View Full Version : Question re lvl10 info

Lone Brain Cell
10-23-2002, 04:57 PM
I know there is heaps of threads here on how to set this and that up & what problem u have. But could someone with all the knoledge please post a list and how to fix IE:

Problem Solution
Leak down the barrel.......Smaller carrier
Vents out the back......... New Reg piston.

Its just, cos I have printed about 15 pages of stuff about ppls lvl10 probs and its all over the place.

Is it possible to just get a simpler, smaller fix it page, so we can take it to the feild and if we have any probs with it we can look down a smaller list.

Thanks heaps;)

10-23-2002, 06:19 PM
ok, you do know vents out the back is turn the velocity down till it stops venting, then lookin to changing a spring right?

Lone Brain Cell
10-23-2002, 07:14 PM
Yeah I know...the reason for posting this was because I am going to a Tournie in Sydney, And I have printed all the pages (Heaps of them)of problems ppl had with with the lvl 10. Just in case I had a few probs, But to look through all the different problems I thought it might be easy in the long run (AGD will have to do it one day) to do a problem solving thread ( A Compact one) you know like when you buy an appliance, and they say things like:

The toaster isnt working.........Make sure the toaster is pluged in.

I thought that it may be easy to do

the bolt is sticking........Solution BLAH BLAH
air is venting out the back....Solution BLAH BLAH

You know??!!?
