View Full Version : My first tournament coming :)

10-22-2002, 08:12 PM
Oh I cant wait
Its a small local kind of tourny (not at a small paintball place, the largest paintball place on the east coast) but its a "beginners" tourny which is completely fine by me since I am a pure 100% n00b :) I cant wait though. Its a 3 man, does anyone have any tips they can give me? Please, anything would be appreciated :) Right now my general plan is to go two down each side and one down the middle in a triangle pattern where each person can cover the other while moving, but from my limited experiance most things like that dont work out very well. Any pointers? :) Thanks

I cant wait

10-22-2002, 08:43 PM
First off, good luck with your first tourney. Hope the teams you're playing against play fair...

One bit of advice that I can give you, which, it seems, everybody has heard and nobody listens too, is this: communicate with your team. It can sometimes be easy to forget about in the intensity of the game. I don't know, tape a message on the back of your hopper if need be...

A couple of friends and I are going this weekend to a five man, and we'll need to pick up a couple guys there (as you might have guessed, winning isn't exactly our first priority). I can tell you right now, the first thing that we drill into their heads is going to be for them to be yelling at us during the games. There are few things more frustrating for a good player than yelling at his/her team mates for information only to be answered with silence.

Of course, it only becomes all the more important for a three man like the one you'll be in. With a higher number of players, chances are you'll have at least a few guys you can be shooting at, and the ones you can't see will have a few of your guys shooting at them. With only three people on each team, though, each elimination becomes absolutely crucial. Losing a single player can mean losing the game. Make sure that your team knows everything that you know at any given time, and make sure they do the same.

And oh, don't forget -

Have fun.

Creative Mayhem
10-23-2002, 05:38 AM
I remember my first tourney..... but that's another story. Walk the field if you can, establish a game plan then execute it. DON'T FOGET TO COMMUNICATE! Comunication is key, if you don't communicate you don't know what your teammates are doing, and they won't know what you're doing.

Good luck and have fun!

C Mayhem
AKA Purple Wang

10-23-2002, 06:45 AM
my thoughts.. for being your first ...


and don't get mad if you lose!!! Keep your head up, and TALK to your team.

I've been watching 3 man now for awhile.. and with the newer players and some of the middle class players they take them selves out of the whole tourny cause they get pissed off over the first game or too!!!

just have FUN!! and good luck!

10-23-2002, 07:15 AM
first tourneys= for experience,to get a feel for it
2nd and up = go to win

dont expect a lot out of your first tourney, just use it to prepare and learn from to do better at later ones.

10-23-2002, 08:25 AM
I would also add to not get discouraged. In a recent 3 man that my team was in, our overall standing fluctuated during the tounry from 5th, to next to last. We ended up finishing 10th in a field of 20+. Don't get discouraged if your ranking is not that high. The reason I stress this is that at the same tournie, two teams that just did not do all that well, left early on rather than play on.

Just go in there to have fun. If you happen to place, or win, think of it as a bonus.


10-23-2002, 09:03 AM
Pev's AG 3-man; if you have tourney experience you cannot play in it; some pretty good prizes, have fun, if I wasn't playing in the Splatbrothers biggame; I would be up there but since I won't be there, good luck and have fun

10-23-2002, 10:43 AM
Have fun and good luck!

Make sure you keep an eye on how far out from bunkers or inflatables you go. It's amazing where you might get hit you wouldn't even think of, like the corner of a pack or a tip of your foot. If you can remember to stay in tight and not stay out in the open very long when you look or snapshoot you'll be doing yourself a big favor. Communication is real important as was stated above. However, one thing to keep in mind though is if the field your playing on has a snake, don't get mad if your point guys who might be up there don't respond. They might be crawling to make a good move with the opposition not even knowing they are there, so obviously yelling a reply to you gives away their position. I've had to ignore cover men this way before for a minute. Make sure your backline players keep sight of where your front line guys go so they can accurately provide cover fire, and keep moving. Stay aggressive! Watch your tape lines too...getting side shot or back doored sucks.

Oh yeah, also try shooting from the break at possible bunkers you think they might be heading for. It's a bit easier to catch a guy coming into the bunker he's pre-chosen than hitting him on the move. You might get lucky and "sweet spot" him. Definitely walk the field before you play and see what good and bad places there are so you won't be surprised when you get there, and lastly, build some rapport with the other teams. Maybe you can scrimmage them in the future and get more experience. Good luck bro..hit 'em hard!

10-23-2002, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by LawFox32
Pev's AG 3-man; if you have tourney experience you cannot play in it

Sadly, this is not completely true. I know for a fact that one team there will contain 2 players who have played in at least one tourney, and another player who has played in SEVERAL tourneys. Apparently, they said they have been told it is ok for them to join (although I have not verified this myself), since they have not been in a "tournament series." So I guess even if you have played over 5 tournaments, as long as the tournaments are not a series...whatever the heck that means...you can still play. Kind of destroys the whole "beginner tournament" concept if what they say is true...if not, you still have a team of tournament players participating in a beginner tournament.

10-23-2002, 04:38 PM
My first one is gonna be Sunday, so we'll compare notes afterwards ;)

10-23-2002, 04:44 PM
same as shirow. my first is sunday at the same place. shirow we should get hooked up i no ur on the mad cows whats ur real name. mine is jason(on fusion).

