View Full Version : Hot glue for foamies.

Jack Napier
10-21-2002, 09:02 PM
The only glue I have to put on my extra foamie is hotglue. Any problems with that?

10-21-2002, 09:23 PM
nope it shouldn't be a problem....

just make sure teh the area on the bolt you are going to attach it to is clean.... and if you can just rough it up a little to help it stick better

10-21-2002, 10:23 PM
The only problem I can think of is dont leave your gun in the car on a hot day, the hot glue may melt. Other than that it should work.

Jack Napier
10-21-2002, 10:41 PM
I hot glued it and let it sit for 10min and now its gone bye. Guess I'm going foamless.

10-22-2002, 06:53 AM
Hot glue doesn't stick to metal very well. Use superglue to glue foamies on.

Load SM5
10-22-2002, 12:31 PM
Best stuff I've found is actually Permatex Gasket Sealant. It does'nt become brittle when it dries. It stays slightly flexible so it does'nt crack under all the repeated stress of a bolt slamming back and forth. I've never had a foamie let go after using it.

11-08-2002, 10:22 AM
Do you do anything special with the permatex, or just set it up like glue?

11-08-2002, 05:35 PM
Try epoxy! It will bond to your metal and foamie just fine. The bond will never fail, if your foamie is discentagrated (sp), there will still be some foamie left where it bonds to the epoxy! You want something permanent right?

11-09-2002, 11:17 AM
Yes, something permanent. Used superglue the other day, and can see where it is coming loose already. Any special epoxy that works well? Or just whatever?

the electrician
11-10-2002, 11:08 AM
If properly used, super glue GEL, works great and lasts a long time. you can buy it at wal-mart. notice the emphasis on the word GEL. regular super glue sucks.

the best thing to use is permatex or something similar. it stays flexible and lasts longer than the foamie itself.

personally, I make my own foamies that are a bit larger and a bit softer. just take an old computer mouse pad and a 5/16" leather hole punch and make your own.
clean the area on the bolt, where the foamie will be attached, with acetone or a similar solvent. this will remove oil and dirt. then use super glue GEL or permatex to put the foamie on. with permatex, you will have to let the bolt set for a couple of hours. if you use the super glue GEL, it will be ready in about 5 to 10 min. I've had foamies last over two years this way.

A great thing to do is make a foamie emergency repair kit. get a travel size shampoo bottle an put some acetone in it. get a bottle of Bondini Super glue GEL. make a bunch of foamies and get some Q-tips. now put all this in a bag or small container and take it with you when you play. then you can fix your foamie bolt at the field in 10 minutes and go back to having fun.

11-11-2002, 01:21 PM
IF you do use an epoxy be sure to use one formulated for porous materials. Superglue once placed on a surface will suction the glue through pores in the material. Imagine little veins of glue running through the pores in your foamie. NOw the reason why they break is when the foamie is moved, the veins in the foamie shift and the glue veins in the foamie veins are broken. thats why the superglue fails, it's not flexible like latex. You need a flexible glue or one that has a super bond on the surface like epoxy. The expoy bond will be stronger then the bond formulated in your foamie. REally, any general purpose epoxy will work, but be sure to only place a small application. One day you might have to scrape that stuff off your bolt. And epoxy does not come off very easy! Also wait at least 24 hrs before you use your bolt. Let it dry throughly!!!

11-11-2002, 07:22 PM
hey all...i was reading this and was wondering....what the crap is a foamie???please reply and tell me!!!!!!!!

11-12-2002, 01:25 AM
On the end of your bolt, there is this little circular part made of "foam" that helps the paintball not break when the bolt moves forward when you fire. Not all bolts have foamies, so if you does not, then dont panic!

11-12-2002, 04:25 PM
Those are great instructions :) I will try that out. I think by luck I bought the right kind of glue, but will have to check at home tonite.

Thanks again :)