View Full Version : Ahhh, my team is going down the crapper....

10-21-2002, 11:15 PM
Ok, well I started a team with someone on here last year, and we got together a few other people, and we started playing some, went to a tournie, played a little more, then we just stopped doing anything for a few months. Then I think, hey we need to start playing again. So I find a local tournie, I say hey we should go here and play again(this was back in september, the tournie was posponed 3 times and is scedualed for next month). Then our right tape player quits. Then I'm thinking, ok, good thing its a 4 man, but then the other day I get an IM from our left tape, he said he prolly can't make it for the tounrie. So today I talk to the other captain and tell him all this stuff going on and hes like, Well I don't even know if I can make it. And Im asking why, and he gives me some half assed answer like, I might be doing something(prolly something stupid like going to a movie or somthing) and I say we need to get the team back together, and start getting us up and running, and then I offer scince everyone is "low on funds and time" that we should practice at least every other month, and I would give them 2-3 months notice before a tournie, and he's like whatever, bye, then he signed off. So its pretty much me and one other teammate who actualy want to stay on the team. I'm realy frustrated right now. I don't know what I should do. I'm thinking of recruiting new members and just blowing off my current players, because they seem to not care, but the only thing is that outside of paintball we were kind cool, but ya...

10-22-2002, 12:23 AM
Sorry to here about your falling out. i hope you can find some more guys. i know that there are always guys around here wanting to play for teams (when i say here i mean the bay area) so i know you will find some people. Also just wondering which tourney it is and did you already pay entrance?

10-22-2002, 02:46 AM
Not to be a jerk but it didn't sound like much of a team to me. We have paintball once a week.....religiously. Most of us find time to play together at least one more day out of the week besides practice and then again if we can. I just don't see how you can accomplish anything every other month

10-22-2002, 07:51 AM
HAHAHAHA once every other month, come on now you need people willing to play every other weekend. To have a good team you need people that have money/time/and the will to set other things to the side to play. The team you HAD sounds like a bunch of friends just wanting to play but never talking or getting stuff organized. There is no reason to try to get those other guys to play. Find players that want to be on a team and want to play as much as possible. Even if they arent as good as the others at least you will be playing and helping out the rest of your team. Find some decently skilled newbies and start practicing alot and build a full out team. It will take more time but you will have more fun and eventually play better ball.

10-22-2002, 09:16 AM
I agree with TheBigRaguPB4L, if you're going to have a team, you need to play MORE than just once every two-three months. If you don't play every week, or every other week, you're not going forward with the team.. you're just playing. Teams, require practice, look at football and baseball. They don't sit around doing nothing between games.. THEY PRACTICE! Why, practice makes you better.

It's obvious they don't want anything to do with a "Team". Now this isn't saying go out and just not talk to them anymore. Just find replacements for them, and occasionally, offer for them to come out and play. (You said they're friends outside of paintball keep it that way) Hell maybe one day when you're not practicing with your team, go off with them somewhere and play.

We are thinking about starting a 5 man here in Jacksonville FL, We have a scrimmage this weekend and every one of our 6 players will be there.. ready to play no matter what. Hopefully it will continue that way, then maybe net year we can go to world cup. Who knows. All you can do is try and you're teamates/exteamates don't seem be trying too hard! Good luck though.

Jack Napier
10-22-2002, 02:06 PM
What about the people that are just too good to practice and go click click everytime?

10-22-2002, 02:11 PM
I agree. If you can't get people that are fully comitted to the cause just scrap 'em. Get some new people on board and practice every weekend or as much as money will allow. That way, you're prepared for a tournie and will most likely win something, thus boosting team morale. Good luck!

10-22-2002, 02:13 PM
I'd like to meet someone too good too practice.. it sounds to me like they'd be the ones I DON'T want on my team. Just because you're a good individual player doesn't mean you're a good TEAM player. And yes.. there's a huge difference. If a teamate doesn't practice because "I'm too good" to practice.. they'd be finding another team to play on. No matter what the sport is.. you need practice to make yourself better. Otherwise you're just half-assin it. But.. that's just my .02

10-22-2002, 02:23 PM
I was on a team in Miami that practiced every weekend and also met one weeknight a week. We collected dues, and at one point even fined people that showed up late to practice. At practice we would do different drills, with paint and without. We had enough people to field two 10-man teams. Unfortunately the core of the team went to college or the military, and the team split up.:mad:

10-22-2002, 04:59 PM
those guys dont sound like people I'd like to be teammates with!

10-22-2002, 07:15 PM
To all you guys saying that we should play like every weekend, thats crazy, we aren't sponsored and we have to pay $90 a day, thats like $360 a month, I don't know about you but I don't have that kinda extra money on me. Even every other week its $180 a month. If we were sponored then ya we would probably play more often but we aren't mostly because we can't get the team together to practice or play tournies, so pretty much if you can't afford it to start out, you won't be able to get sponsored. So I guess in a way the only people getting sponsored are the people that don't realy need it. And to sum everything up that I just said, we're doomed.:(

10-22-2002, 07:28 PM
Infinity, you don't have to go to a field just to practice. If one of your teammate's backyards(or yours for that matter) is flat and big enough set up some boards and practice there. Drill, drill, drill. I only spend about 20 bucks when I play with friends(woodsball). When my team(Arm the Homeless) needs to practice on a field, yea, we do shell out about $90 bucks a head but we only go about once a month, or even less than that. Well, what I'm basically trying to say is that you don't have to spend $90 bucks just to practice.:D

10-22-2002, 08:13 PM
It would be nice to have a teammate that has a big enough back yard:(

Jack Napier
10-22-2002, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by FrAuStY
I'd like to meet someone too good too practice.. it sounds to me like they'd be the ones I DON'T want on my team. Just because you're a good individual player doesn't mean you're a good TEAM player. And yes.. there's a huge difference. If a teamate doesn't practice because "I'm too good" to practice.. they'd be finding another team to play on. No matter what the sport is.. you need practice to make yourself better. Otherwise you're just half-assin it. But.. that's just my .02

But some teams do click. I think practicing once a month or even every other month is fine if your team clicks. I agree with what you have to say on the "I'm the best" types.