't know. I have a meeting with my professor this week coming up so I will see how that goes. I am definately going to do somethign with the back, a friend suggested the ripper milling, I might give that a shot, but that seems very involved right now with all the curves and such.

The grip doesnt have an angle because I was going for the 90* space frame, because I would love one of those on an CnC if I could ever afford one.

It's been a work in progress so far, learning the program and all, the body took me just about a month, and that was just doing it on and off. I did the barrel and grip and battery when I realized that I would be able to turn this in as a project.

I agree now after looking at it that the renders do look very corny. That is about all the Mechainical Desktop can do though. Should I get a program like 3DStudio, and then go from there? I really have no idea on that part.

Ahh well, tear into it, I hope to be able to work on it a bunch on christmas vaction, so I will list save all the suggestions and tackle the majority of them then.

Although I am going to definately keep the 90* frame.:D

EDITED: For spelling. Also Shartley don't defend yourself with a page long post, drop some bombs on me, and program recommendations, but just leave it at that. Or Don't

10-20-2002, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by JEDI
Amazing!, not even two responses deep, and the kid has to take crap from someone. It's BS like this that offen turns me off to this forum. Please don't defend your response, because you wouldn't have apologized if you thought it was nice. Would have Tom K. himself respond like that? No.

I dont't know what pito expected as a response, but sarcasm didn't need to be included. Ya know what man, the gun does need some work, (I understand it a work in progress)It does have some scale issues, but It is a very good attempt. I'm sure with a little helpfull feed back and another go at it, it will look even better.... And shartley,.. why don't you post a picture of something that means something to you, and I'll be sure to be nice and "honest" with you... <B>*POOF*</B>
And I didn’t also offer advice? I didn’t give him opinions as well as suggestions as to how to improve it?

Before you start calling ME a name, you had better think twice. Folks on this forum need to start taking their own advice and also growing a bit thicker skin. And I don’t recall me ever asking AO for opinions of things I may have posted, nor can I think of a reason I would. But that was not the point was it? HE posted and asked, not me. And I don’t see where ANYONE was unusually rude or harsh on him.

Nice way to get around the cuss filter, which is also against the rules here on AO. Seems noone but YOU broke any rules or was actually rude to anyone. You need some serious self reflection. The world does not always tell you what you want to hear… and that is because it tends to be more HONEST. Grow up.

10-20-2002, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by pito189
EDITED: For spelling. Also Shartley don't defend yourself with a page long post, drop some bombs on me, and program recommendations, but just leave it at that. Or Don't
My other post was because I was personally attacked, the only person who was rude to anyone was JEDI, yet he was the one complaining. People want to talk about hypocrites.... there you have one. I was personally targeted, and defended myself..... and that can only be expected.

And as for what I post... that is up to ME isn't it. ;)

Yes, 3DSM would be good, and you may want to look into Lightwave as well. I actually like Lightwave better.

10-20-2002, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by shartley

My other post was because I was personally attacked, the only person who was rude to anyone was JEDI, yet he was the one complaining. People want to talk about hypocrites.... there you have one. I was personally targeted, and defended myself..... and that can only be expected.

Then PM him and quit hacking this persons thread up. Sheesh. Handle it like an adult.

Pito: not being very well versed in CAD it almost looks Lego'ish, then again I am not aware of the programs capabilities. Time will improve and tweak. Good luck to you.

10-20-2002, 08:16 PM
First off, you did ask for opinions. (which I'm sure your clear on).
If you did that in Mech Desktop congrats! It really is a terrible program. What are you going to do with the model? Is this to learn how to use/understand a Cad system? Or is it for the fun of 3d modeling and animation?

If you are going for the Cad side of things there are far better options.
First there is Autodesk's Inventor it is the replacement for Mech Desktop.

Then there is Solidworks. (a bit better than Inventor)

The one I use is Pro Engineer. If you are in college or a high school there is a student version for a very reasonable price. I'm sure that all of them are likely to have a student version.

I'm told that Solidworks is the easiest to learn. But I prefer Pro/E.

For pure modeling/animation Lightwave is great. (I used it on the Amiga). Back in the day however Caligari was the cats meow for modeling/animation.

Either way get as far from Mech Desktop as you can.

10-20-2002, 08:21 PM
For someone learning the program, not bad(I would be lost). I like the idea of the 90*grip frame but I think it would also be cool to angle the battery a few degrees forward. It appears that you also put a single trigger on it (maybe not, it appears it to me) I like that too. As you get better at it I would like to see the finished product, keep it up!

*EDIT* Last part of post removed because it wreaked of my own stupidity and arogance. We all know by now that shartley is a force to be reckoned with so my stating the obvious was not needed.

10-20-2002, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by wimag

Then PM him and quit hacking this persons thread up. Sheesh. Handle it like an adult.

Pito: not being very well versed in CAD it almost looks Lego'ish, then again I am not aware of the programs capabilities. Time will improve and tweak. Good luck to you.
And you could take your own advice and PM ME that, couldn't you? But that would mean following your own advice. And we all know you are one of the ones just waiting to jump on the "say something to SHartley" wagon. :rolleyes:

And if you take the PM advice, JEDI could have PMed me as well, could he not? Or are you suggesting that anyone can do and say what they want to me in public view but if I want to defend myself I have to do that in private?

What were you saying about handling things like an adult? :rolleyes:

But I agree, if anyone feels the need to take a shot at me, feel free to do so in a PM. But I will not simply let folks talk crap in the open while I am expected to take it private. Sorry... wrong man, wrong age, wrong lifetime.

10-20-2002, 10:14 PM
That's not bad since you're just learning the program.I've been doing 3d modeling for some time now and have found that 3d Studio Max to not be the best modeling program out there(good for animation and materials though). It is a bit complicated just to use for modeling. I would suggest looking into either Lightwave or even Ryno(sp) which is specifically a modeling program and is pretty easy to use as long as you have basic computer skills which it appears that you do. Well, good luck, and it appears that you have a good start so keep it up.:)

10-20-2002, 11:20 PM
So stay away from Mech Desktop aye? Well that blows that what we use here.

I am a college student and go to UT Knoxville. I will look into the student versions of the programs mentioned.

Yes it does look like a single trigger frame. I was rushing in doing that part because the file has to be turned in on Tuesday. I will keep updating periodically throughout the semester though.:)

10-21-2002, 12:26 AM
Alright... bickering is over... take it to PMs.

Any further bickering = thread locked... people temp banned.