View Full Version : My LAPCO Bigshot I just bought off eBay says .697 under "Bigshot" .. Whats up?

10-21-2002, 08:40 PM
I thought ALL Lapco Bigshots were .689, and the Autospirits were .687-.688. I have an autospirit that i believe is .687, and i just bought a bigshot off ebay thinking it was a .689 bore size... These two barrels would cover the paint I use.

Under the Bigshot (TM), it says .697.. That is huge! The paintballs I have are old, but the ones that dont fit in my autospirit totally roll out of my bigshot.

My question is does LAPCO make bigshots in different sizes? I thought bigshots were strictly .689 .. Anyone know whats up?

Anyone know the best way to test the boresize? (by using some other little spherical ball..i dont have any fresh paint right now).

Any ideas of how I could trade or something to get a .689 bigshot..or how i can figure out if it is indeed .689... But why would it say .697 then?


Top Secret
10-21-2002, 08:48 PM
You have bought a barrel for a Z-body mag which was made by LAPCO for that body. I'm assuming its cocker threaded.

10-21-2002, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by Top Secret
You have bought a barrel for a Z-body mag which was made by LAPCO for that body. I'm assuming its cocker threaded.

Yes its cocker threaded I was buying it for my micromag.

OMG!.. So it really is .697 ?? That is way to big and unneccesary for my needs. Why does it need to be so big for a zbody setup?

What can I do? Here is the auction URL: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1866098186&rd=1

It does not say anywhere it is for a zbody mag or it is a .697.

I would have asked the boresize but I thought all bigshots were .689!! ARG! The seller didn't contact me once through this transaction anyway.

What do you all think I should do?

10-21-2002, 09:35 PM
standard bigshots are .689. however, Glactic asked for LAPCO to make some in a .695 to allow the paintball to have room for the backspin to happen. so you have one thats way too large....loL!

10-21-2002, 09:42 PM
Ugh, what a jerk. I hate eBayers that don't describe the product right!

Any eBay geniuses here? Since the description did not say it was a zbody bigshot or that it was .697 bore size, can I return the product and get a refund sine it wasn't described correctly.

For the record, I have 13 positive feedback, he has like 10 positive, 3 negative.

So is there anything I can do? Can i contact eBay and get my money back?

And if not, is there ANY demand for a zbody bigshot?? :rolleyes: I just want a .689 bigshot, and i defiantly do not want this barrel!

Help me out fellow AO'ers!

10-21-2002, 09:58 PM
heres my opinion on this. you can leave bad feedback to help prevent this in the future, but looking over ebays fraud policy and his auction, i doubt there is anything EBay can do. it IS what he told you it was, you just assumed it was a different type. although the type he sells may not be too common, it is what he advertised. i dont see anything you can attack him for, just realy your lack of inquiry(although i admit, if i had seen this, i would have assumed it was a .689)


10-21-2002, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by kevmaster
heres my opinion on this. you can leave bad feedback to help prevent this in the future, but looking over ebays fraud policy and his auction, i doubt there is anything EBay can do. it IS what he told you it was, you just assumed it was a different type. although the type he sells may not be too common, it is what he advertised. i dont see anything you can attack him for, just realy your lack of inquiry(although i admit, if i had seen this, i would have assumed it was a .689)


Well I asked but he did not answer ANY of my emails..I wrote him probably 6 over the transaction. he didn't even confirm that he got my payment or that he shipped! He has bad feedback from other people saying he did not contact them at all through the transaction, just like in my case.

So I did inquiry, like I alway do. Just he failed to reply.

Can I still do nothing? :(

Is there ANY interested in zbody cocker barrels? Or should I do the same thing he did and put it back on eBay and try to get my money back that way!?

10-21-2002, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by dcmander

For the record, I have 13 positive feedback, he has like 10 positive, 3 negative.

Thats your first mistake. Dont buy stuff from people with negative feedback!

Leave some of your own. Dont totally bash him, but a simple "Item was not as described, NEVER replied to emails", or something like that.

10-21-2002, 10:10 PM
Well I exagerated. He has 22 pos, 3 neg, and 1 neutral. I thought that would be ok. The only complaints were he didn't respond but I dind't think that would matter because I just wanted the barrel.

UGH..I hate jerks on eBay!

10-21-2002, 10:14 PM
Never assume anything on ebay and if he never replied don't bid.


10-21-2002, 10:36 PM
Ok how about instead of flaming my eBay skills :P you guys give me an idea if I have any chance selling this barrel again to a zbody owner. There aren't many out there, are there? Do I have any chance of selling this (forums, or eBay) barrel saying it is a zgrip barrel and the bore size is .697 to allow for backspin to increase range?

10-21-2002, 10:39 PM


He has changed his name, but he is the one that sold me an EMAG in the spring that immediately had to be shipped off to AGD (THANKS AGD !!! for your excellent service and standing behind your product) for a stripped trigger magnet screw. He claimed "Oh it shot perfectly for me"...

He claims to be a real paintball player, but one of our own would not do stuff like this. Be lucky that you only got taken for $36.

He always uses his real name: Kevin Bui

He was starting to get a lot of bad feedback under his old name is my guess why he changed it...

EDIT: Found his other ID: FIRESPIRIT7

Watch out for him...


He has lots of hoppers for sale... May get a great price but don't expect him to ship until 30 days is up...


I figure he is putting the money in the bank and living off the float... :(

10-21-2002, 10:45 PM
I second this idea. If a mod would like to move this or copy this or whatever to the Bad Traders forum that is fine with me.

10-21-2002, 11:43 PM
I'll buy as long as the price is not too steap. I need a cocker barrel that big in case of large/huge paint in the summmer time (when it swells)

let me know


10-22-2002, 12:00 AM
I PMed you.

