View Full Version : Christmas is coming, what's on your list?

Tony Arrivo
10-21-2002, 09:15 AM
I'm gettin a Bonzai tree, a Warp feed, and a crap load of candy canes.:D

10-21-2002, 09:42 AM
<b>wishing for:</b>
1U rackmount server
freelance web gigs ;) (need to buy a house somehow)

<b>known gifts for others:</b>
good tickets for a peter gabriel show
surreal artwork

10-21-2002, 10:14 AM
Wishing for:
CnC Red to Black fade (thats a forever wish)
Nice digital camera

Still thinking for everyone else. Hard to find out what they want when you are at college.

The Frymarker
10-21-2002, 12:08 PM
Wishing for....

Complete silence in a house full of chaos!
A Vacation
A Cheap Remodeler
A Manike Emag!!!!!!! I really wish!

Piece on earth and good will towards men...and women:D

Order grips as stocking stuffers!

.....Then maybe I could get a Manike Emag....yeah right

10-21-2002, 12:38 PM
A dremel set so I can mill my tank :D

10-21-2002, 01:27 PM
Flatline & Retro.

10-21-2002, 01:40 PM
Custom red, white, blue fade AGD warp. Maybe a Freak set for my mag. Car(yea like thats gonna happen).:D Other than that life has been good to me, so nothing else is needed. Although I'm sure everyone on earth could use more money.:D

10-21-2002, 02:29 PM
umm, well anything over 20$ won't happen anyway, so I'm gonna wish for lots of 20$ bills. Maybe it will be enough for 4 new tired on my jeep.

As for the house wish, synreal, I found out a jobs works wonders to getting that house :D hehe just messing with ya man. I actually started my second job just last week to build up a little downpayment for a house. Then there are little odds and end I do for spare $$
Beleive it or not I am currently lined up for a compleat car audio installation. I have a 65 mustang on my road that needs a new starter. I just got done with a 93 topaz that needed a compleat new exaust and while I was at it I found a leaky waterpump. I have a HP laptop with some issues and a second puter that got hit by lightning, both being reworked, a power point slideshow for a local wedding ( yeah I do some official stuff too ). And 2 hoppers in need of some flames. That all has to be done this week.... on top for 60 hours of "real" work. And I'm still on AO.... tisk tisk......

10-21-2002, 02:37 PM
Getting to go home and see my family, dog, cats and friends is enough for me. Also, getting the chance to spend some time with my dad restoring my truck. That's what it's all about for me.

10-21-2002, 02:53 PM
I'm going to ask for a retro valve.. If I asked for more than that I would feel guilty..
I think I'm going to buy my dad a Black Dragun or something like that. I want him to start playing paintball, and hey, you never know, it might help him someday for self defence purposes? (he deals with really expensive coins and crap.. I mean not that he doesnt have a gun, but you really dont shoot people for taking a couple thousand dollar coins.. do you? :eek: )
I also might buy my little brother a new barrel for his tippmann/ my old tippmann.. I'm sick of seeing that thing bone stock except for a drop forward I put on there a while ago..
I would get some cocker accessory for my brother but I dont know whats on there right now, so I cant get him an upgrade.. plus upgrades are usually prefrence based.
As for my mom, I have no clue, this is the first time I'm actually buying the presents for people, its kind of sad.. anyway I have money now.. I really dont know what I should get my mom.. but my dad gets the biggest present; he has really been helping me out with boy scouts and he works so hard and crap, I swear he works from 10 am to about 2 am every day.

10-21-2002, 04:02 PM
personman: get him an e-99 there on sale on pbgear.com

i am wishing for either an emag or rt pro with a 68/4500 tank:D thats it. thats all i want. for stocking stuffers... a warp and some custom grips(i'll be talking to you soon frymarker)

10-21-2002, 04:05 PM
I already looked into an e99 and I dont want one for my dad.
I have done research, its not like I go out and say ooh this gun is cheap and its electric I think I will buy it.

10-21-2002, 04:09 PM
Getting alittle off topic, but Frymaker are you still doing grips. I e-mailed you last week just wondering if you got them? They should be from a pito189.

The Frymarker
10-21-2002, 04:18 PM

No pito I didn't get your email, email [email protected]

Hey grips for your dad too!!!! And you can put a saying in his grips as a reminder "Dad please get me that emag!!"

