View Full Version : electro carbine

10-23-2002, 05:20 PM
OK guys, you may see this post reappear in the future, i'm planing to turn my old tippmann 68-carbine into an electro, just a super semi, and well if i get around to making the circut (which i already know how to do) a full auto mode (i want to stay away from programing, so sorry, no burst modes) now so far i've only thought of the idea in my head, and just started putting it down on paper. To make this thing simpler, i'm just going to deal w/ the semi mode only.
What i want/plan to do is replace the rear bolt (red thing) with an electronic solenoid tied to a roller switch that's linked to the trigger, still with me? Now the problem with that, is what about the linkage arm (black line on the top w/ the arrows) the front and rear bolts are directly connected via that bolt, remove the rear bolt, and the front one will not be able to move. The gun is timed such that the front bolt (gray) pushes the ball into the barrel just before the rear bolt (red) hits the valve pin(thing sticking out of the green thing) my question to all you guys is what about the linkage arm, do you think i could do away w/ the front bolt, and just have the power tube (darker blue) doing the work? but all guns have a front bolt, and would just the power tube be too rough on the paintballs? if not, any ideas how to get the front bolt (gray) to move as it does now, keep in mind hte solenoid plunger doesn't have the travel of the rear bolt. that seems to be my major problem at the moment so any help/ideas are welcome, i'm just a single mind, i need input. sorry this is so long, but let's see what i can conjure up (sorry about the poor drawing)