10-22-2002, 02:37 PM
I gotta question!! Anyone know the outside diameter of the freak inserts? It may be possible to have someone modify that barrel to accept the freak inserts.. and personally that would be killer, a sizeable lapco bigshot!

10-22-2002, 03:08 PM
It could be possible, but for barrels i'm only gonna use a bigshot and autospirit..no freak for me!

Barrel is for sale!

paint magnet
10-22-2002, 03:21 PM
I'll buy it off you for 10 bucks+ shipping :D

Well, if you decide to keep it, try using JT Elite and TC Venom series paint, maybe even BE. The JT fits good in my boomy, and it's .694

10-22-2002, 07:11 PM
;) O well...I will be looking to sell it though. I PMed that one guy in this thread who was interested; he hasn't gotten back to me yet.

Anyone done business with him? Is he a good trader?

Hope he gets back to me, it could really help him and me out... I have never even heard of a .697 LAPCO bigshot, let alone see one. I guess they are pretty rare. Are they even still made? The one I have is brand new.

He wants it for when his paint swells in the summer. Hope he gets back to me.

10-23-2002, 12:29 AM
Right here will explain how to be careful on ebay.

First off, always ask why they are selling it. In this case he probably made the same mistake as you except he did it to you intentionally. He bought the wrong one so he heads over to ebay and sells it. Scan through and read hard, if you must cut a paste it into word and see what spelling errors they have. This usually indicates they are young, don’t know much, but know how to rip off people without having there parents find out and in some cases there parents going along with it. Next don’t buy off of ebay unless it’s from like one of those companies selling many things. I have bought a few things from ebay and I have always got ripped off, the product worked but only for a few days, etc. etc. etc. I have made good deals as well but mostly when I have bought them through companies. If you’re not an auction guru and you don’t know what to look for I really do not recommend buying from there.

Now to remedy this problem:

Well if the guy disappears and won’t give your money back and you don’t think filing mail fraud on him will help you can.

Re-sell it with the proper title (hoping someone actually needs it), or sell it without properly describing (quick "evil" cash :() it in which a lot of people do restarting the whole ring of ebay ways. Sadly this is how a lot of things on ebay are sold.

10-23-2002, 07:19 AM
maybe honestly he didnt know it wasa 697, i mean maybe hes never even played paintball before...just soak yer paint in a bucket of water before you play;)

paint magnet
10-23-2002, 02:40 PM
Um, I offered to buy it too.

10-23-2002, 03:10 PM
No, I don't think anyone would consider 27 cents on the dollar a "real offer"...

10-23-2002, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by paint magnet
Um, I offered to buy it too.

Yah, sorry.. I ignored your offer because..well, it was ridiculous :)

I hate when people say they are gonna buy something of yours and then they dont get in contact with you again for another 3-4 days..i hate it! I'm just one of those freaks that checks his email 3-4 times a day ;)

10-23-2002, 05:30 PM
Ebay is a great place, but I have had problems with items related to paintball. I had sold one of my automags and the person ended up backing out after it was sold, so I got stuck paying the sellers fees, he had no feedback, my bad.
As for the barrel you bought, you are in my opinion pretty much stuck with it. He or she did not give you all the info you needed but you did not ask, maybe they did not know.

10-23-2002, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Stoneman
Ebay is a great place, but I have had problems with items related to paintball. I had sold one of my automags and the person ended up backing out after it was sold, so I got stuck paying the sellers fees, he had no feedback, my bad.
As for the barrel you bought, you are in my opinion pretty much stuck with it. He or she did not give you all the info you needed but you did not ask, maybe they did not know.

Ugh..will you people quit saying I didn't ask. i DID ask, he never replied. It was my mistake to buy it but I REALLY needed a bigshot and I wouldn't have bought it if i would have known they even MADE bigshots that weren't .689 bore size.

paint magnet
10-25-2002, 05:03 PM
Well, I don't think he said if it was aluminum or ss, so that make any used item worth roughly half of the original price, bringing the value down to 25 bucks, then since it's .697 I guess that's another half, and I'd pay shipping, so it's not that unreasonable. And I didn't want to email you with it because you already started this thread. I have too much stuff anyway though. Never hurts to make an offer:D Sorry if I offended you with my stupidly low price.

10-27-2002, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by paint magnet
Well, I don't think he said if it was aluminum or ss, so that make any used item worth roughly half of the original price, bringing the value down to 25 bucks, then since it's .697 I guess that's another half, and I'd pay shipping, so it's not that unreasonable. And I didn't want to email you with it because you already started this thread. I have too much stuff anyway though. Never hurts to make an offer:D Sorry if I offended you with my stupidly low price.

You didn't offend me.. I would think if you offended anyone it would have been yourself ;) I think I have buyer for 30-35$. If anyone can beat that email me at [email protected] as soon as possible.

And yes, 10$ plus shipping is ridiculuos and stupid, so I ignored it ;)


10-27-2002, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by dcmander

You didn't offend me.. I would think if you offended anyone it would have been yourself ;) I think I have buyer for 30-35$. If anyone can beat that email me at [email protected] as soon as possible.

And yes, 10$ plus shipping is ridiculuos and stupid, so I ignored it ;)


Sounds a lot smarter then buying a 697...:rolleyes:


10-27-2002, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Tron

Sounds a lot smarter then buying a 697...:rolleyes:

Hah, actually that's true! :P But it wasn't my fault! I hate people that don't answer emails.. :(

**BTW, I'm not dissing him for his offer. I'm just playing. But no, 10$ is unacceptable for me. I would rather just keep it and use it for when my paintballs swell in the summer.**