View Full Version : i just realized that im not good at paintball

10-21-2002, 04:54 PM
ya, thats rite, i really stink at paintball lately... any1 else stink? i guess the only reason i stay in it is because i like the atmosphere.

10-21-2002, 04:56 PM
i just started so understandibly i'm not terribly good. but i'm getting there.

Wc Keep
10-21-2002, 05:07 PM
its all good dude we all suck. if we were all good then we would all be in the nppl.

10-21-2002, 05:16 PM
That's right.Knowing that I'm not as good of a player as I could be is what keeps me playing and working hard to become better. I think it's when people start knowing that they're a good player is when they stop working hard. Just my $.02

10-21-2002, 05:31 PM
I think that it's like anything else in life. You have days when people are just like sitting ducks and then you have days where you come home feeling like you were a pinata. I always try to think I'll do better next time!

10-21-2002, 05:54 PM
Yea i'm beginning to stink at paintball too. The only reason I stay is that i get to play and tinker with my markers that's the only thing that makes me happy:). I love my guns too much to stop now:D. I like to clean them, take them apart, put them together, and hold them closer than my girlfriend. I'm strange yes i know it but is it wrong to love you gun? Probality yes.

10-21-2002, 05:56 PM
I suck too...dont feel bad!;) :D

10-21-2002, 06:04 PM
I've found out you don't actually have to be good, or close to it, to have fun.

Frankly, I suck and yet I have fun. :)

10-21-2002, 06:10 PM
As long as you have fun, thats all that really matters.

There will always be someone better at it that you are. If you can't find that person, you are taking the game to seriously.;)

10-21-2002, 06:12 PM
To me, it is not about how “good” you are, but how much you put into your game.

On any given day…. That’s right, on any given day. And nothing makes me smile more than seeing that “less skilled” player have his day. ;)

10-21-2002, 06:17 PM
dude, after having one of the best games of my life, i sucked it up the rest of the day because i was so tired from that good game. so now im training, and running, to beat my asthma so i aint ever restricted as to how hard i can play

10-21-2002, 06:31 PM
For me it isnt fun unless I am playing as good as I think I can. When I play sloppy I get pissed at myself and try harder.

10-21-2002, 06:41 PM
strange things happen to me when i play paintball. im pretty good, but most of the time (except the last time i played), i suck the first few games, then i get pissed at myself. after i get pissed off at myself, i get it together and i play really well!
except for the last time i played. i play woodsball, so i put together a good strategy, executed it flawlessly, and got the results i wanted.

10-21-2002, 06:42 PM
<<<<, nuff said :D

10-21-2002, 07:06 PM
Wait so does that mean anyone that plays NPPL is good:D

I play strictly to win. I guess paintball lost it's "fun" awhile ago and now it has become a way of life. Unless I'm winning i'm mad, but playing good while losing is still a plus.

I know i can ball and yet i still try my hardest to learn and get better. When you notice there is no room for improvement then it is time you find a new sport to play.;)

10-21-2002, 07:07 PM
ive been sucking for the last two games.. but this weekend i can feal it in me. im know im gunna step it up.

10-21-2002, 07:19 PM
I'm always bad the first game or two of Speedball, but after a few games I can usually keep up with the local tourney players... well kinda, I'm not getting murdered, but I'm not actually winning many 1on1 snap shooting duels

10-21-2002, 07:24 PM
Hey, me too. Don't let it get you down. But, I wear a jersey, so at least I can look like I know what I'm doing. :D I guess I'm pretty good for only playing 12 times, EVER. I just need to get a job so I can play more often.

10-21-2002, 07:25 PM
ya last time i played i kicked ***. And i had a spyder with a messed up trigger. So that added to my arragance but soon... maybe the next game im gonna get wasted. But i don't care. Although when you guys said about other sports i have more than once thought about selling my paintball gun and persuing some other hobby/sport. But i almost feel a duty to play paintball, its weird.

