View Full Version : My mag, what you think

10-22-2002, 06:28 AM
Hey this is a picture of my mag the only thing i havent done anything to is the valve but I have changed the bolt to an ANS and got a benchmark double trigger frame. Its 24 inches long with everything on it. The barrel is a Venturi I believe, gadget grip, and a rickochet hopper. So tell me what you think, pros and cons, and how I can make it even better.


10-22-2002, 12:10 PM
I-frame beats the crap out of the benchie's.

Dump the ANS bolt & stick w/ stock. Better yet, get a lvl 10.

Warp's are fun :-)

10-22-2002, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by spazzed
I-frame beats the crap out of the benchie's.

Dump the ANS bolt & stick w/ stock. Better yet, get a lvl 10.

Warp's are fun :-)

Very true to all of those. With the Intelliframe you get much less trigger play. You get also get a blade trigger if thats your fancy.

The Level 10 kit, will also eliminate any chopping problems if you had them. Also a lighter bolt, some people have said that they feel it reduces recoil.

Warps are VERY much a lot of fun. You could also look into getting a fiber wrapped tank. That looks like a steel tank, and they weigh a ton compared to a fiber wrapped tank.

Hope all that helps. Nice gun. :D

Jack Napier
10-22-2002, 02:02 PM
Looks like your trying to be as compact as possible. Have you ever thought about getting a drop?

10-22-2002, 02:03 PM
I too recommend getting an Intelliframe, Level 10 and depending on your style of play, a warp feed. You may also want to consider getting a drop forward but if you like your current tank set up keep it. Never change your style of play if it works and your comfortable with it just because someone says "This and that are the new and best stuff out there, you should get it." You should also try and get a fiber wrapped tank if you have the money. I have a steel like yours and my friend has a fiber wrapped and it feels like nothing.

10-22-2002, 07:01 PM
The venturi barrel isn't my favorite barrel, but if it works for you, then stick with it. I don't know how much you're looking to put into it, but a Level 10, ReTro, and an Intelliframe are good upgrade options. If you like how it performs overall though, maybe a nice powdercoating job will round it out.

10-24-2002, 10:50 AM
Thanks for all your help guys, I think Im goin look into the level 10 and a drop forward. Thanks again.


10-24-2002, 11:46 AM
I'm sure you're trying to reduce costs and maximize value, so here are my suggestion in order of 'importance'.

1. Go back to the Stock Bolt, or get a Level 10. Deffinately worth the cash!

2. Get a powerfeed body. This will not only help reduce breaks (with or without Level 10), but it will help increase your feed rate.

3. I would consider getting a drop forward. I really like the Shocktech drops, you can also get an on/off ASA to screw your tank into.

4. Put that Benchy up on eBay or in the Classified Forums here on AO, then turn around and get an IntelliFrame. They can't be beat.

5. If you want, get a fiber-wrapped tank. They do reduce weight dramatically.

6. You don't HAVE to consider this one, but I LOVE my ReTro Valve. My trigger is like a mouse-click. Worth every penny!

Hope This Helps. I'm sure you're like me, there will never be enough money to put into my baby, whether it's upgrades or paint... :D

Later ~ Jonesie