10-21-2002, 04:22 PM
Im asking for an air hockey table like they have in the arcades, some skateboard stuff like new board and all other good stuff, halo B, an invision and a dvd player for my 30in tv. :)

10-21-2002, 04:56 PM
Probably just one small thing over here. We(my family) are having some "fincial(sp?)" no problems but like an all-time low. We are trying to open a Quizno's sub shop and jsut about all of out money has gone into that. But it's ok, soon we will have the Quizno's open and everything should be fine.

10-21-2002, 05:04 PM
I want a new pack, jersey and some money towards another marker purchase (looking to get a backup to my Angel, preferably a mag).

10-21-2002, 06:09 PM
CAR! well actually i'll probably just tell them to get me the push and smoked videos, a few books, cds, and some paint!

10-21-2002, 06:21 PM
I know they probably won't be out for christmas but a guy can dream can't he: a nice shiny aluminum vert feed body for my mag

-halo b
-Ice Voo Deux Jersey
-Redz 3.2 dimension harness
-Freak Kit (cocker threads)

Tony Arrivo
10-21-2002, 06:30 PM
Oh yeah, did I think I forgot to metion that C&C E Mag in my stocking...

CoFFeY[NiTrO] I Love Quiznos, good luck with that!

10-21-2002, 06:57 PM
whats on my list:
-freak barrel kit for my autococker (i dont actually have my autococker yet, but this is what i want once i get it!
-as many cases of paint as i can get!
-mountain bike (a good one i can do XC and a bit of DH with)
-Onimusha 2 (its for PS2, looks cool!)
-68(maybe 86)ci Angel Air
-Halo B loader
-some stuff for my soon to be autococker (cant think of right now)
- oh yeah, a ninja sword!

i probably wont get half the stuff i want, because most of the gift-givers i know dont exactly advocate paintball if you know what i mean...but i can dream cant i??

10-21-2002, 07:03 PM
Wish List:

any one of these(I'm probably not gonna even get any of this):
-new computer parts to build a setup
-a digital camcorder
-a mac(maybe)

a must(I'm asking for this stuff realistically):
-paintball gear
-new stereo system


dunno yet.

10-21-2002, 07:04 PM
A custom fitted suit (when your 6'3 suits of the rack don't seem to fit hehe)
An electric shaver
maybe a good classical books (last year got an enitre 20 century history volume it rocked, hopefully this year some philosophical collections of Hume and St. Augustine, or a collection of Russian history books)

Or I would give all the above up for a round trip ticket to Russia and back for my summer intership.

Yes I know I am a geek, hehehe.

Tony Arrivo
10-21-2002, 07:42 PM
I'm thinking about asking for a bunch of paint too. I'd probably have to pick out the paint on pbgear. A little off topic but what kind of paint do you think I should get?

10-21-2002, 08:22 PM
Well this December my marching band is going to play during the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans!!!

The trip cost 700 dollars and my parents are paying for most of it, so i'm not expecting anything under the christmas tree this year.

But I'll be in New Orleans!!

10-21-2002, 08:51 PM
Yeah Spaceman Spiff, Brak, and Quizno's!!!

10-21-2002, 08:52 PM
a few changes to my list:D

instead of rtp i want a used mag a guy at my local field is selling.

and some custom grips.

and a freak for my new mag.

and the tank with the mag

and some random cd's

and a lvl 10 for the mag. and thats all i can think of right now.

Tony Arrivo
10-21-2002, 09:08 PM
Well, I'm printing them out and sending them to Santa Claus so keep 'em coming. ;) :D

10-21-2002, 09:50 PM
1995 Camaro z28 LT1

actually I wanna get someone to co sign for me.

10-21-2002, 10:11 PM
My Christmas List

1. A better paying job (a gift that keeps on giving :))

Thats all

10-22-2002, 12:04 AM
Frymaker e-mailed you.:D

The Frymarker
10-22-2002, 04:10 AM
Did you email me under Paul?

Oh and Tony A. tell Santa I've be really nice:D

10-22-2002, 04:36 PM
My wife and I bought each other watches. We're gonna pay them off with the christmas money we get.

We needed some bling.:cool:

10-22-2002, 05:18 PM
Jeez what the hell? Some of you guys are really spoiled!!
Your asking for more than I have gotten combined in my 13 years of living, in your one stupid year!
Jeez, I swear!