10-21-2002, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by theraidenproject
But, I wear a jersey, so at least I can look like I know what I'm doing. :D

hey. i do that too

10-21-2002, 07:40 PM
I just started playing again after like a five month break. Right now I play down right crappy to merely okay. I'm hoping to get my act together soon though.

10-21-2002, 08:45 PM
Hey, most people aren't to great, but they keep playing.

But, think about golf for a minute. Being able to play to the standard, par, considerers you VERY good.:rolleyes:

10-21-2002, 08:55 PM
Good? good?!! well, I am absolutely...

about average. :)

Paintball is FUN!!!

I don't really care much about being "good", I just want to have fun! Yes, I do my best for the teams I play on, but really it is more about having fun.

Paintball is FUN!!!

when playing rec-ball, it is sometimes more fun to see the renters/newbies hot me,a dn hear the subsequent "stories" about their "skill", than it is for me to go why-lay an unexpected new player with tunnel vision. :)

Paintball is FUN!!!

No, I am not saying that everytime I get hit, I let it happen (far from it), but when I do (I said, when, not if - hehehehee) - I always have fun playing paintball

big E kingpin
10-21-2002, 10:09 PM
i would say my expiriance is about what puts at average, but im nothing spactacular, and i have been in vited to play at the past 2 nppl events, and in orlando, all of which i turned down for lack of funds. so you dont need to be a rock star to play nppl

10-21-2002, 11:41 PM
I also suck, I get tagged by noobs all the time(usualy when I'm out and watching on the sideline:rolleyes: )
But I wear my pbj jersey and tote my customized cocker and people tend to think that I know what I'm doing, that is until they see me play :D Then its kinda hard to hide my bad playing. But hey I can always blame it on my badly timed cocker...

10-21-2002, 11:53 PM
Just played a big game on Sunday. Let me tell you that I had a zen moment. I was Keanu Reeves in the Matrix. I was the 'ONE'. Paintballs were flying at me and I could literally see them moving in slow motion. I was ducking and dodging all while returning fire.

My opponents stopped shooting and I stopped as well sure that they had dropped their markers to applaud my awesome performance. Instead one of them yelled, "Check your hopper." My hopper? How dare these inferior idiots ask me to check my hopper! I humored them......only to find a large splat on the front!

Well lets say I almost had a zen moment :D

Seriously I had a blast. Don't get discouraged. There are days we do really well and days that we constantly seem to be eliminated. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

10-22-2002, 02:07 AM
Some times your the dog
And some times your the hydrant


10-22-2002, 03:01 AM
HAHAHAAH that was funny blaze, that about sums it up. Sometimes it works other times it doesn't. Like Rambo said it is about having fun without that might as well go home and chat on the forums:D

10-22-2002, 05:42 AM
No matter what paintball with always be FUN but at times it is more then just trying to have fun. WHen you go to an NPPL event just wanting to have fun then your in for a big suprise. It is to much money and time to be focused on fun, you WANT to win. But no matter what the outcome at the end of the day when your looking back you've always had fun you might just not of noticed it at the moment.

10-22-2002, 05:45 AM
I suck sometimes and play well other times. When I do suck, I just buy a new gun because I need to blame something.

10-22-2002, 06:26 AM
Originally posted by Stoneman
I suck sometimes and play well other times. When I do suck, I just buy a new gun because I need to blame something. kewl! at least you know it (as do I). It is too common that some players think that it is actually the marker that "causes" them to be a bad player and so they must buy a newer and more expensive (probably) marker. arghghg.

10-22-2002, 07:37 AM
i can't tell wether i am good or not really, don't think i'm that good though. I get my eliminations at a feild filled with AM B players but most the time i just get shot at the entire game and can't do much about it. I try to do good but i i'mnot much better then my friends in school but as long as i'm having fun i dont care how good i am

10-22-2002, 09:03 AM
I played speedball for the second time in my life this past weekend. I didn't do too hot during most of the games. And then I just started thinking- "why am I stressing over this?!" Once that realization came, I started playing better b/c I was out there for fun.

Alot of it can be mental. Once you kick your own butt into moving, you can play better. But it's all in your mind.

