View Full Version : I went paintballing in ROTC

Major Ho
10-23-2002, 08:13 PM
This past Tuesday was the long awaited paintball lab combined with our usual squad movement battledrills and what nots... We had done it time and time again but with dummy rifles or sticks or just plain ol hand and finger pointed at someone :p Quite different when paintball was included. The ~70 or so rental Pro-carbines and a few M98's here and there, and some Tippman Squadbuster grenades were courtesy of Pev's paintball. The two drill we ran were attacking a bunker and an ambush. Our patrol unit was about 2 squads (~20 or so guys and gals, for us at least)
First exercise, we were just marching around in formation for a while through some dense brush/vegetation for a while, occasionally having to drop everyfew minutes(apparently for no reason) Finally after a while of marching around our squad or team leaders came running around saying that they had spotted a bunker and my team was to flank and take it out. Using our cheesy buddy movement techniques we advanced on it, I had the grenade, went through the whole drill, shook that lil piece up and let her loose into the rear entrance/exit of the bunker etc.... Im trying to spare you all the unnessary details. Any ways It was funny as heck because when the Op4(opposing force I think it stands for) came out he was ALL blue from head to...knee :D
Second exercise we had to move out again same drill of jumping through/around bushes, hitting the dirt and getting up again. Our team was in charge of rear security, which was where some of the 4th year Mil. Sci. cadets were trotting around with their radios observing. We overheard their loud radio calls that one of the MS4's accompanied with some OP4's were going to attack us from the rear, so our lil team continued on like nothing had happened just waiting for something to come from behind... Just as we come out of some really thick brush and hit a semi-open trail some shots were fired from behind us, the fearless OP4 led by the battalion commander, which by the way is a high speed crazy infantry-man. My team and I were pretty much singled out since we were in the back and we only had 4 to our team. So I with my mad trigger skillz wail on the STIFF procarbine trigger and unloaded nearly 3/4 of my hopper(shh dont tell i snuck about 200 rounds to split btw me and my team member so no fear on low ammo. Of course the tippmans blow fat donkey chunks so all those rounds and the enemy only about 10-20 meters away no one hit anyone besides this one dude who was totally clueless and got lit up all white and blue.
But that pretty much it, the whistle blue because i guess they didnt want ppl messed up too bad being that close to each other. Just thought I would share my lil paintball experince in collaboration with my ROTC class. It wasnt quite modern day paintball with hyperball tubes and fast pace but it was still pretty neat.

10-23-2002, 08:41 PM
you're lucky you got semis. my battalion can't afford to rent paintball guns, so we have a pair of old beat ukp prolites and about 14 trracer pump guns. we have a game each week, but it's usually 3 or 4 cadets and the OIC(a new 2nd Lieutenant). it's fun to bring my old mag and go nuts on them. i have a field training exercise this weekend, which i unfortunately can't bring my mag to. it's really hard to run through proper squad tactics with pump guns, particularly when most of the cadets(who are usually MSI and MSII level) don't really know what's going on. movement to contact? what's that? security? aren't those the guys on the flanks of the firing line? it's rather frightening sometimes, but then, we're not taught much in the way of tactics in the first two years. that generally is left for our 3rd year

10-23-2002, 08:49 PM
Yeah we managed to get a ROTC paintball club at my school! Just wondering what branch ROTC are yall? And what rank are you? We r Air Force , and Im only an Airman...

10-23-2002, 08:56 PM
Cadet Corporal, Army ROTC. Charlie company of the Mohawk Battalion. SUNY dogs of war lead the way!

Major Ho
10-23-2002, 09:23 PM
This is a rare if not, to my knowledge, the first paintball exercise Patriot Battalion has ever done, George Mason Univeristy Fairfax, VA. They wouldnt let me use my own gear, not even my own mask. My rental was all scratched and fogged up in the middle. This semester they are really doing some cool stuff, Paintball, Wall climbing, more FTX's and cool stuff. As for rank, I think im supposed to be a cadet corporal but I missed the FTX where they basically handed out ranks because they were short on leadership. MS II's automatically were c.coporals. I was hoping to bring in my spyder on crack(sprint frame) because i figure a Z-grip/warp feed/retromag would be a little intimidating to the huge number of MS I's we have this semester. Oh yeah we went to the rifle range too, new for me at least.
P.S. M-16s are way nifty:D