View Full Version : HPA preset or regulated

10-21-2002, 05:29 AM
I'm getting a new E-mag next week I need to buy a new air system for it. My old air system is a 114 ci 3000 Max Flo on my autococker. I was considering getting one of the new 68 ci 4500 Max flo systems, but a buddy of mine is telling me I should just get a preset tank. He's got me looking at a 68 ci 4500 Crossfire preset for like $169. He said since the Emag is internally regulated you don't need the max flo reg. Is this correct, and should I go with the crossfire over the max flo? I've read alot of other posts but it seems there's alot of personal preferance debate. I'm just trying to cut thru all the hype and get down to the facts. Thanks. - Seabaas

10-21-2002, 05:43 AM
I dont have an emag , but alot of the people Ive seen . And alot of people here with emags have max flo's on em. And Ive seen no problems with them...

10-21-2002, 05:45 AM
Well I know there isn't gonna be a problem with the max flo , I've had one for years with my cocker and I love the system. I would buy another for my E-mag but I really don't want to spend nearly 400 bucks on the system. Especially if the Crossfire does just as well at 169 bucks. I guess I should of explained myself a little better. Any ideas anyone on how presets actually perform as compared to an adjustable. - Seabaas

10-21-2002, 06:03 AM
An adjustable will be much more convenient becuase you can adjust how reactive the gun is in manual. However, because you're most likely buying the emag to run it in either electro or hybrid, it's not as big of a deal. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

10-21-2002, 06:06 AM
crossfire would be fine. No need to say more..

10-21-2002, 10:21 AM
You don't NEED an adjustable air system but it will allow you to fine tune your E-Mag.

If 800-850psi is exactly the input pressure you want then go for the pre-set. They are much cheaper and will work fine.