10-22-2002, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by InfinatyBPS
But hey I can always blame it on my badly timed cocker...

even the cocker guys are now dissing their own guns lol

10-22-2002, 12:18 PM
If this wasn't a family oriented board... ;)

Gentlemen- make your own jokes. :D

Originally posted by Stoneman
I suck sometimes and play well other times. When I do suck, I just buy a new gun because I need to blame something.

10-22-2002, 12:45 PM
I'd just like to say this is the coolest thread I've seen on AO in months :)

10-22-2002, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring

Alot of it can be mental. Once you kick your own butt into moving, you can play better. But it's all in your mind.

yeah, i know exactly what you mean.

we challenged this private group to a 7 on 14, Top Secret was there, and I started the game without a gun, (i put my on/off assembly in upside down and didn't realize it until i was on the field..... :( ) and then when one of our guys were eliminated, he handed me his gun and i played like crap until the last few minutes of the game, when i realized that TS had shot out half of the other guys and would appreciate some help, so i moved forward, not caring that we had been outnumbered 2-1.

of course, i only ended up shooting one of them

10-22-2002, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
I'd just like to say this is the coolest thread I've seen on AO in months :)

... and I'd like to add that Thordic REALLY sucks - I've seen him play and he sucks. I mean he sucks worse than most, probably worse than anyone else here - certainly more than me anyway. He sucks so much, the weather changes when he shows up. He sucks so much the cheap hookers all take a break when he walks down the streat. This guy sucks!

Chances are noone sucks as much as Thordic - which is why he thinks this is such a cool thread.


FatMan (can't believe I kept a straight face ... doh!)

10-22-2002, 03:33 PM
hey man, don't worry about it,we all suck, at least we all think we do, cause if we didn't, then we wouldn't et any better, i don't know about you guys, but even the times i'm having one of those "off day" where you can't seem to hit hte broad side of a barn, it's still fun, you just go home w/ a few more welts (aka battle wounds for the ladies)

and on a second note: like 56kSomeGuy said I love my guns too much to stop....I like to clean them, take them apart, put them together, and hold them closer than my girlfriend.

i love my guns too, my mag is my baby, and i love my carbine like a child, i hold them close jsut like a gf and never let them come to any harm just like him, the only difference between my guns and a gf, is well i don't mind if my gf is a little over lubed, or her "barrel" is a little wet, plus i don't sleep with my guns, not yet at least. and i hope 56ksomeguy doesn't sleep w/ his either.

10-22-2002, 03:42 PM
You owe me a new monitor! I just snarfed coke all over it... HAHAHAHA :D

Meanwhile, back at the Ranch... Brian's got a nasty trigger finger. I hope I'm never on the receiving end. :eek:

Originally posted by FatMan
He sucks so much the cheap hookers all take a break when he walks down the streat. This guy sucks!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Originally posted by TheJester
the only difference between my guns and a gf, is well I don't mind if my gf is a little over lubed, or her "barrel" is a little wet,

10-22-2002, 03:50 PM
A certain Clemson engineering prof is asking for some bonus balls next month :)

10-22-2002, 04:04 PM
I used to be good when I had my mag. Thats because I wasnt cocky(It didnt shoot fast, so I had nothing to brag.), and I had to use more of my brain to play. Then I bought a hyperframe, and got into electro world and started to spray a lot of paint, and my skills that I worked on for so long were gone. My mag with stock carbon triggerframe, J&J barrel, 12v and flatline nitro would always be the thing I learned from. Untill I got rid of it. Im going to start playing pump against semi now, with little more than a tigershark and a co2 bottle. Gone are the days of spray and play ;) Im going back to learn the basics!

10-22-2002, 04:46 PM

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Jeez what I would have given to see that!

Oh man! that's funny!


Originally posted by Dayspring
You owe me a new monitor! I just snarfed coke all over it... HAHAHAHA :D

Meanwhile, back at the Ranch... Brian's got a nasty trigger finger. I hope I'm never on the receiving end. :eek:

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

10-22-2002, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
A certain Clemson engineering prof is asking for some bonus balls next month :)

LOL - Thordic, it was only so funny 'case we all KNOW you don't suck! A least not a paintball!!!!

