View Full Version : halo/warp

10-23-2002, 09:29 PM
does it do any good at all to run a halo on a warp

10-23-2002, 09:32 PM
There's really no point whatsoever. Warp will feed 20+ bps with a revvy just as well as it would with a halo. And plus you're using a force feed hopper (halo) with a force feed system (warp) ... not sure it would work out.

10-23-2002, 09:42 PM
well ive seen ppl do it and im just not sure

10-23-2002, 10:55 PM
It definitely works! The warp's purpose was truly to keep the hopper from being a viable target on-top of the marker, the force feeding made that a requirement. The weakness of the warpfeed is still the hopper that feeds it. The HALO definitely fits the bill because it will feed the Warpfeed just as good as it would directly feeding the marker, making the warp that much more realiable.

10-23-2002, 11:26 PM
It depends on what marker its on and how fast you'd be firing. Now if you're a back man, that constantly lays paint.. then yes.. the HALO B + WARP would be the feed system for you. If you don't consistently shoot above 8-10 bps, you wouldn't need the halo to feed at a constant 16-20 bps. If you're an up front or tape player, a warp/revvy would do since you're not always laying paint. In the end it can all be tacked up to personal preference. Many people run ricochet's, revvy's, and some run halo's. It's all up to your budget. My warp/revvy combo has yet to let me down, in the event it does.. the al mighty lvl10 kicks in!

10-23-2002, 11:35 PM
Personally I think the Warp + Halo combo is overkill (as in more that you need not "too much"). Now, if you have a Halo already, go ahead and through it on your Warp. I wouldn't go and spend the money for it however when an X-board Revy will keep your Warp going under basically all conditions.

For example: I have a Warp/X-board Revy on my main gun (hopper right power feed) and I keep the Halo B on my vertical feed backup gun.

Mr Pink
10-24-2002, 03:53 AM
I run a Halo on my Warp becuase it feeds at up 60degrees from vertical, which is very useful when playing up front!
It does weigh a ton tho. :rolleyes:

10-25-2002, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by Mr Pink
I run a Halo on my Warp becuase it feeds at up 60degrees from vertical

This is a good point.

10-25-2002, 09:16 AM
I have an eggo1 impeller on my revvy (x-board also) and it will feed damn near laying on its side. Of course with the stock revvy agitator it won't but if you spend the 6$ and bend the prong of the impeller, it will feed fast and consistent laying at 60 degrees.