View Full Version : Played in local field's first tourney

10-21-2002, 05:20 PM
Boy.. this was an interesting weekend.

The local field (well.. it's about 40 miles away) had their first ever tournament Sunday.

Three teams showed up. One was mine. Reason being the location of the field (it's way off the beaten path out in some woods off a rock road) and because it is new.

Upon arriving, we found that the two otehr teams' members had no one under 17 (us being 14-15).

My marker was the one of the most expensive, only being a pretty much stock 68 mag. Allthough some of them had spyders with e-frames... and an m98 with a response trigger.

Belive it or not, the field owners said noting about locking their e-frames in single shot mode, nor turning off the reativeness of the one's m98-rt.

I had forgotten to switch my tank to vert asa like tuna had tol me to... and did not have time to switch it before hte first game.. so I chanced it. Running co2.. it was about 45-50 degrees.

Weel my velocity ranged from 345 to about 125. first shot was always pretty good... second shot lost about 50 fps and each shot after it. The day got warmer and i kept my hands on my tank to keep it nice and warm... thinking I would have to shoot slow.. yea right.

Something was freezing up on her after a game or so.. and after firing the bolt would stay open and spray a fog of co2 and whiteness.

I ened up saying screw it, and playing with one of their rental mags that ran vert 16 oz.

(I do not run N2... the field does not fill it. sucks eh).

That gun did exceptionally well. Well enough that I eliminated at least one pearson (out of 5 man) each run out to play...
with one time taking 3 for the win.

Although in the end we got slaughtered by the guys with the e-spyders and the RT. we were playing with crap guns... one with a m98 (which did good), one with a raptor, another with an avenger, and one with a Spyder xtra (and me and the mag).

The field owner had 3 Black Draguns he had... he was showign some guy what it did.. he acted like it was the king of all guns.. saying it needed, and I QUOTE:

"An automatic ball feeder to put paintballs in the gun because hte one kind can't do it fast enough"

Well so the guy screws in some Co2, pops in a battery in this thing, and goes outside. Mind you, the Dragun has no firing modes, just a microswitch that activates a solenoid to fire a spyder-clone.

It turned out to be really.. really fast when feathering the trigger. The pull is extremely short. I loved it.

He was selling them for $125... I wanted one so bad... after seeing how the mag did wth co2 compared to this thing. Accurate as hell.. consistancy great... even tho it was about 6 oclock and about 45 degrees.

Anyways... I ened up playing one more fun round with some guys with the auto's.... i ran the snake... so did some other guy on hte otehr team.. I slid down, he went up... we met in the middle... and we both put about 6 rounds into each other. I was shootign about 250. He was about 340.

I got him, but not without him hitting me in the shoulder three times at a one-foot distance. It bled pretty bad, too bad I don't have a digital camera.

But it was fun.

We finished third. Out of three. One point from second.

Not bad for my shammied 5 man team that had never all played together before 9we even had one guy who had never played paintball before at all..)

10-21-2002, 06:48 PM
sounds like you had fun. i wish that i could find a nice, small tournament to play with my friends in.
I have a M98c (soon an autococker), and my friend has a Black Dragun. im with you on that gun. for the price, it shoots FAST, really fast.
but really, nobody can blame you for loosing to a bunch of kids with electros and rt 98s. just have fun!

10-21-2002, 06:53 PM
Oh yes we had some serious funnage.

I really liked that Dragun tho... the microswitch behind hte trigger.. like.. 2 mm pull.. wow...

I play Drum Set and also Marching snare drum.. and have some pretty fast-twitching muscles in my hands... Who needs a frame with all kinds of modes when you got one of these thigns...

For 125$ it can't be beat. Thinking about getting one for my winter gun.. since the mag doesn't work too great on the devil-gas in the winter.

10-21-2002, 07:08 PM
muuuummmmm my .9 mm trigger pull .... angel.

i wouldnt seggest getting a sear tripper, they have some pretty bad issues ...and some nasty recoil.

last local tourny we went to ... i got shot in the nads.
most painful thing ever.

10-21-2002, 07:08 PM
if you really want to use those twitch muscles, pick up a BKO or an impulse, then you can show those punks with the sear-trippers whos boss!

10-21-2002, 07:19 PM
how much did it cost to play in the tournament?

10-21-2002, 08:24 PM
It cost $60 per team. 5 players... 12 bucks a peice.

Issues? like what?

10-22-2002, 12:32 AM
alot of them dont have rechargable batterys.
alot of them dont have regs ... so they dont have the most consistent velocity. some nasty blowback.

if you want to winterize your mag i suggest getting a expansion chamber with anti siphon ... or getting a remote . the remote with expansion is great !

believe me .. short of getting nitro ( you could get your on scuba and tank for about 250 ... that would really solve your proplem)

10-22-2002, 01:02 AM
Wouldn't a palmer stab and anti siphon be his best bet?


10-22-2002, 06:58 PM
I know my options but I have never played in the cold with my mag until now..

She shoots pretty good for a string of about 8 balls.. then it starts going down hte tubes.. then hte things starts locking up and shooting hugh clouds of co2.. need to grease the on/off.. that would help... it is a little dry.