View Full Version : question about sites

10-23-2002, 02:26 AM
alright, i've never used a site...except for laser sites on toy guns or scopes on bb guns.

now...how the hell do sites work on paintball guns...like dye's izon...if there's a big hopper or powerfeed in the way of the site???

i just dont get it. if ya look through it won't ya just see a hopper? or whatever is in front of it?

Creative Mayhem
10-23-2002, 04:27 AM
That type of sight is a bi-ocular sight, similar to those used in some armed forces. It's made so you don't get tunnel vision, and keep your target in view at the same time. You would simply look through the sight with one eye, while tracking the target with the other. Sounds confusing huh? What your mind will percieve is a red dot on the target when there actually isn't one being "projected" on the target. It is similar to the Apache strike helicopter, the pilot gets tracking/sighting info fed into one eye, while the other is uesed for, you guessed it, watching where he's flying. It's a nice design if you can get used to it. Good luck

C Mayhem
AKA Purple Wang

10-23-2002, 07:03 AM
Hehehe...ok, do this. Hold a pen up in front of you at arms length. Pretend the tip of it is red...thats exactly what youre gonna see. It will superimpose a point onto your target...just keep both eyes open, and focus on the target, not the sight.
We use reflex sights all the time....they are great for snap target aquisition. As for paintball aiming...I usually just use the fire/adjust method.

10-23-2002, 11:43 AM
I use the Armson sight, which is very similar to the Dye. It takes a little getting used to, but you can begin to sweep across the field with your gun and it super-imposes the red dot where the paintball will go. I generally set mine for 100-125'...