View Full Version : Is my Reg Piston assembly shot?

10-22-2002, 03:02 PM
Could a blast of too high an input prssuure damage it? The other day I accidently let too much pressure out of my apcoalypse, it screwed up my output pressure gauge and caused the valve to take off firing!

I have a fairly new retro valve (4 months) with level 10. It had worked with the short spring, but when I turn up the velocity after going to the cut spring it leaks out the back. I've also noticed it has started to leak out the back a little with the short spring untill I adjust the velocity.

Is this a reg piston problem or is there something I can do to fix this? Any input is appreciated! Thanks

10-23-2002, 04:26 PM
I had to buy a new reg piston as well. If you can't get velocity out of the gun with your level 10. Time for a new reg piston.