View Full Version : Newbage

10-20-2002, 10:15 PM
Anyone else noticed an awful lot of new people here in the last month or so? I swear, every time I turn around, there's someone new. Odd, strange, weird... I'm not complaining or anything, afterall, the more the merrier, but it's just strange.

10-21-2002, 03:16 AM
I've noticed it as well. I've also noticed a huge influx of people trying to get things stirred up via comments they're making and such.

It's very obvious the people who didn't read the rules of the forums and those who might have read them but really couldn't care. It's been bothering me, but I thought it might have just been me.

It has, however, been humorous to see people asking questions that were asked maybe the day before, and everyone trying to beat Shartley to the 'do a search' post.

Maybe I'm just asking too much of the new people though... I browsed the forums here for a year before I finally registered and started posting (strangely enough, it coincided with me getting my mag, but ya know), so I was very well aware of how things went here before I started posting.

Ah well, as you said, the more the merrier, I just hope it doesn't place too much of a load on the mods to keep those who disregard the rules in line.

10-21-2002, 06:59 AM
i am new, and I try to use the search engine, however, I apparently don't know how to use it since I haven't had much luck using it othere than to find my own posts. I tried the FAQ, but the single paragraph that explains searching isn't very informative. any hint or tips I should know about?

10-21-2002, 08:08 AM
Search Features like AO has are like Paintball Markers. You normally can’t just slap a Marker in the hand of someone not seasoned in their use and expect them to be very good at it. Also each Search Feature tends to have its own characteristics, and like Paintball Markers only with time and continued use will you get the “hang” of it.

On AO we have what I would call a basic search system. It will assist you in finding what you want, but most of the time it will not instantly bring you the things you are looking for. And believe it or not, places like Google, Yahoo, and others don’t instantly bring you the best results either. Most people THINK they do simply because they don’t know how to do an in-depth search and the amount of relevant VS irrelevant info tends to be better at those other places.

Want to really use the Internet? Try multi search utilities such as Copernic. I have also made a post about that on AO giving more information about it… and if you want to follow up on that suggestion, guess what… you got it! Simply do a search. :D

This is actually a good lead into the AO Search Feature. If you want to find information on AO about Copernic, it will be fairly easy. And this is because the number of posts that have the word “Copernic” in them will be fairly limited. This means the search function does not need to do much to find what you are looking for.

However, when you want to get information about more commonly used terms, phrases, or words, it becomes more difficult. And this is because the search function will simply gather all the posts containing those “search criteria” you specified. This means to get a more accurate search and results, you will have to be the brains of the process.

You will have to use some creativity. I would suggest adding “like” words or words or phrases used “with” the topic you are trying to find out about. An example of this would be something like:

I want to know where I can buy a C&C E-Mag. If I simply did a search using “C&C” it would bring up so much information that to sort through it all would take a long time. One way to reduce the amount of sifting would be to do a search using “C&C” but then specify to look ONLY in the Thread Titles. This would greatly reduce the number of posts pulled back. And then we can go further and do a search add a word that might be used WITH that information.

This would be like “C&C purchase” or “C&C where” or “C&C buy”, etc. You don’t however want to use sentences. This only causes more confusion for the search feature and will net you so much useless results that you will swear the search feature is totally useless…. But it is not… in fact far from it.

Another thing you can do is to use alternative wording for the same topic you want information on. And another good way is to actually use misspellings! If a term or word you are looking for has a common misspelling, USE IT. You will be surprised how many times this will bring you the information you are looking for. Smart web designers will often use this technique when building their Keyword Meta Tags. ;)

But keep in mind that no matter how you do your search on AO, you will get loads of useless information. This is where good scanning and intuition comes in. And this can not be learned overnight. Just like shooting a Marker, it takes time and practice. Those of us who are used to sifting through mountains of information tend to be very good at it. I can, for example, get mountains of useless information back from a search here, and find that needle I need to have. And sorry to say, it was not because of the search feature bringing me what I wanted, it was ME finding it within what WAS brought back.

So many times it seems that people think the search feature does all the work, but simply put, it doesn’t. Like I said, creativity is the key. And don’t be afraid to mix up how you ask the results be given or searched for….. such as by title only, member name only, displayed by post or by thread, etc. And if you are looking for a post you know was made a long time ago, use the by date feature or ask that the results be displayed in ascending order as opposed to descending.

And if you know the information was made in a particular forum, do the search in that forum ONLY (Search Options / Search Forum). And you can add things together to reduce irrelevant results….. Keyword, Member Name, Tech Support, Date Time Frame, order of ascension. The Search Feature will only do what you tell it to, so don’t be afraid to tell it to DO something.

But again, no matter how good you get at telling it to DO things, you will have to fall back on your scanning and skimming.

So, it comes down to creativity, asking the right things, and quick scanning. I am sorry there is no magical solution to finding exactly what you need, but with practice it does get easier. Like most know, if you really get lost, just ask me and more than likely I can find what you are looking for. And as you see, even when I make my “do a search” posts I provide tips, hints, and even at times the exact search results and what I used to DO the searches.

Over time it gets easier. I hope this helps in some way. I really don’t mind helping folks, all I request is that they first try for themselves. :)

10-24-2002, 08:13 PM
Good man Sam ;) I'm sure everyone who is "clueless" as to the ways of searching is greatly appreciative.

Secondly, I still want to know WHERE all the new people came from?!?! It's weird. All of a sudden, we have this mass influx of new people. (Didn't I already say this once? ;-) ).

If some of you new guys (& gals?) out there could tell me Why you joined, I'd appreciate it.

10-24-2002, 08:18 PM
sam, we gotta call you search wang! since your such a prick about it!:D :D :D just joking man, no offence meant! but search wang would be funny

10-24-2002, 08:47 PM
I have been on AO for a while, and I just surfed here for 6 months before I joined, and latley it has gone from 3000 members to 8000 members VERY fast. I think some people got really bored at the end of summer or something, and decided to join.