View Full Version : Hyperframe/ANS bolt Questions

10-24-2002, 03:13 PM
Ok first where can i see some pics and get some info on it? How much are they and would it be worth it or should i wait for the new AGD Intelli Z-Grip? Next, i dont have any chopping problems but i want a new bolt. If i donnt chop should i just get the ANS venturi or spring for the level 10? Thanx Guys!

10-24-2002, 03:15 PM
Sorry guys the first question as about the Hyper-frame. OOPS!

10-24-2002, 08:38 PM
Ignore the ANS bolt like the plague! Really, the only bolt upgrade (short of from older AGD bolts, to the newer ones) is LX.

10-25-2002, 09:44 AM

10-25-2002, 09:11 PM
first of all let me say that any non-agd upgrades will void your warranty.

ok now that thats out of the way, chopping problems arent usually caused by the bolt. they are due to out shooting your loader and short stroking the trigger but it sounds like youve got those two issues under control(btw what hopper are you using?) so if your gonna spend money on a bolt upgrade get the LX so that if you do run into chopping problems the LX will take care of it for you.

now as for the hyperframe(see paragraph #1), i have one on my classic and i love it! i would say that it is the best non-agd upgrade available for mags. if you do get one, send your gun in to them and let them adjust it because if the solenoid isnt adjusted correctly you can get sear and bolt lip wear. then all youll need is a warp feed and youll be smokin(like me;))!