10-23-2002, 10:00 PM
Mine's Simon. You gonna be shooting a mag? That'll be cool.. there's a guy on my team with a black warped E-Mag too.. let's mag it up :) Come say hi to me, I'm the guy w/ the english accent, ponytail and automag.

10-24-2002, 05:51 PM
Thanks so much for your responses, they are really helpful because I dont have any experiance at all in tourneys,

Thanks :)

Yes this is the 3 man Pevs tournament, do you have any idea what those goes will be shooting? I am kind of afraid because my team will be shooting pretty low end stuff

Custom 98 with double trigger/all american
Custom 98 stock possibly with some sort of new barrel before the tourny (I sure hope so)
Pro Carbine (mine) with J&J Ceramic, rear velocity adj, venturi bolt (this scares me, its brand new and I hope I will be able to chrono) and drop forward

10-24-2002, 07:54 PM
does anyone know if this tournament will be netted also? for spectators (with video camera :) I have a mpeg encoder so I can have ANY input video and audio, tapes, dvds, games, anything and convert it on my computer quick n easy so I want my first video to be my first tournament :))

Will Wood
10-24-2002, 08:19 PM
Ahhhh...3 man newb tourney. Best things ever. I've been .. to like 3 I think. You most likely not win, some experienced players usually slip in and take first. But they are still tons of fun.

Comminication is key. I've played in 2 5 man tournies and a 3 man (excluding the newb tournies). None of them went through without a gun problem, so that costed us each a game min. Back to comminication. This is my teams biggest problem. You need to talk. I once ran to the snake and after I got out, my teammate was like "WTF did you do that the guy had a perfect angle on you".... yea I didn't know there was a guy thanks for telling me. Talk. Talk really loud. Talk alot. My team sucks at it, and it costs us.

Other then that..that's the only really think we can tell you do to other then win, don't get out, and max out every game :). lol.

10-24-2002, 08:20 PM
lol thanks

10-25-2002, 05:39 PM
I am so jazzed about this tourney. This also my first tourney, but I have to say the speed ball is where it is at. Our captain, Rex (AKA Furley) has had some tourney experience. He shoots a blue shutter (tring to convince him to upgrade to an E-Mag) I am the one that Shirow was talking about with the black emag.. I will see you there, and good luck.

I enclosed a pic of my baby.


10-25-2002, 05:51 PM
just play tight don't give leave yourself expose. just don't shoot at one area try to shoot other bunkers ( as long as you know where they are ). big advantage when you hold down two of their players so your other team mate can go to their second bunkers. DON'T GET STUCK IN ONE BUNKER. always find ways to cross shoot your opponent. never ever shoot the your mirror chances are, you're leaving yourself open to get shot.

10-25-2002, 06:32 PM
In 3man it is all about being aggressive and putting out a lot of paint.

10-25-2002, 07:21 PM
holy CRAP you have an emag....

we have two custom 98's and pro carbine :)

10-25-2002, 07:57 PM
hey lamby, whats up dude? i just got a black minimag body and a warp from steve, so we can mag it up to hell and back this weekend!


10-26-2002, 08:35 AM
My rommate is going to break in his new cocker too. So we got a couple of pretty bad a$$ markers. Bennie (the mental oriantal) has an e frame sypder and a tippy 98/flateline I am sure you have played with or against these gues in the past. My roommate is also bringing his 68 classic with LX as a backup if we need one.


10-26-2002, 09:15 AM
Sweetness, sounds like it's going to be a good time :) Not sure if the flatline is going to be that useful for speedball, but the spyder will work :p 'Breaking in a cocker' sounds like a euphemism for 'sitting out the first 3 games trying to make it work though' - I'll keep my fingers crossed ;) I still have to tune my warp up so I'm gonna get there early and head down to the range..

10-26-2002, 07:36 PM
are you guys going to the pevs @ AG 3 man tournament ...

then im really really scared now

10-26-2002, 08:15 PM
lol nope, you're safe.

10-26-2002, 08:55 PM
I signed up today at pevs and I was relieve to see that you had to list what marker you were using so im hoping they will try to make that fair :)

Pile & A Half
10-26-2002, 11:30 PM
Good Luck!

10-27-2002, 06:56 AM
Alright, it's 6am and in a couple of hours, Me, Lamby, Wimag and some other guys from AO will be down there (not all on the same team.. ;) )

Wish us luck, we'll be showing 'em what mags can do!

10-27-2002, 08:27 AM
heh, as it turns out im planning on heading up there as well. i dont really plan on playing too hard. im playing with a couple of friends, and both of them ( as well as me) havent played in about a year and a half. im hoping to shake off some of the rust from being away so long and hopefully get a good feel for how tournaments are run.
hope to see some of you there!

edit- does anyone know anything about like when we have to register and when it starts?

10-27-2002, 09:12 AM
you have to register TODAY (SUNDAY) and I am almost certain its the last day, if it isnt you still have tomorrow too, you have to go to a pevs shop and sign up (thats what I did, I heard you could call in too but I wasnt sure about that)

10-27-2002, 12:06 PM
can we call? the woodbridge store is closed today

10-27-2002, 01:40 PM
no go to a pro shop
www.pevs.com for 8 locations I believe
I thought woodbridge was closed for good

10-27-2002, 03:50 PM
ah, sorry, i meant proshop. not field

10-27-2002, 04:07 PM
I hope you signed up by now :) Call them if you have to