View Full Version : Paintball in Germany ???(Army Posts)

10-23-2002, 10:47 AM
I'm a U.S Army solider and was wondering if there a places to play paintball in Germany. On or off post, and they are any good.What does it usuall cost?

10-23-2002, 11:16 AM
I know there are places to play for my best freind played there when his dad was stationed in Germany. Were exactly in Germany are you going to be stationed, I will ask him for any info he remembers.

10-23-2002, 11:46 AM
I heard paintball in germany, one of the local players left to Germany and he asked a friend of his that already went there if they had good paintball fields, he said 10 times better then here, but we are in el paso, texas.

Load SM5
10-23-2002, 11:51 AM
PM Sledghammer, he lives in Saarbrücken. He might be able to help you out.

10-24-2002, 11:08 AM
Paintball in germany is pretty hopeless. I've been to a few places, some of which have been shut down since. Germany is against paintball in many ways more than America. They are very nervous about what kind of image the sport can give to their country .
Here are a few rules that need to be abided:

- It's pretty hard to get a license as a field owner. That's why most fields
in south western Germany are located on US facilities.
- Technically it's illegal to use US or British CO2 bottels or HP systems in
Germany (It's legal to have them but it's illegal to fill them) - However
this is not an issue if you play in France or on US facilities.
- Markers have to pass inspection with our federal police to become legal in
Germany (Markers that are not yet legal over here include the Automag RT
pro, the Emag, the Emag Extreme and the Bob Long Intimidator).
- Markers have to be transported in the trunk of your car, preferably in a
locked container, you can only transport it from one place where you are
allowed to use it to another (e.g. from aour home to a field), while
transporting it there can be no gas and no balls in it (gas is debatable
- Markers can't shoot faster then 230 fps in Germany, anything with an
impact energy higher then 7.5 joules will be regarded as a firearm that you
need a license for. (The first Automags over here actually came with the
velocity adjusting nut loctited in).
- All legal markers have to have the F sign (little F in a pentagon) newer
Brass Eagle Markers come with it from the States others get it from the
- There are some parts you can put on your marker that are a big NO NO: Most
barrels with muzzle brakes. Everything that is mounted vertically in the
front e.g. regulators, expansion chambers, the Emag battery pack, front
grips. Supressors. Again this doesn't apply while playing in France or on US
facilities. It still does apply while transporting the gun though.
- Electros can't go full auto or burst fire in Germany (that'd automatically
make them a military fire arm and could get you into really serious
trouble), so just leave the tournament jumpers out.
- If you are under 18 you're not allowed to have a marker. It's a serious
crime to give a marker to anyone under the age of 18.

I think these are basically the most important guidelines.

Oh, and shooting your marker outside of private property or a playingfield
will also get you into bad trouble.

Worst of all, no camoflauge clothing!
Not a biggie since there are only speedball fields here anyway.
Your best bet is to go to the U.S. facilities, but the one I atteneded wasn't anything to write home about. It was definitely a safety disaster waiting to explode, and I told the owners so.
I hope this helped.

10-24-2002, 04:19 PM
Maghog summed it up pretty good.
<b>But</b> if you're here as US forces, most of this doesn't really apply to you.

For example the field in on Vogelweh base is not bad. They are friendly, you can bring your own paint and it's relatively cheap. Just don't ask about the safety... And their Compressor is broken on a regular basis so you'll only get CO2 there.

10-24-2002, 05:23 PM
There is a foreign exchamge student in my grade. We were talking about paintball on a bus ride for an away soccer game and he said he had never played and wanted to. We asked him why he never has and he responded that it is illegal to play. We have convinced him to play and hopefully when soccer season is over he will get an opportunity to play.

10-24-2002, 10:55 PM
It's a pretty common misconception over here, that paintball is entirely illegal. It's not!!! Ist just - err - overregulated :mad: :p

10-25-2002, 12:47 AM
dang i feel sorry for you germans...:)