View Full Version : i'm still shocked....my mag ripped ALL DAY

10-22-2002, 02:02 AM
So I take my old '95 automag out of the closet, replace every o-ring, install an intelliframe and level 10 mod, throw my dynaflow and a boomstick on it and head out to the field for a big game. This is where the fun starts.
This gun shot so good it ought to be illegal. It shot just as flat, far, and straight as any cocker out there. It was unreal. I was one balling people across the field all day. I'm sorry but I don't remember my mag ever shooting this good back in the day. And level 10 has got to be the best thing since sliced bread. Seeing is believing. I shot 2 1/2 cases with out a single ball break. I chronoed in at 290 and it stayed there all day. It fluctuated maybe one or two at the most but that was the paint. This is the best and most accurate gun I have shot consistantly in a long time and thats the truth. Man I'm still all jazzed up. Oh and by the way it was fast to, I got on the trigger and was easily hitting 8 balls a second. Pretty good for a manual trigger with a classic valve.
Well thanks for reading this, I was busting at the seams with excitement after this weekend playing.
Tom, thank you for a product (level 10) that has my vote for product of the year.
Back to spreading the word. Peace.

Load SM5
10-22-2002, 10:33 AM
Preach it brotha!

10-22-2002, 10:51 AM
GO Kman!! (thanks) AGD

10-22-2002, 11:00 AM
kman- Which field were you playing at? Was it Weekend Warriors? I wasn't there, but that's the field that you can find me at during the summer. Good to see the Mag come back out of the closet. Was LVL10 one of the reason why you started shooting it again?

10-22-2002, 11:00 PM
Hey Black I went out to the Warpaint Super Game in west salem sunday. It was my third one and I'll never miss another one, there that much fun. And yes level 10 was the dominant factor with shooting my mag again. It's like a whole new gun. It all started when I went and hung out at the Oregon AO day at said field. But you never truly get a sense of a gun until you actualy play a game with it. For me it was this weekend.
I have played at Weekend Warriors and would like to much more, it's a great field.

Tom, your welcome. You guys rock. Peace.

Gitaroo Man
10-22-2002, 11:18 PM
hey....my last name is KasMAN....haha sorry just found that interesting...wow i am tired

10-23-2002, 02:20 AM
I gotta say, the mag rocks. It's the best.

Creative Mayhem
10-23-2002, 04:41 AM
i'm still shocked....my mag ripped ALL DAY

Knowing the R&D that goes into every AGD product, you seem surprised, WHY?

Of course it ripped all day, my STILL rips after 10yrs.

Thanks again Tom......

C Mayhem
AKA Purple Wang

10-23-2002, 01:06 PM
I can't believe you're surprised!?!?! ;) My ReTro Mag has on;y had one 'issue' and that's the not-oiled-enough-lx issue.

Later ~ Jonesie

10-23-2002, 04:04 PM
Sounds like you had a good day :-)

In the past couple years I have had 2 of those days. The first day was after I brought the mag out of the garage after not playing for 3 years, changed o-rings and away I went. The next was after I installed my level 10. Even with a bad reg nut and only shooting 230, it was one of my best days ever.