10-22-2002, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by obsolete898
My wife and I bought each other watches. We're gonna pay them off with the christmas money we get.

We needed some bling.:cool:

ROTFL ahahah, that hillarious. From what I hear Bling is key. :D

Originally posted by personman
Jeez what the hell? Some of you guys are really spoiled!!
Your asking for more than I have gotten combined in my 13 years of living, in your one stupid year!
Jeez, I swear!

I think the KEY difference is some of the lists that people put up are WISH lists. Meaning that is what they wish they would get, but it's probaly not what they will get. I only have a digital camera on mine, and jeans, because I realize how expensive it is, and hopefully everyone will pitch in for me and get it. :D

10-22-2002, 05:48 PM
I'm hoping to get Simon Mall gift certificates, so that I may be able to afford a new tv or computer.

10-22-2002, 05:59 PM
I hope i, getting a 68 4500 Crossfire tank...and Xbox Live....:D

Tony Arrivo
10-22-2002, 08:05 PM
Just realizing I forgot about Hannekuh(sp?) Don't want to forget any Jewish fellow paintballers, so if you celebrate Hannekuh or any other holiday please post what you're wishing for :D

10-22-2002, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by pito189
ROTFL ahahah, that hillarious. From what I hear Bling is key.:D

Actually they're not really to bling. They're both Movados so they got that nice plain style. I've wanted the one I got for 3 years.

Nothing finishes a nice outfit like a nice watch.

10-22-2002, 08:44 PM
all I really want is $ so I can fund my trip to the Bahamas.... that and good health, always good health...and probably good luck getting into my top pick for colleges!

Tony Arrivo
10-22-2002, 09:01 PM
Sounds cool, have fun in the bahamas.:D

10-23-2002, 07:18 AM
Hmmm...Usually I just ask for money, so I can buy what I want with it. Which may sound selfish to some people, my parents usually buy me clothes that I don't wear, or don't like.

The thought has crossed my mind to get me an E-Mag, which is a long, loooong...loooooooooooooooong shot in the dark. I'll probably get the gift certificates, usual stuff in the stocking and still probably ask for just money.

10-23-2002, 07:29 AM
Im getting an authentic NYR alt. jersey. I just bought the Geforce4 formyself, so I dont haveto worry about it.

10-23-2002, 12:04 PM
otherworld dice set
3rd edition DM guide
3rd edition monsterous manual
dry erase board
C&C extreem
Angel Air
Freak for autococker(C&C) and mag
Medusa Frame :D

10-23-2002, 12:40 PM
Blue HALO-B :D

10-23-2002, 06:58 PM
Here's My list.

1)a nice, Shiny new E-Mag, with a warp, and 12 volt X revy.
2)Those slick JT Pants with the zip off legs.
3)a nice selection of PB Jerseys
4)World Peace

10-23-2002, 07:02 PM
hahaha, notice how the first thing on his list is an emag, and the last is world peace...:eek:

10-23-2002, 07:05 PM
im thinkin a few dvds and PS2 game or 2.

thats about it, i know...... im boring :)

10-24-2002, 06:55 PM
nothing ...... why because im ghetto

10-24-2002, 08:26 PM
A new green cocker beavertail
A new gun, perferably a cocker like an outcast or something
A Nasty Impulse
A mac dev Cocker lower tube kit
A kapp twisted Cocking rod
A new drop forward

What am I going to get? Prolly about $20...

10-24-2002, 08:37 PM
i want a snowboard.

10-24-2002, 11:32 PM
I'm thinking that since I floss daily, God will give me McDonalds Inc.


Since that's not the way my life works. (*mutter* *spoiled* *pansies* *mutter*)

An Invision would be nice.

Rancid Milk
10-28-2002, 09:03 PM
A nice 10 or 12 in. freak kit. then maybe a girlfriend, but that's too much even for santa :( oh well, I like the freak a lot too.

Oh yeah, a new JT IZE purple mask. My dog ate my blue one :mad:

10-29-2002, 11:01 AM
Dye invision
An I-frame

and probably some video games from other people

Archangel Damien
10-29-2002, 04:31 PM
all i want for christmas besides my 2 front teeth is an automag of some sort it dosen`t even have to work because i can fix anything

10-29-2002, 05:26 PM
A box of Krispy Kreme's and some rubber gloves. :p

10-29-2002, 06:41 PM
The I-frame and a jersey is on my list