LOL! Whew, guess I better wear some extra padding when y'all come down.


10-22-2002, 06:19 PM
ive been playing for about 2 1/2 years. i still have a great time. i am probably on of the worst players at my feild. i just like hanging out with friends and having fun. and some sprite. it can't be a day of paintball without sprite, and carls junior after the day. :)

10-22-2002, 07:06 PM
Dosent matter if you play good or not, just as long as you look good doing it! :p

10-23-2002, 07:10 AM
Originally posted by Scooter/Cootie
Dosent matter if you play good or not, just as long as you look good doing it! :p
That always reminds me of what my buddies used to say when we went skiing...

"Never worry about your landing. Just make sure you look good in the air!"

Reason: They never use landings for cover shots! ;):D:D

10-23-2002, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Dubstar112
I used to be good when I had my mag. Thats because I wasnt cocky(It didnt shoot fast, so I had nothing to brag.), and I had to use more of my brain to play. Then I bought a hyperframe, and got into electro world and started to spray a lot of paint, and my skills that I worked on for so long were gone. My mag with stock carbon triggerframe, J&J barrel, 12v and flatline nitro would always be the thing I learned from. Untill I got rid of it. Im going to start playing pump against semi now, with little more than a tigershark and a co2 bottle. Gone are the days of spray and play ;) Im going back to learn the basics!

This is why I play stock class, as well as playing with my Mag. Not that it makes me a better player, mind you, but at least I don't forget what it took me years to learn.

As for sucking. I do too, but the important thing is to suck with style. Better to get tagged making that crazy move that has a 1 in a million chance of succeeding, then to get tagged hiding behind a bunker, hiding. That is what I tell walk-on players and new players when they come up to me in awe because I seem to know what I am doing and I have my own equipment.


P.S: Oh and Dayspring, I was there on your first day of playing speedball, and you didn't suck. :p

10-23-2002, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by TheJester
i'm having one of those "off day" where you can't seem to hit hte broad side of a barn,

every time i play its like that.

10-23-2002, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by ogre55

walk-on players and new players when they come up to me in awe because I seem to know what I am doing and I have my own equipment.

i seem to have a train of newbies and younger kids with Spyders following me around every time I play, it's cool, but I felt like a big jerk last time I played because these two middle schoolers were like "Hey Nathan!" and I had no idea what their names were even though I'd played with them 2 weeks before.

10-23-2002, 07:48 PM
At my school I'm almost worshped as a god in paintball. Its manly because I have a freeflow and all the guys there have spyders. But when i'm acutley playin I really sux. All I think about is how much I don't like to get shot and I seem to do better.

Warped Designs
10-23-2002, 10:49 PM
I think my title says it all

Some times you track the bear
Some times the bear tracks you

I have my share of days that I totally suck (normally my team carries my weight for me then). :(

and stuff

10-23-2002, 11:18 PM
haha this thread is pretty cool. i love the way nobody is acting like they are awesome. im not gonna sit here and say i suck like half the people here. lol. but im not too good either. i mean ill have days where ill take out a ton of Am A guys and then ill have the days where a group of Noobs make a ton of crazy suicide run and takes me out before i even saw it coming. but the reason i play paintball is because its plain fun. from playing to going to the chicago open when it comes around to messing with guns. anything paintball is fun. i go to warped sportz and talk to the guys there cuz im bored and talking about paintball is fun to me. nothing is as fun as playing though. i am on a local 3 man team consisting of me and my 2 best paintballing friends. we have jerseys and expensive markers but that doesnt give us big heads on the field. we go out and have a blast. we play every weekend and love it more and more as we learn more and more. when it comes to tourneys, if we win HELL YEA!! if we lose who cares, we got done playing paintball and it was damn fun!! point is keep your head up, enjoy this amazing sport of adrenalin pumping action and team strategy, and play til u drop no matter how much u suck or how good u are.