View Full Version : Trigger rod not long enough ?!?? My mags trigger rod seems too short

10-24-2002, 09:43 AM
Okay this was a new one for me, but some of you may have incountered it.

retro valve
Adjustable tank (set to around 700 at the moment)
Intelli frame
lvl 10
Original untampered stock sear and trigger rod
unwarrenteed, high rise grey powerfeed body (like the old RT bodies with the raised powerfeed that angled back)

The Problem:
I received the new body from an AGD Attic sale and a lvl 10 kit around the same time. I put them on my retromag with intelli grip. But it won't fire. It will fire once then the trigger does not seem to be able to push the trigger rod back far enough for it to fire again. If I put something between the trigger rod and the trigger (like a folded up peice of paper), the marker fires normally.

I've tried more, and less, input pressure without any success. I've also tried increasing the velocity without fixing the problem.

I think I need a longer on/off pin. This would push the sear father, pushing the trigger rod out a little more.

What do you guys think?

Just as a side note. I installed a lvl 10 kit the same day on my emag without any problems.

Any help would be great.


10-24-2002, 01:17 PM
im not a mag expert, but I think what you think is true. It certainly seems like it, it should just unscrew itself, to make it longer, but, minor adjustment, then try, then another minor adjustment, until it works, dont want it too long either

10-24-2002, 05:34 PM
An on/off pin that is too short will be very reactive. It does not control when the sear releases. If the pin is too short the sear will release before the on/off shuts off the air to the front chamber. Therefore I suspect it is not the problem you are having.

An on/off pin that is too long will not allow the valve to properly charge after a shot because the pin doesn't fully open when the trigger is forward and the sear is latched on the bolt. This will cause symptoms similar to short stroking.

In both cases, putting a spacer behind the trigger will not help.

Maybe you need a trigger rod adjustment. Check that there is about 1/16th of an inch between the trigger and the rod while the gun is fully charged. If the gap is greater than this then it needs adjusting. Before you do this, check that the sear pin is fully seated in the rail. It may have come dislodged when you changed bodies.

10-24-2002, 05:39 PM

Thanks for the advice. The last thing I want to do is alter the trigger rod, but from what you say I may have to. But first I'll check the seating of the sear.


12-02-2002, 06:15 PM
I left the mag for a while but got back to it the other day. Turns out that my trigger rod backed out on me. This was a used mag I bought some time ago as a back-up but didn't use much. The previous owner had fiddled with the trigger rod. It now is so loose that it won't stay adjusted for more than 2 or 3 strings of shots. So I've replaced the whole sear to be on the safe side.

Thanks for the advice guys.


12-02-2002, 07:12 PM
yeh, you prolly could have gone with some loctite, but a new sear works fine too :)

12-02-2002, 07:30 PM
Well Im glad it worked out either way, And I guess I was right About it.

12-03-2002, 08:29 AM
Ya I could have loctite'd it, but it was pretty chewed up.

TastePAINt88, you were right on the money. Thanks for the advice. I didn't even think to look at the trigger rod as it's such a no-no to adjust it. I had forgotten that I had picked up this marker used a while ago. I must buy too much to have forgotten!!


12-03-2002, 08:40 AM
aright. i guess its better just to pick up a new one and ditch the old one...perfect is better than half**decent**

12-03-2002, 09:06 PM
Yea, AS long as it works out, buying a new one may have been a better solution, but a bit more money, I bet my way would have worked, but hey, buying one would have gotten to that exact length, my way wouldve only gotten a ballpark length to the correct one. Glad it worked out!:) And I didnt think the trigger rod makes such a big deal either! Im glad it worked out, and that the problem was one that was easy to fix, not like having to send it to AGD for a week (not that its a problem, its just a wait and anticipating it is a pain!)

12-04-2002, 08:42 AM
Actually sending a package to AGD is a huge pain. I'm in Canada so the marker would have to go through customs twice. It's not usually a problem, but I often get dinged for extra charges (brokerage, extra taxes, etc.)

12-04-2002, 10:18 AM
yeh, i hate it when i get orders to canada...it means i have to stand in the post office for 20 mins to ship the package and i cant just apply my own stamps AND they have to pay taxes for the damn thing when they get it....damn customs...why cant we just open up the border

12-04-2002, 10:20 AM
Suposably it is open. :rolleyes:

But I guess it could be worse.


12-04-2002, 10:02 PM
There's no duty, just taxes. If you ship by UPS, then you have to pay for some guy's kid's college tuition in a fee called brokerage. UPS in Canada and only has an office in Montreal I think, so you can't even declare the item yourself.

Regular mail or a package sent to Canada by any other courier is fairly inexpensive if the receiving person takes the paperwork to Canada Customs and declares it mimself.

I always ship USPS. It is inexpensive and fast. It usually takes less than a week to get a package from the US to Canada.