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View Full Version : what's the deal with hoppers?

10-23-2002, 02:32 AM
so, wassup w/ hoppers nowadays?

i see the ricochet, halo, and evlution 2.

what's the best?

would i be fine with just a 12v revvy smoke colored w/ x-board instead of that other stuff.

seriously, the evlution is so ugly. looks like a big egg.

the halo looks all weird the way it's rounded.

ricochet looks alright.

i still like the original revvy look.

Mr Pink
10-23-2002, 03:28 AM
Hey, but at least the is a choice now. And having a choice means the manufactorers have to make their products to a higher standard to keep their customers (In theory at least! ;) )

Creative Mayhem
10-23-2002, 03:57 AM
In My opinion there are several reasons for the different shapes, sizes and/or designs out there.

Manufaturer's will patent a design before marketing them, which includes the appearance. They all look "weird" as you put it, because of the patent issue.

The internal mechanisms are different from one hopper to the next. Revvys are as you know small motor driven units, there fore not needing the "size" of the others. Halos are larger due to the system they use to feed the balls to the gun. In the Halo B, is a belt driven system therefore needing more room for the motor, belt and "aggitator" (didn't know what else to call it) Ricccochets are all together different, they use a solenoid to "shake" the balls, preventing jams, and feed the balls into the feed tube.

Most designs run on batteries. Even though the rend seems to be moving towards electros, the regular schmoe dosen't have an electro that he/she can tap into for power to drive thier hopper, so they have to run on batteries. Where to put the batteries? HMMMM maybe we'll add a box on the lower rear portion on the hopper(as in the case of most hoppers) This changes the size and shape of the respective designs.

This is just my .02, if I missed something please add to it. This is just what I believe to be the contributing factors in a hopper's design.

C Mayhem
AKA Purple Wang

10-23-2002, 07:41 AM
here are some numbers for you on rates of fire:

HALO B: 22bps

eVLution 2: 17bps

HALO A: 16bps

eVLution 1: 13bps

Revolution w/ XBoard: 13bps

Ricco : 12bps

Revolution: 11bps

hope that helps. the cost is also pretty much linear with those feed rates(starting at $120-130 down to $50)

10-23-2002, 02:22 PM
Just to clarify, Creative Mayhem, the richochet uses a agitator just like the revy, but its better designed and spins on every ball falling through the feedneck.

The Mach 404 is the vibrating one.

Basically, what kind of gun do you have? How fast do you shoot? For your basic cocker or mag, a 12v revy with or without Xboard would be dandy. Not smoke though, smoke revvies feed too slow. Richochets are good too, but once again, no smoke ;)

Umm - I love my halo B, just wish my dumb angel would stop breaking paint thats all.

Get a eggolution!

10-23-2002, 03:08 PM
wait a second...so color makes a difference now?

i own a minimag...as u can see in my sig.

i guess a 12v revvy w/ x-board would be sufficient.

but now you're saying the smoke one isn't good? the black ones are too plain...i wanna see my balls. (ew that didnt' sound right).

but i also don't want a clear one.

10-23-2002, 03:28 PM
Sorry, i was kidding. My apologies :)

10-23-2002, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by scribe

but now you're saying the smoke one isn't good? the black ones are too plain...i wanna see my balls. (ew that didnt' sound right).

but i also don't want a clear one.

the problem I have with see-thru hoppers is that everyone on the field knows how much paint you have!

10-23-2002, 04:25 PM
the pre XBoard revvies had troubles with sun and so they had a long delay in the clear/gem revvies. the XBoard fixes this completely. dont worry about getting a Gem revvie if its an XBoard

10-23-2002, 05:44 PM
lmao you tricked me!

messing w/ a noobs' mind = :(

lol. thanks for the help peeps.

10-23-2002, 06:30 PM
bit its so fun though :D :D

10-24-2002, 05:18 AM
It all depends an the purpose of the hopper. If u want a lighter setup, then a Halo might be to heavy and useless feeding that fast. If u play back, then a Halo B is awesome. I dont think it is even possible to outshoot a Halo B, and then if u add a warp. :eek: So just depends. But like someone mentioned earlier, at least we have all these choices. :)